Dedicate One's Mind

Chapter 1194

After many years of operation in LIUCHEN County, Wu Yi has many people who only obey his orders. Although Chen Jiaying is under the supervision of King Yong, before King Yong and Wu Yi completely turn over, after these people paid a lot of sacrifices, Chen Jiaying was able to leave the mansion and come to Wu Yi.

When Wu Yi heard the news from outsiders about the arrival of his mistress, Wu Yi put down his book and went out to meet her. However, at the moment when the curtain was lifted, Wu Yi\'s eyebrows frowned tightly.

There are two visitors, one is Chen Jiaying, while the other has never seen him, but judging from the strange smell on his body, it must be a fairy origin.

The girl has green silk, fine eyebrows, Phoenix eyes, red lips, a bright red bra inside, a big red underground palace skirt outside, and golden silk cloud patterns to outline the colorful Phoenix who wants to fly. She is elegant and has an amazing aura.

She and Chen Jiaying helped each other to leave the carriage. Everyone\'s eyes remained on the woman. In the eyes of everyone, this is the real mistress. Compared with Chen Jiaying, it is like a cloud and mud.

Thanks to the hazy moonlight, Wu Yi can deliberately not see the ugliness of some people.

The more beautiful flowers, in order to protect themselves, the more they will evolve barbs or venoms. Wu Yi was not affected by this woman\'s charm. He looked at Chen Jiaying and asked, "who is this?"

"This is sister Liu nishang. I met a group of thieves on the road. If sister Liu didn\'t help me, I\'m afraid I wouldn\'t be able to see my husband again!"

What, is this elegant and magnificent woman not the mistress, but just a passer-by? So, does it mean that you may get the love of beauty.

At this moment, the eyes of the people present became hot and their minds became active, and they showed their desires from the depths of their hearts without taboo.

Liu nishang, let\'s call her that for the time being. At least Wu Yi doesn\'t think this is her real name.

She moved the lotus steps lightly and bowed to Wu Yi. When her graceful posture dropped, there were endless exclamations among the crowd.

This woman\'s charm is natural and close to the Tao. Both men and women are subject to her pomegranate skirt. Men will feel ashamed that they don\'t love her, and women will feel ashamed because they feel inferior and jealous of her.

In a word, Mingming is obviously a deliberate flattery, which is so openly and grandly displayed, that is, the order here is chaotic, and the new humanitarian order has not been constructed, so she has the opportunity to show her flattery.

Wu Yi didn\'t look at the woman, nodded slightly, led Chen Jiaying, turned and entered the main door, without the slightest gesture of the master, saying that he was rude or light.

Liu nishang asked, "in the dead of night, the hotel is closed, and I don\'t know if the general can stay the next night?" it\'s hard to imagine that a woman with such a bearing will also show a pitiful attitude, but there is no sense of conflict. On the contrary, this huge contrast makes people want to protect, even risking their lives.

Chen Jiaying stopped and pulled Wu Yi\'s clothes. Obviously, she wanted Wu Yi to promise. When Liu nishang mentioned it to her on the road, she promised.

"If you don\'t give up, you can come to Xiaosheng\'s residence."

"Han, don\'t think I don\'t know your foundation. I\'m flirting here. Girl, my house is spacious. You -"

All kinds of voices burst out at once. They were more chaotic than the vegetable market. Before they said a word, several people fought, which was no different from the battle on the battlefield. They were like peacocks trying to show their posture in order to win the admiration of their spouses.

However, these people were destined to be disappointed. The woman gently replied, "tonight, I just want to live in the general\'s house!"

Although they are unwilling, they dare not argue with Wu Yi after the return of reason. Only a hero like Wu Yi is worthy of such a beautiful woman.

Wu Yi didn\'t even look back and said, "it\'s up to you!"

Somehow, what the hell does she want to do? Approach yourself in this way.

Wu Yi and Chen Jiaying enter the house. Chen Jiaying looks back step by step, showing guilty eyes. She feels that Liu nishang is ignored by Wu Yi because of herself.

Liu nishang raised his eyes to look at the plaque, smiled and let all sentient beings tilt their heads, and then entered the house door.

The servants scattered, the moonlight fell on the horizon, and the consciousness of the moon glass controlled the body. Wu Yi directly asked, "what\'s the matter? Tell me about it!" if you ask Chen Jiaying, you don\'t know what answer you will get.

The moon glass was about to answer. Unexpectedly, a gust of fragrance outside the door blew through a exquisite body and came to the door. The shadow could be seen.

Wu Yi\'s eyes narrowed. What did he want to do, confuse himself directly by flattery, and then control the whole army?

The moon coloured glaze saw this figure. In her eyes, she couldn\'t help looking frightened, and even her shoulders trembled.

This woman\'s cultivation is far better than that of Yue Liuli. I don\'t know what happened on the way before, but it\'s obviously not a good thing to make Yue Liuli feel cold.

Hide the palm in the sleeve and hold the card symbol tightly to prevent the other party from rashly shooting. In addition, Wu Yi still calls for the heart devil to help. I don\'t know what this woman wants, so I think of the harm.

"Late night visit, I wonder if the general has time to see you?"

Moon Liuli quietly pulled away from her consciousness and didn\'t even have the courage to face this woman.

Wu Yi replied, "if it\'s an important military matter, it\'s all right. If it\'s anything else, please come back tomorrow!"

"Although what I said is not an important military matter, it is related to the person next to the general. I don\'t know if the general is willing to listen to it?"

Wu Yi never expected that she would talk about it. Instead, he wanted to directly "get out" and drive her away. "Unexpectedly, the girl is still interested in other people\'s inner room?"

There was some ridicule in his words, but the other party obviously didn\'t think so. He said: "I have a little medical knowledge. I\'ve been walking with your wife these days and found that she has some hidden diseases. Unexpectedly, it recurred tonight. I hereby inform you“

Wu Yi suddenly understood why Yue Liuli was so afraid of her. I\'m afraid this consciousness was almost disillusioned because of this woman a few days ago.

Wu Yi said, "since it\'s a hidden disease, it doesn\'t hurt to treat it again tomorrow. I won\'t bother the girl for diagnosis and treatment in the middle of the night!"

"So, please excuse me!" the fragrance dissipated, as if it had come without a trace.

Finally, I left. I had a dialogue with each other across the portal, but it was like face-to-face communication. I don\'t know how long I haven\'t experienced this tension.

As for the so-called hidden disease, it simply refers to the attachment of moon glass.