Dedicate One's Mind

Chapter 50

In the prince\'s residence in the capital city, there is a quiet place covered with bamboo groves, which is the place where the prince lives with the white eyebrow Taoist priest. If it is quiet and comfortable, the prince\'s own attic is not as good as here.

Old Taoist Baimei joined the golden elixir. This time, he just felt the changes in the national fortune of Daewoo and seemed to have a sense of decline. He entered the capital at the invitation of the crown prince to try to calm the national situation. He didn\'t bring many powerful men down the mountain. He didn\'t go out except when the crown prince invited him, but today he received a guest.

"Martial nephew, what\'s coming today?" the old Taoist Baimei asked, sitting on a futon, handling the spirit machine without opening his eyes.

Guest: chicken skin and hair are old. At first glance, they are much older than Baimei Taoist priest. Although Baimei Taoist priest has all the snow, his skin is smooth. If he is a newborn baby, his face is red and his spirit is different.

However, if you look closely, you can feel that the guest\'s body has a seemingly non-existent power, which prevents his body from decaying and aging. He is Bai Yu, the leader of the Taoist temple in the capital city, who is like Wang chuchen. He once had unlimited scenery and was proud of his peers, but he did not survive the golden pill robbery. He almost fell. Even the originally understood Taoist rhyme collapsed, and his strength decreased immeasurably, Otherwise, they will not be pushed out of the inner and outer doors and put into the capital as the Lord of the temple.

But Bai Yu\'s talent is indeed enviable. After the collapse of his original Taoist rhyme, he experienced life changes, the world was cool, and his arrogance converged a lot. He even re understood the new Taoist rhyme and practiced all the way. Now he is half a golden pill, only one step away from the door.

"Martial uncle, the power of heaven and earth that swept the whole city before has been found out. It should be the matter of a monk\'s seizing and giving up." Bai Yu respected old Taoist Baimei very much and said everything he found in detail.

He will never forget the scene when he failed to rob the wall and was pushed by the people. It was the old Taoist Baimei who left a way for him to live. He raised him to the capital Taoist temple as the Lord during the Pope\'s meeting. Otherwise, he might not even have a chance to make a comeback now.

Old Taoist Baimei nodded faintly and didn\'t take it to heart. It\'s not surprising to see Bai Yu. Old Taoist Baimei is a big man in the triple of Jindan. He is about to break the pill into a baby. Don\'t say he is just a pathless friar forced to give up. Even his peers of Jindan can\'t make a wave in his heart.

The main purpose of visiting old Taoist Baimei today is not Wu Yi. This is just an excuse for the outside world. The key is how to solve a palace coup that may sue the military coup in the next few days. This is related to the national luck. Even old Taoist Baimei has to deal with it carefully, otherwise the national situation will fluctuate and the public opinion will be fierce, The friar who provoked this may not come to any good end.

Bai Yu doesn\'t know where to take out a bamboo slip. The bamboo slip is green and shining. It\'s not ordinary at first sight.

At this time, old Taoist Baimei opened his eyes and didn\'t need to pick them up with his hands. But when he saw that his eyes were like a torch, he shot a fine awn into the bamboo slips, which shook unceasingly, just like being read by others. After three breaths, old Taoist Baimei stopped looking at the fine awn in his eyes and said coldly, "people in the cave are also involved. This is my Ping family business, and my hands are too long."

The Three Kingdoms under Yiqi sect mainly recruit disciples in these three kingdoms, and Dayu kingdom is only one of them. The royal families of the three kingdoms are all listed in the thirty-six giant families. Of course, although they are all called the thirty-six giant families, they are also divided into twelve giant families and twenty-four families, and the royal families of the three kingdoms are listed in the twenty-four families.

The atmosphere of attaching importance to family names in yiqimen has also attracted other small families to arrange many lists behind, but it has not been recognized by the public. Needless to say, the families on those small lists have been prosperous for only tens of years, not as long as the 36 famous families have been prosperous for thousands of years, and their children are endless, all over the world, with millions of children.

