Dedicate One's Mind

Chapter 178

The appearance of the sixteen gods gradually became clear. The appearance of the twelve zodiac Guardian gods looked normal, but the four gods, namely gen, Xun, Qian and Kun, had some characteristics of the other four gods, that is, a four unlike.

At present, the sixteen gods are evolved from Yin Qi. To a certain extent, they can be said to be ghosts. Since they are ghosts and gather and disperse like smoke, their appearance is not so important.

As a monk, Wu Yi pays more attention to the essence. As for the external image, as long as it does not affect the exertion of strength.

Each of the sixteen gods is three feet tall, with a clear appearance. They look majestic, but their dim body reveals that their strength is actually very low. Their spiritual sense is sensitive, and their breath is only good for channeling. It is equivalent to the state of a monk who feels angry, that is, it is a little better than a fierce ghost.

This is not to say that Wu Yi is unable to think of the sixteen gods equivalent to the foundation level, but Wu Yi\'s practice of Taiyi divine number is not good, and the way of calculation and deduction is not enough to think of more powerful gods.

If he is willing, Wu Yi can smash the essence of yin and evil spirit obtained from Li Bi into the body of the sixteen gods. It is not impossible to forcibly raise the strength of several gods to the foundation level.

However, there is no difference between the sixteen gods pushed up like that and Demons and monsters. They are purely used for fighting and have no other use. They can\'t be said to be the external image of Taoism in Taiyi divine number.

Now the sixteen gods are embryos, and Wu Yi needs to improve them with arithmetic.

The sixteen gods imagined by Wu Yi naturally feel very close to Wu Yi and hover around Wu Yi. Their mind is very simple, their intelligence is similar to that of human children for several months, and they are innocent.

After they were tired of playing, they flew to a place where Yin Qi was relatively strong and slowly swallowed up Yin Qi. Wu Yi threw out a Yin evil spirit the size of a fingernail and incorporated it into this place. After swallowing the Yin evil spirit, the low-strength sixteen gods seemed to be drunk and stagger to the ground. Their bodies slowly shrunk and could be held in one palm. They became much more solidified and curled together, Start a slow digestion process.

Wu Yi dealt with the sixteen gods and isolated them from many ghosts. The strength of the sixteen gods is still very low. If those stupid ghosts swallow the sixteen gods that Wu Yi finally imagined, Wu Yi\'s efforts are in vain. How can he let such a thing happen.

At this time, the stone tablet world, which was carefully set up by Wu Yi at the beginning, has disintegrated with the emergence of a large number of evil spirits such as demons and monsters. The strength of the ghost pet has long been unable to suppress these ghosts, and was pushed to the other side of the Yinsha Lake to avoid them. He did not dare to take the opportunity to devour indigenous ghosts as before.

If the number of these ghosts had not reached the upper limit of the stone tablet world and the stock could be contested, Wu Yi had no doubt that the ghosts would fight because of it, just as he first thought of the stone tablet world.

When Wu Yi first began to think about the stone tablet world, his strength was low. There was little Yin Qi in the stone tablet world, but there were a little more ghosts. There was no Yin Qi to absorb from the excess ghosts. It was not only the problem that the cultivation would stop, but also the problem that the Yin body could not be maintained. In this case, it was inevitable to have a fight.

In fact, whether ghosts or friars, once the resources are insufficient, fighting is inevitable. The resources of heaven and earth have their own number, and the hearts of the people are infinite. This is the root of the dispute between heaven and man.

In order to solve this problem, Wu Yi first occupied the top of Lingxiu peak and took the blood food on it as a temporary relief. Finally, he found a way to make him a villain, swallowed up the excess ghosts, provoked the struggle between both sides and promoted the improvement of the fighting experience of the ghosts.

This method can be used at that time, but not now. Wu Yi frowned, glanced at many ghosts below with dull eyes, and thought about how to solve the problem of ghost growth.

If Wu Yi practices Dharma alone, he naturally does not have this worry, but he is doomed to spend his time looking after the number of ghosts in the stone tablet world. Once the ghosts start a fight when he is negligent, the ghost army that Wu Yi uses to fight in groups will be abolished.

