Dedicate One's Mind

Chapter 484

The two factions with fierce views, no matter who leads the army, is not a good thing. In that case, there are only Youming lingpo and Bilan shengpo. Youming lingpo is famous for refining medicine, which is not suitable. Bilan shengpo is actually the most suitable candidate.

"Younger martial brother, you should go there too." ChiYan shengpo turned to Wu Yi and suddenly said again.

"Hmm -" Wu Yi uttered a long voice of doubt. He didn\'t expect this job to fall on him. He just joined this small team, and his strength and power are far less than them. Even if he went here, it\'s just a passing performance. Is ChiYan shengpo giving him credit?

"Why, don\'t you want to?" the ChiYan Saint frowned and looked at Wu Yi with a smile, as if she expected that Wu Yi would not refuse.

"Hey, of course not. It\'s just that my cultivation is low. I\'m afraid I\'ll hold back the fourth elder martial sister later."

"The leader of Anle city has your fourth elder martial sister to deal with it. What\'s the difficulty for you to deal with some peers." ChiYan shengpo mercilessly exposed Wu Yi\'s excuse.

"That\'s all right." Wu Yi had to promise. He could instigate it secretly. He didn\'t intend to play, but he still had to do some things because of his identity.

ChiYan shengpo nodded slightly and the general had decided, but the temple calculation was far from over. It was a problem in the general direction to start talking with Bi LAN shengpo about the war.

For example, how to talk to ghosts, after all, this time we have to go deep into the southern hinterland, which is the territory of ghosts. Even in the name of exterminating Anle City, we may not be able to enter.

This temple calculation about attacking Anle city has been discussed for a day and a night, most of which is considering the actions of the city owner of Anle city and how to deal with it. If the temple is properly calculated, feather books will be distributed all over the world.

The temple is over, but there is still a lot of time before the formal dispatch of troops. It seems that there is a Tiangong pavilion with countless robes, flying swords and flying boats. In case of war, the flying boats are vast and travel thousands of miles a day. The disaster can be determined in a moment.

It seems that if Huixuan was true or false at the beginning, by congratulating zhitianxuan on being the God King of the west mountain and exterminating the enemies from the outside world, he could travel in large groups and travel thousands of miles a day.

The Terrans in the Ming moon world do not have such a work Pavilion. Flying boats are also the legal driving of top-ranking people. They can\'t travel in large groups at all. The transportation work before the war alone is much more difficult, and it must be transported in gradients.

The distant Dynasty only needs to produce the golden elixir immortal, who can resist the imperial envoy Dan Sha. They come alone through the polar sky, which is much faster than ordinary soldiers.

Naturally, the major Dynasties on the Chitu plateau were the first to arrive. They gathered in ten days. The number of people was relatively the largest, ranging from thousands to tens of thousands. The leaders were either national teachers, princes or generals.

Compared with the total number of troops in the Middle Kingdom, the number of expeditions is indeed small, but they are all elite. There are more than ten golden elixirs in a country, accounting for almost 10% of the strength of the Middle Kingdom.

The long wind was mighty, the banners were strong, and the drums were rumbling. Every time, they knocked on the hearts of the people, and their blood was boiling. After the soldiers of all countries gathered, they stepped in neat steps and sang the generous military song unique to the red earth plateau, rendering a majestic atmosphere for the attack.

After the leader of the army hung the seal, Bi LAN shengpo rode a majestic blue eyed water unicorn and wore a gold ring armour. She was like a changed person. She was handsome and awe inspiring. She said to the public in a loud voice, "evil demons have been born, causing trouble in the world. Even if there are people who cut open their hearts, their surnames are uneasy. Although the door is closed, it is difficult to resist evil demons."

Environment can really change a person. At least in any case before, Wu Yi would not believe that Bi LAN shengpo, who has always been timid and weak, would have such power.

Bi LAN shengpo is now mobilizing before the war. It is important to say whether it is important or not. It depends on people\'s understanding.

After announcing the charges of an Anle City, Bi Lan said, "when it\'s time, it\'s time for us to eliminate the evil atmosphere and clarify that there are people who catch and kill evil demons in the universe. There is no reward. Those who dare to retreat in the face of war are ruthless in military law."

Carrots and sticks, combined with kindness and power, obviously have a good effect. The school below is solemn and stands like a mountain, afraid to whisper, and can\'t hear a trace of noise.

The mobilization was not long. It took half an hour to count the scenery of our ancestors.

Next is the arrangement of the military array. It is all knowledge about who is the pioneer, who is the middle army, who has two wings, who is the tail, who matches with whom, who coordinates with whom, and how to deal with the enemy attack. If you don\'t investigate one thing, it will damage the soldiers, or even the commander.

However, the holy woman Bilian is like a stream of water, which moistens everything. The layout is quite exquisite and orderly. There is no fierce and strong fire, but there is a tight and soft water. If the enemy breaks in, he will be trapped in the mud and can\'t get away.

Bi LAN shengpo has always appeared in front of everyone with a face of ignoring worldly affairs. She has no intersection with most people. There is no so-called selfishness. Once the back door is said, the layout depends on war considerations. Therefore, everyone is very convinced and does not quarrel.

Seeing this scene, Wu Yi also understands the good intentions of ChiYan shengpo to arrange Bilan shengpo to be the coach.

After arranging everything, the night was getting darker and darker. Bi Lan Sheng Po leaned against the sandalwood carved chair behind her and breathed a long breath. The difficulty of personnel was much more complicated than those of cultivation. It was not easy for Bi Lan Sheng Po to take on such an important task for the first time.

"Elder martial sister, it\'s hard." Wu Yi is sincere. However, in combination with Wu Yi\'s identity in this mess, it is such a violation.

If Bi LAN shengpo knew that Wu Yi was behind the chaos, it would be exciting to think about it.

Bi Lan said lazily. She seemed to be unprepared for Wu Yi, but if Wu Yi really thought so, she would pay a great price.

She wants to remove all the troubles, but how can she remove them all? Bi LAN shengpo\'s slightly closed eyes are ready to open to deal with things at any time. She is a little tired in her heroic spirit. She is fresh and refined. At this time, she has a little more sense of stability.

"Younger martial brother, what position do you want?"

Wu Yi, who was about to leave, suddenly heard this question, and just remembered that he seemed to have hung up the name of a deputy commander and had not yet done practical work.

Wu Yi had an idea in his mind, but how could he speak directly? He said, "elder martial sister is the commander of the three armed forces. My younger brother listens to the arrangement of elder martial sister."

"It doesn\'t matter. Since you are my younger martial brother, just say what you think." Bi LAN shengpo seems very open-minded, making Wu Yi with suspicion look like a villain.

Wu Yi immediately bowed his hands and said, "the country cannot be established, and the army cannot be lax. My younger brother is willing to take charge of the army, cultivate and refine the army potential, and crack down on deserters, so that elder martial sister will have no worries."