This is an aristocratic family power, and the rival of the aristocratic family is the teacher and apprentice power, which is divided into five caves and twelve blessed places, and recruits countless poor children with mediocre origins but excellent qualifications, and even aristocratic family children who come out of the family.

Old Taoist Baimei knows that the current predicament of Dayu kingdom will certainly attract the interference of master and apprentice Dongtian, that is, it can\'t accomplish anything. Disturbing his arrangement and humiliating his Ping\'s face is also a pleasure.

Of course, the biggest possibility is to take this as an exchange to ask him to give benefits to Ping. After all, if there are wars in Daewoo country, the recruitment of new disciples from time to time and the inheritance is disordered, neither party can afford it, unless He Ping\'s anger and resentment over the governance of the country has provoked the sect to provoke the general trend and force him to give in to Ping, but it is obviously impossible to change the popularity of the emperor among the people.

Old Taoist Baimei turned his mind and guessed the idea of a series of teachers and disciples. In fact, such things have been solved in the past. There is nothing to say. It is better to consider what benefits to be divided.

Just when Baimei was thinking about it, a flying sword flew from the outside to Baiyu. Bai Yu\'s divine knowledge skipped over in a hurry, his face changed and took back the flying sword.

Seeing the change of Bai Yu\'s face, old Taoist Baimei asked, "what\'s the matter?"

"Martial uncle, the disciples I sent to guard the Taoist priest of seizing and giving up. They fight with each other in the body. It seems that seizing and giving up is unstable."

The white eyebrow old Taoist scoffed and said, "it\'s really incompetent."

I know that old Taoist Baimei is laughing at the golden elixir friar who lost his life. Even the younger generation\'s mind can\'t suppress it. Generally, the real difficulty in losing his life is to deal with the sniping of the power of heaven and earth, so that heaven and earth believe that the original friar has died. The people after losing his life are not the same person, but Bai Yu has another idea after hearing the news.

"Martial uncle, the lost disciple is called Wu Yi. He was introduced to the Mountain Gate by Wang chuchen, the leader of the first airway temple in Liucheng. He heard the teaching very carefully."

Old Taoist Baimei, who was originally upright, leaned down slightly when he heard the speech, looked as usual and asked, "you\'re talking about Wang chuchen, a disciple who really wants to recruit on Lingya."

Bai Yu was afraid to look straight at the Taoist priest Baimei\'s eagle Falcon like eyes, but he nodded firmly and said, "don\'t dare to deceive martial uncle. It\'s really Wang chuanchen who was expelled from the inner door three years ago."

Old Taoist Baimei stroked his white beard and said, "is that right? You need to be rescued. Take me there without delay."

Bai Yu was surprised at the sudden move of old Taoist Baimei. In his heart, he just wanted to have a try. He didn\'t expect that old Taoist Baimei would react so much, but he didn\'t expect it. In his mind, Wu Yi is just a disciple of a Taoist priest who has lost power. I heard that Wang chuanchen may have a glimpse of the secret of the golden elixir and send a favor to old Taoist Baimei. I didn\'t expect old Taoist Baimei to go there.

However, old Taoist Baimei is one of the three major monks of the golden elixir. He can get more inside information about the sect. Three years ago, Shangzhen on Lingya was promoted to Dongtian period, which is already the peak of the world. He has the strength to open Dongtian and blessed land. However, Zhenzhen on Lingya seldom recruits disciples, and there are not many people to sweep under the door.

Once I heard that the truth on Lingya understood the cave sky, I don\'t know how many monks in the door wanted to worship the truth on Lingya. No matter there are many admirers in the Shitu aristocratic family, in order to calm this matter, even the head of a valve talked to the truth on Lingya and reluctantly asked for a few places.

However, Shangzhen on Lingya wanted Wang chuanchen to be the first disciple of the sect, but Wang chuanchen was just building a foundation at that time. At that time, even the triple monks like Baimei Taoist didn\'t know how many wanted to worship under Shangzhen on Lingya. It should be noted that they may have no lack of qualifications, but they couldn\'t get much resources in their own cave or family. In order to further, Those who are willing to worship the true door on Lingya do not know how much geometry, and this matter is supported by both aristocratic families and teachers and disciples, and even the benefit exchange game behind it, because if their children worship the true door on Lingya, it will be easy to deal with the true door on Lingya in the future. The help of a cave period is enough to turn the situation around.