Wu Yili said that a strong cultivation is strong, but two fists are difficult to defeat four hands. Sometimes, the quantitative advantage can smooth the gap in cultivation, especially the organized quantitative advantage can even reverse the attack. The most typical is the array.

Just as Wu Yi did when crossing the monster forest outside a valve, thousands of ghosts set off a small wave of monsters, which attracted several real people to suppress the wave. In a word, the ghost army is one of Wu Yi\'s most important means at present, and there is no idea of abandoning it.

I need to find someone who is in charge to manage the ghosts in the stone tablet world for me. Wu Yi thought for a long time and made this decision. As for the candidate, no, it\'s a ghost election. Wu Yi also made arrangements in his heart.

Wu Yi looks at ghost Yi, that is, the ghost named after Wu Yi because of his firm mind. The "eccentric" Wu Yi even passed his six dust ways to ghost Yi. He uses more resources than usual.

Xu Shi\'s eyes stopped for a long time. Ghost Yi sensed Wu Yi\'s arrival, crawled on the ground and bowed to the sky. He was extremely respectful.

Now that Wu Yi has been found out, he doesn\'t have to cover up in his own small world. The body of his mind falls to Gui Yi, but cuts off the sight of other ghosts. Only GUI Yi can see.

Seeing Wu Yi\'s real body, but the ghosts around him didn\'t seem to be seen. At first, the surprised ghost Yi soon realized Wu Yi\'s purpose and didn\'t make a statement. He also got up early and attracted attention.

Wu Yi nodded slightly. Like his original view, ghost Yi\'s strength is not very high, but his intelligence is not bad at all. He is much higher than other ghosts. Some people are familiar with the world, and these are not used in the world of ghosts. The strong have everything, life and death, all by heart.

There is no need to beat around the bush with GUI Yi. If you beat around the Bush, GUI Yi may not understand. Wu Yi came straight to the point and conveyed his mind to Gui Yi with spiritual knowledge.

To Wu Yi\'s surprise, GUI Yi even sent back the meaning of refusal. However, Wu Yi checked carefully and found that Gui Yi didn\'t want to do it, but asked Wu Yi to give him some real power instead of verbal support.

Ghost Yi has revealed several times that the strength of other ghosts is stronger than him. I hope Wu Yi can explain that other ghosts should obey his orders. In addition, I hope Wu Yi will hand over the control of Yinsha lake to it and punish those ghosts who don\'t obey the orders.

Wu Yi secretly laughs. Although GUI Yi\'s words and ideas seem childish, in this small stone tablet world, he has realized that if he wants to be a superior, he must be in charge of both personnel and financial affairs. It is not uncivilized. Over time, GUI Yi will not be curious about operating this group of ghosts as his subordinates and being the king of ghost China.

As for the worry that Gui Yi is out of his control, Wu Yi does not have it, but quickly puts it behind him and uses GUI Yi to describe the world of stone tablets after his governance, just in the form of establishing a tribal alliance to restrict the behavior of various ghosts.

This idea can indeed solve Wu Yi\'s urgent need. When ghost Yi described the beautiful picture of tribal alliance for Wu Yi, Wu Yi decided to adopt its method. The previous decentralized "clan" organization form has not adapted to the changes of the situation, but these ghosts are not qualified to establish a higher-level national form. Tribal alliance is the best form.

A half step ahead is a genius, and a step ahead is a fool. Wu Yi will not show off his great insight from the big world. Breaking away from the foundation and not thinking will only be counterproductive.

According to the idea put forward by ghost Yi, Wu Yi convened several other evil ghosts and arranged this law. He endorsed ghost Yi with his own prestige. As for the final place of implementation, it depends on ghost Yi\'s own means.

After dealing with the ghosts in the stone tablet world, Wu Yi seems to have moved away from a big stone in his heart. He is much more relaxed. His mind leaves the stone tablet world and returns to his flesh.

Now, he wants to learn the eight diagrams, nine palaces, five yuan and six disciplines to improve the way of calculation.