Dedicate One's Mind

Chapter 439

Solve the black limitless queen with the potential of thunder. Wu Yi looked at the location of the city Lord\'s residence and said in his heart; Next, it depends on the Yin of ink.

When the war stopped, the heavy drum in front of the city master\'s house sounded and spread in all directions. It was fast and powerful. Every drum beat on everyone\'s heart, and people\'s blood was boiling.

This drum is not used on weekdays. When the great enemy is coming, it is used to call on everyone to work together to resist the enemy. However, why didn\'t you knock it when heiwuji came before? Now heiwuji is dead, which is suspected of being a hindsight.

They all have such thoughts, but due to the laws and regulations, they have to come. Wu Yi is also ordinary. He and his naked army are awe inspiring and occupy the front position. No one in the ice city doesn\'t know his achievements, so naturally they don\'t dare to say more.

The rumble of drums seems to shake the earth\'s veins and even the earth\'s surface, giving people an unparalleled sense of urgency.

Outside the city Lord\'s residence, there is already a dark area. The city Lord of ice city, Li Xinya, wears a military uniform and silver armor, outlining a slim and graceful figure. She is heroic and radiant.

However, how many people know that the person behind this manipulation is the Yin of ink?

As soon as her military uniform appears, the minds of the outside world are different. Heiwuji is dead and still has a military uniform. Why? Is there a big enemy?

"The former Prince of the black devil hall was cruel and unscrupulous. He plundered our people wantonly, drove them as slaves and acted as cattle and horses." as soon as he opened his mouth, Li Xinya said bitterly.

Many people\'s hearts clicked. They had guessed Li Xinya\'s purpose. This is to provoke disputes between the two countries and take the opportunity to win military merit.

Sure enough, then came the Terrans in the black limitless fleet. They were unkempt, scarred and miserable. They attracted a lot of sympathy from the visitors. There may be people of the new moon country, but there must not be as many as Li Xinya said.

However, in a war, after the goal is determined, strength is the most important reason. The reason is just a fig leaf. The truth is the same within the range of artillery since ancient times.

Black Wuji body meteorite, it is no exaggeration to say that the strength of the black devil hall has decreased by more than 10%. Apart from the other things, the ten golden elixirs are the losses that the black devil hall can\'t bear, and the legitimate son\'s dispute that may be set off behind it may lead the country into internal strife.

"We want revenge, revenge on the evil black devil hall." Li Xinya stretched out her arms high and shouted passionately. Some people with human and ghost righteousness in their hearts burst into tears and shouted together.

However, as far as the two countries are concerned, there are many sober people who are unwilling to make cannon fodder. A child of the Zhou family said weakly during the interval: "does the queen know about this?"

A basin of cold water poured down, and the voice suddenly became cold. Wu Yi glanced over and looked at Zhou Quan Chen, the owner of the Zhou family. Zhou Quan Chen\'s slightly yellow eyes looked at Wu Yi and smiled gently.

Yao RI stood up behind him. The bone armor on his body had been broken because he had fought with the ghost king before. At this time, he was naked. Because the ghost claws were miserable, there were several deep scars on his body, which showed the bone and the tragedy of the previous war.

As soon as Yao Rifu stood up, his blood rushed to the sky. Without saying a word, he subdued the rising voice of the four sides.

"The birds and ghosts in the black devil hall tortured and killed my compatriots. You don\'t have a sense of shame, but you are as timid as a mouse. Don\'t go to shame. I\'ll go out with the city Lord."

Li Xinya said, "the Queen really doesn\'t know about it. I\'ve already flown the book. If the queen blames me, I\'ll bear it. This war will take Mangchuan division."

The first level local administrative organization of the black devil hall is not a state or county, but a department. Mangchuan department is equivalent to Linbing County, and Mangchuan city is equivalent to Linbing city. Like Linbing County, Mangchuan department is also the only entrance to the sea of chaos soul sea of the black devil hall.

If you win Mangchuan division, you will win the chaotic soul sea area subordinate to Mangchuan division. The benefits are not great.

Before heiwuji, he was the Lingsi of Mangchuan division, which is equivalent to the general character of the sheriff. The annihilation of the sun mansion in the ice city is a heaven given opportunity, and Mangchuan division is likely to win.

Li Xinya\'s words are to throw out interests, and the object is the Zhou and Zheng families. Their position is very important. Zhou quanchen and Zheng Hanxue look at each other and make decisions one after another.

They bowed and said, "the black devil hall is cruel and inhuman. The Zhou family (Zheng family) is willing to help."

Lixinya was glad to look out, picked up the two people, and looked at Wu Yi. Wu Yi stepped forward and said, "although the sun family is alone, they don\'t retreat."

The four masters of the ice city decided to carry out the war.

Next, it will take a lot of time to distribute armaments and reorganize the team. However, Wu Yi took the post of the advance team and has taken the lead in setting out.

As for the team, that is, the five hundred naked army, they had a fight with heiwuji\'s men before, and the naked army was reduced again, only five hundred, but they all built foundations and cultivated accomplishments, and their 100 veins were smooth. In addition, they were familiar with the Dharma array. Although they were five hundred, they could be five thousand or even tens of thousands.

A hundred miles out of the ice city is a wilderness, surrounded by ghosts and demons. It\'s better near the avenue. If you continue to go deep, it\'s a restricted area for ordinary people. People gather in villages and houses to resist the invasion of demons and demons, and live in precarious days all day.

Unlike the boundless world, the bright moon world only protects one side\'s stability. Even if it does, it is also a false god. Can it protect the people? Let\'s say, it is more likely to join the ranks of swallowing the flesh and blood of living creatures.

The boundless world is under the rule of Taoism. Although Taoism governs the world with inaction, it does everything without inaction. There are shrines on some main mountain spiritual veins to worship gods and bless the living creatures.

Wu Yi didn\'t know this until he entered the inner door. He didn\'t know it when he was practicing in the Taoist temple.

Some gods only set a place, yin and yang are parallel, and five Qi flow. There are many fewer evil demons. Even if they exist, most of them do not become a climate. Their strength is beyond control. They fly a Dharma Fu to report to the sect, and the sect will send its disciples to kill the demons. The people were thus stable.

In doing so, the Taoist gate is certainly not a kind-hearted charity. The mountains and rivers are maintained by their own Dharma array. The position of the Taoist gate is like a depression. The aura of the four sides converges. The more the Yulong Mountain in the center, the stronger the aura.

If the four evil monsters rise together and destroy this pattern, the biggest damage is the Taoist gate itself, but this pattern also limits the cultivation of some children with good talents to a certain extent. The strong are always strong and the weak are horizontal and weak.

Ease is often accompanied by mediocrity; Chaos stimulates people\'s potential.

Wu Yi looks at the gas refining friars everywhere. In terms of the proportion of gas refining friars, the bright moon world is far better than the vast world.

Which way is better? Wu Yi fell into deep thinking.