Dedicate One's Mind

Chapter 1312

The looting fire gathered from the four sides constantly hovers around Wu Yi. From the inside to the outside, it is divided into nine weights. Each weight is subdivided into nine weights, and then subdivided. You can also divide nine weights, subdivide them continuously, and divide them all the time, as if it were endless.

In fact, each heavy fire robbery corresponds to the robbery spirit of the land boundary of the great pole Dynasty. The strength is uncertain, the reality is different, and the color is also different in the eyes of different people, depending on your status and identity, whether you belong to the vested interests or the oppressed group.

These robbing Qi are drawn by robbing lotus because of the breakthrough of the mind demon body, but Wu Yi does not fully control them. When the mind demon body can fully control these robbing fires, it can compete with the lucky Golden Dragon.

At present, the major looting fires are still converging towards the center, but who knows whether they will always maintain this state and when they will disperse by themselves.

The robbing fire surrounded him, but he didn\'t enter the heart devil\'s body. The heart devil slowly opened his eyes. Under his deep eyes, up to the sky and down to Jiuyou.

At the moment of opening his eyes, the perspective of the mind devil\'s body to heaven and earth also changed greatly.

Xiandao four fruit, Taichu fruit, the main source; Taiyi Dao fruit, the main space-time; Da Luo Daoguo, the master of destiny; There is also the legendary mixed yuan Wuji Taoist fruit, which is level with the Tao, or above the avenue, and its owner has no power.

There is something out of nothing. Heaven and earth are born out of nothing. After the legendary realm, although heaven and earth collapse and I exist alone, although the sun and moon decay and I shine alone, it is just a legend after all.

The original world, up and down, left and right, Southeast and northwest, square and upright, is three-dimensional. Even after it is broken, it is three-dimensional. But now in the eyes of the mind devil, the space is multi-dimensional, divided by layers of dimensions, and everything has changed.

The one-dimensional world, the world is a line, the two-dimensional world, the world is a piece of paper, and the three-dimensional world is the world in the eyes of ordinary creatures. Further, Wu Yi\'s eyes shine a little and see the "future" and "past" of many creatures.

Of course, it is not the real "past and future". In the final analysis, it is the advanced application of arithmetic. After seeing a person\'s action track, you can reverse his original pace and deduce the pace of the future.

Of course, if it\'s just that simple, Wu Yi can do this step before he becomes an immortal. The real power of Taiyi\'s immortality is that he can not only predict and deduce the past and future, but also change the past and future, which is unimaginable for lower level monks.

Of course, the so-called change of the past and the future is mysterious. In fact, it is broken and broken. In fact, it is also simple.

Ordinary people are very sensitive to the changes of natural landscapes such as wind, rain and lightning, but if they face the time and space closely related to themselves, they often fall into misunderstandings, or one leaf blocks the eyes and does not see Mount Tai.

In the two-dimensional world, everyone is a piece of paper. If the person in the two-dimensional world is brought into the three-dimensional world, can the person in the two-dimensional world find the landscape of the three-dimensional world? The answer is no, he may think he is still on the right path, but in the end he will never reach the end.

This is changing the future. A friar wants to make a quick breakthrough by swallowing pills. If his pills are incorporated into the two-dimensional world, the pills will become a piece of paper and not used by friars, no matter how much they eat, it won\'t help.

Is it easy? It sounds natural and simple. The problem is, how to bring other people or things into dimensions that do not belong to them?

To be honest, Wu Yi has not explored clearly for the time being, but he has a faint feeling in his heart that he can do that step. Only by doing this step can he really say that he is a Taiyi immortal. Otherwise, it is appropriate to add a "fake" word in front of him.

His mind converges and returns to reality. The devil looks at the looting fires around him. In his eyes, these looting fires are also different under different dimensions. Wu Yi tries to enter the high dimension to observe the evolution of the looting fire.

As for the result, it can only be said that it is not very good, because the future Wu Yi sees is the future of his own death. The vitality is extremely slim. The future is basically buried under the raging fire, and there is no place to die.

Such a majestic fire robbery, the mind demon body can\'t control everything, and the stall is too big. Even Wu Yi can accurately calculate when the fire robbery will change? At which moment, I was powerless and caught? When will you die

In addition, Wu Yi could see that he would not be reconciled and tried his best to defeat his destiny. Finally, he admitted his destiny under a series of failures.

What if you see your own future? Under the power of fate, all sentient beings are just grey dogs. It is not for no reason that Da Luo Daoguo is superior to Tai Yi Daoguo. Fate is higher than time and space.

In front of Wu Yi, the world becomes clear and clear. Everything has a context to follow. However, Wu Yi would rather not see so clearly at the moment. He is too clear. He should know all the changes in his heart. How can he seek change? When he was young, the newborn calf was not afraid of tigers and dared to compete between heaven and earth.

The more mature, the more frightened, timid, walking on thin ice step by step.

This is the will of heaven, and following it is. A voice in Wu Yi\'s heart said so. He did things according to heaven all the way and rarely did things against heaven. This time, it\'s hard not to come true to do things against heaven.

Wu Yi\'s heart is extremely low. Can\'t I die? Wu Yi doesn\'t want to violate the will of heaven, but if the will of heaven shows such a future, Wu Yi is unwilling to accept it anyway.

In the eyes of outsiders, Wu yiduan sat in a daze. In fact, he was not wrong. He hesitated. After many times of consideration, he still couldn\'t make a decision. Isn\'t it the same as being stunned? Even other nerds know how to fight hard!

Wu Yi thought about the solution, but many ways had been blocked before his new solution came out.

This breakthrough, robbing lotus has brought itself a huge problem!

The fire continued to compress internally and occupied Wu Yi\'s living space. Layers of fire continued to operate in an orderly manner, but Wu Yi understood that after three rounds of recycling, there were changes, and this change could not be stopped by himself.

Wu Yi almost watched himself walking towards death.

Can you leave the current fire robbery center? The answer is No. once Wu Yi leaves, the robbery will only collapse faster.