Dedicate One's Mind

Chapter 494

The crow flapped its wings, and its gray eyes emitted a dead light. Once illuminated by the dead light, there was only one breath of vegetation left. At this time, it was directly turned into fly ash to eliminate invisibility.

Beside Wu Yi, there are many flowers on the other side of the river. The flowers are fragrant. Wu Yi neither looks at them nor smells them, but dissipates by himself.

The yellow spring forgot the river and poured down head-on. It was freezing. Wu Yi told himself that all this was an illusion. Then, his own power of heaven and earth swarmed in to resist the cold and death. Wu Yi was not much affected.

In the end, only the headless monster was left. He opened his mouth and wanted to swallow Wu Yi.

Although the monster has no head, its body and abdominal cavity form a space of their own. It opens a huge mouth full of ferocious and fangs and produces extremely strong suction. Air, clouds, vegetation, rocks and even light are swallowed by the monster.

Wu Yi also has the feeling that his body is unstable. Fortunately, he has to borrow the power of the earth God in time. Otherwise, I\'m afraid his body will be swallowed up. Once he goes in, it must be a situation of more or less good luck.

This monster is much more powerful than other living creatures. It is like a divine beast guarding the portal. It naturally carries the power of the other region. I don\'t know how the leader of Anle city found the portal and how to control these monsters.

The halo of the earth God swirls around the body, and the believers\' prayers vibrate and sound. Sometimes they are like whispers, slightly inaudible, and sometimes rumble and sound like morning bells and evening drums.

The beliefs of thousands of people come together. Wu Yi is an earth God at this time. He naturally gets the help of the bright moon world, but it just keeps Wu Yi from being swallowed by this monster. Wu Yi still needs to do his best and dare not be distracted.

The holy woman Bi LAN took action to cover the sky and the water curtain fell. She covered part of the suction for Wu Yi. Then she separated a wave and slapped it at the monster, causing it to stumble and almost fall.

However, it also aroused the anger of the headless monster. Its body suddenly expanded a lot, more bloated and plump, but its momentum increased geometrically.

The headless monster roared and couldn\'t see the bottom of the huge mouth. Open, open, and then open. In this huge mouth, there seems to be no distinction between distance and distance, or directly swallow a piece of space.

This space contains Wu Yi. In other words, Wu Yi has been swallowed by this headless monster.

In Wu Yi\'s eyes, everything began to blur, and there were many shadows. Even the people closest to him looked at it. There was no problem with Wu Yi\'s eyes, but the wrong movement of this space.

Now the headless monster closes the giant mouth, and this space will completely disappear, and Wu Yi who is in that space will disappear together.

Wu Yi saw these strange powers for the first time. The divine power operated and the spiritual knowledge was excluded. Various means tried to pass, but they didn\'t work much. The headless monster began to close its mouth.

Under the pressure of a great force, the space containing Wu Yi was fragmented. At first, it was only the edge, and then the scope gradually expanded. The space cracks were clear and terrible, like broken glass.

However, the glass is two-dimensional, but the space is three-dimensional. When the glass is broken, the reflection inside is fragmented, and the space is broken, people are naturally no better.

Wu Yi sits down, his mind is calm and free from external interference. The light of the earth God is wrapped around his body. With its massiness, he tries his best to maintain the stability of this space.

However, this monster represents the power of one side of the world. How Wu Yi works hard, he only feels that he is getting farther and farther away from the real world, and his space is broken from the original space.

Vaguely, Wu Yi heard the call of Bi LAN shengpo and the arrogant laughter of the mayor of Anle city. These sounds seemed to be so far away from Wu Yi, and they were getting farther and farther away, until he couldn\'t even hear a sound.

The giant mouth of the headless monster can be completely closed with only the last trace. The reason why it can\'t be closed depends on Wu Yi\'s last persistence and efforts.

The demon body has a seed of evil thoughts, but there is a trace of mind outside. It is not difficult to recover, but it will be difficult to explain the reason for escaping from the monster in the future, that is, to abandon this body. However, after painstaking design for a long time, how can Wu Yi be reconciled.

It is extremely oppressive. Instead of crushing the space under Wu Yi\'s protection, it bends the space tightly. The curved space gives people a feeling of going back in time.

For example, when ants pass through white paper, they can only go from one end to the other, but now the white paper is curled, and ants can follow the curved paper and return to their original place.

Wu Yi is the same now. He has returned to his previous state, and his energy and spirit have returned to the previous state. If he did not know the current affairs and the great force still exists firmly, Wu Yi would think that time has gone back.

Oppression is still the same oppression, but the four-dimensional scene returns to the previous, curved space, giving birth to the illusion of time and space backflow. Wu Yi can go back to his previous self, but can not change his previous self. He adds another dimension to the four-dimensional world.

This extremely unstable four-dimensional space allows Wu Yi to trace back to himself. It is much more intuitive than understanding domestic deduction. Wu Yi can more clearly find his mistakes and make up for them.

The space is further curled, and there are signs of fault differentiation. The original single line result may produce multiple lines, space-time flow, and the fate is so mysterious that it is impossible to speculate.

For example, Wu Yi didn\'t let the headless monster succeed and protected his space through his persistence and efforts. This is also the fact now.

However, with the differentiation of space, there may have been two Wu Yi, each of whom made different choices. The result of one choice is likely to lead to the fragmentation of space and the disappearance of meteorites.

Two different Wu Yi live in different spaces. They don\'t know each other or affect each other. They decide their own destiny according to their own choices.

But for the headless monster, it only needs to succeed once. Follow its roots and destroy Wu Yi\'s past, so there will be no future.

This is the five dimensions above the four dimensions, a mysterious and abnormal world. It looks so pale simply explained by words.

With Wu Yi\'s current strength, living in a visible four-dimensional space, he has exhausted all his efforts and is close to collapse.

Once entering the five-dimensional world, it needs great energy and spiritual support. Wu Yi doesn\'t have anything. Even if those caves are real, Wu Yi doesn\'t think they can survive in this world.

Perhaps only those immortals with superb means can enter and see through different possible worlds.