With such a group of martial brothers like wolves in front, Wang chuanchen\'s strength was not enough to convince the public, so Wang chuanchen was pushed out of the inner door and came to the outer door as the leader. However, there is no real meaning of protecting Wang Chuang Chen on Lingya. If he still stays in the inner door, he will have real protection on Lingya. However, Wang Chuang Chen\'s minor foundation construction is still calculated to death, because this time is the resistance of the whole sect, and he should be careful to deal with it on Lingya. After all, being born in the sect needs to follow the rules of the sect.

Wang chuchen is not allowed to enter the golden elixir. He cannot go back to the inner door or become a real big disciple on Lingya. This is the real compromise on Lingya. Behind it is the thinking of respecting the strong in the cultivation world. Wang chuchen needs to prove that he can become a big disciple with his own strength.

Seeing this, the rest of Shangzhen didn\'t interfere too much with Shangzhen\'s recruitment of disciples on Lingya, so they each placed several children with excellent qualifications as registered disciples under Shangzhen gate on Lingya. They couldn\'t officially start until Wang chuanchen became a senior disciple.

This storm is still shaking today. After all, Wang chuanchen has not become a golden pill. Wang chuanchen\'s trip to the outer gate is more like the real experience of him on Lingya. However, Wang chuanchen may not know it. After considering his master\'s origin, he has always regarded himself as a master and apprentice. He is happy to see this, and the family doesn\'t break a single vein, Waiting for Wang chuanchen to find out, he may turn to his family.

It\'s a pity for Taoist Baimei that he didn\'t get the chance to become the real registered disciples on Lingya. It can be predicted that once Wang chuchen steps into the golden elixir, those registered disciples can become formal disciples as long as they don\'t die. What an enviable title for the true biography of Dongtian immortal generation.

Even if you can\'t get the real blue eyes on Lingya, it\'s good to have a good relationship with Wang chuchen. Together with Bai Yu, the imperial envoy flew the magic weapon to the heart of Baimei Taoist priest at Wu Yi\'s place.

Just walking in the sky in the capital city is to cast the body covering spell. Ordinary people can\'t see it, but people with the same cultivation can still see it. Soon there is a rainbow following behind. It\'s obviously a sword escape. You can get close to them soon.

Old Taoist Baimei secretly hated that he didn\'t ask about it earlier, otherwise he didn\'t have to be so anxious and stopped by his fellow Taoist priest, but he was still expressionless. He lived in the rush and waited for his fellow Taoist priest in the rear to persuade him to return to this generation. Don\'t let them share their own credit and save the king\'s disciples. What a good opportunity.

I just hope this generation is not very well informed. Old Taoist Baimei held a dust brush, squeezed the handle tightly and prayed in his heart.

"Long time no see, Taoist friend Ping." he was wearing a flying cloud crown, a red sun robe, and a fiery light of a flying sword under his feet.

Old Taoist Baimei made a head check and said, "it\'s Taoist Xie Yi. Why don\'t you practice in Qingyang cave and come here for a rest."

Xie Yi was not disturbed by the old Taoist priest Bai Mei. He asked perfunctorily, "Why are you so anxious? What are you going to do? I don\'t know if I can help."

Old Taoist Bai Mei smiled and pointed to Bai Yu and said, "it\'s all right. My martial nephew Bai Yu got a Taoist book and invited me to read it. If there\'s nothing wrong, you can go with me."

Xie Yimu said with deep meaning: "it\'s a coincidence. I heard that there were murderers in martial nephew Bai Yu\'s view who took away the lower generation friars. I want to bring the villains to justice."

The white eyebrow Taoist priest jumped in his heart. Knowing that this generation already knew, he pretended to be generous. He smiled and said, "if there is such a thing, go with me."