Dedicate One's Mind

Chapter 517

The prime minister has too much power and is unable to abolish the prime minister system. How to solve it, several prime ministers will be divided, each taking power and restraining each other.

The addition of the God of prime minister is not as simple as before. This involves the structure of the kingdom of God, which needs to be carefully examined. It needs to take into account both the current situation and the future.

So Wu Yi began to think behind closed doors again. It was not until three days later that Qing Yingying brought back the earth God. Hearing Su Zhen\'s report, Wu Yi opened his eyes. The setting of the prime minister\'s God only had an eyebrow, and he didn\'t know how to implement it.

In addition to separating part of the authority of the superior, the God of the prime minister should take charge of the supervision authority and have the power to impeach the superior, so as to form a check and balance.

However, the original intention of setting up the God of prime minister is to let the two people help each other and participate in major events together, not to let them fall into endless internal strife. In this way, what boundary should be set for the supervision authority and how the boss should deal with it when he is impeached.

Compared with personnel selection, system setting is more important. Personnel can be changed, but the system cannot be changed day and night.

On the other side, Qing Yingying has led the earth God.

Ten years later, the original baby has grown up. Just as Wu Yi expected, when the earth God grew up, he suffered a lot. Although it was only ten years, it was as much as others experienced in twenty or thirty years.

At the beginning, although Wu Yi lost his Qi pulse, he was selected as the earth God by the will of heaven and earth. Naturally, his own qualification is not bad. He has grown into a tall and strong young man just by huff and puff of turbid Qi. Others will not doubt that it is the year of reaching the crown.

Since he came to this holy land, the earth God looked left and right, and his face was full of curiosity. He knew that this was the Taoist temple of the new sage sun Zhiyan, and it was also the top place in the world. His heart was half inferiority and half pride.

The earth God had not seen such a scene before. He was dazzled by the grandeur of the kingdom of God. Even the rites that Qing Yingying had taught him to do before were forgotten. Qing Yingying gave some advice and just knelt down and made great rites. He couldn\'t find anything wrong.

Wu Yi looked up and saw that the earth God was dressed in cloth, his face was dark, and there was an unyielding will unique to the youth in his eyebrows and eyes. Of course, it can also be called perseverance.

"Get up! Do you know my arrangement? Can you have resentment against me?" Wu Yi asked. Naturally, it was about banning the earth God\'s Qi vessels and hindering his cultivation ten years ago.

When everyone heard the speech, their hearts all clicked. It seemed that even the air was thin and held their breath. In particular, the earth God asked by Wu Yi had sweaty palms and didn\'t know how to answer.

Thunder, rain and dew are all Jun\'s grace. Even if he is dissatisfied, how dare he say it. Say no resentment. After all, it seems against your heart to hinder your cultivation for ten years. If you say resentment, is it too long?

"God Rong told me that my subordinates were really dissatisfied when they first knew this. If my subordinates showed their talent early, their parents would not die. Heaven and man were separated." here, earth God shed a few tears in his eyes, choked his words, and Qing Yingying couldn\'t help pulling his clothes as a warning. Isn\'t this embarrassing to God?

After stopping choking, the earth God said, "but later, my subordinates also want to understand. If it weren\'t for the gift of God, I\'m afraid my subordinates would be living in a small town and being a local tyrant. Why would they be listed in the palace and look down at all sentient beings."

"So your purpose here is to look down upon all living beings?" he didn\'t say much, but he killed his heart every word. He was so flustered that the earth God quickly knelt down and said he didn\'t dare.

"When you first entered the kingdom of God, you still don\'t know your ability. Would you like to equip you with a prime minister?"

"Listen to God\'s orders." where the earth God is qualified to refuse, where dare to refuse.

Beat a stick to a piece of sugar and oppress it too much. Maybe the earth God will really have a quarrel with himself. "Since you are the earth God, the God of the prime minister will be selected by you and reported to me. If it is feasible, it will be established."

A surprise flashed in the earth God\'s eyes. Unexpectedly, he was able to get this treatment. He hurriedly asked, "do you care about men and women?"

Wu Yi noticed a sign and replied with a smile: "regardless of men and women!"

"Thank you, Lord." the earth God quickly bowed his hands and worshipped.

"But --" Wu Yi deliberately teased and dragged the ending to make the earth God feel uneasy, "I have to do things well."

"Yes!" the earth God breathed.

"All right, everyone else will go down except Su Zhen." the others left without mentioning.

Su Zhen was left because Wu Yi frowned before seeing her and wanted to hear her opinion.

"Lord of God, the power of canonization is very important. You can\'t let it go in a moment!" it can be seen that Su Zhen is really considering Wu Yi, otherwise he can form a gang.

"The power of examination and approval is in my hands, and I don\'t worry about the loss of power." Wu Yi comforted her.

"But -" Su Zhen still felt that Wu Yi had delegated too much power.

Wu Yi raised his hand to interrupt her and said, "don\'t talk more. I do everything myself. I don\'t have this energy. I can take it when I can use it. I can\'t use it. I\'ll strike or kill it. It\'s just a waste of time."

Su Zhen was a little helpless. With his control over the seeds of evil thoughts, Wu Yi\'s majesty had no proportion. He had no ability to refute, so he had to say, "it\'s all up to God."

Wu Yi nodded slightly, closed his eyes, and Su Zhen quit wisely.

In the temple, it was very cold. However, since the seven color brilliance shone on the chaotic soul sea and spread to the bright moon world, everyone thought that Wu Yi had completely achieved Yuanying\'s entry, and others could push it. The invitations of several holy women could not be pushed. Now Wu Yi just postponed it temporarily for the reason of stable cultivation.

It\'s been stable for ten years, but it can\'t go on.

Not long after he closed his eyes, Wu Yi, who was preoccupied, opened his eyes again. Instead of beating the jade pan in front of him, he directly communicated the Yin of ink thousands of miles away with the seeds of magic reading. It was time to give him an explanation for what he was asked to do.

However, people close to Wu Yi basically have the seeds of evil thoughts, which is not meant to be monitored. More often, it is used for communication. But if necessary, surveillance can also be used.

Those who didn\'t get the seed of evil thought instead asked to send the seed of evil thought. They regarded it as the representative of Wu Yi\'s confidants, and Mo Yinhua was for the latter.

Upon Wu Yi\'s summons, Mo Yinhua, who was in the ice city, gave up what he was doing and flew away. Within a few moments, he came outside the kingdom of God. After passing Su Zhen\'s pass, he met Wu Yi.

"The slave visits the master." when Mo Yinhua meets Wu Yi, his posture is the most humble, but Wu Yi never relaxes his attention. Because Mo Yinhua was born in the upper world. Once he grows up, it is the greatest threat. The tiger won\'t bite, but don\'t think it won\'t bite.