Dedicate One's Mind

Chapter 1162

All calculations are inseparable from what we know. The most basic example is that in the decimal system, one plus one equals two. If there is no one plus one in front, there will be no so-called two in the back.

Therefore, what you know is the premise of the deduction results. The affairs of the world, especially personnel, are essentially a probability problem. It is a purely numerical problem. In interpersonal relations, it is not meaningful. You were friends before, which may not prove that you are still friends now.

The more you know, the more possibilities you can deduce. This is an irrefutable truth. Even if there are more possibilities, many of them are wrong, which is also a possibility.

Even saints can\'t get rid of this theory. The reason why saints are "omniscient and omnipotent" is that they are in harmony with the Tao and the avenue flows around, so they can know almost everything. Because they know, they can arrange in advance, so they appear omnipotent.

This principle has been mentioned many times before when introducing the fixed fortune star disk. The fixed fortune star disk takes the method of causality as the foundation of deduction, and disperses through Wu Yi\'s personal causality. The more Wu Yi knows about it, the more accurate the deduction result will be.

But the foundation of chaotic beast deduction is not cause and effect. If you have to use a word to describe it, it is the people\'s heart.

The part of memory Wu Yi transferred to the chaotic beast only explains the reason why Taotie went to the West Sea and his own experience. After entering the blood demon world, Wu Yi deleted it.

Through this memory, ordinary people can only know the general process. If there are more, where there are more, isn\'t it blind!

However, through slight changes in the process of Wu Yi saving Taotie, the chaotic beast can analyze Wu Yi\'s view of Taotie, reverse Taotie\'s view of Wu Yi, and further calculate Taotie\'s possible choice after separation from Wu Yi.

The chaotic beast calculated the possible choice of gluttonous food through his own talents. Wu Yi didn\'t take a closer look. His eyes skipped. There were more than 10000 possibilities.

Are you curious? The choice of gluttonous food is nothing more than walking and staying in place. Why are there more than 10000 possibilities.

This is because the chaotic beast is calculating the psychological tolerance limit of gluttony. Does it have the perseverance to wait for several years, or does it think that Wu Yi has been buried in the depths of the West Sea and gone away alone without seeing Wu Yi return for a long time.

How likely is it to wait in place?

How likely is it to leave?

When did you leave?

In which direction?

What is the possibility of danger in different directions?


It has to be said that many deductions have obvious subjective color, including forward deduction, reverse deduction, similar deduction, and even the connection of two unrelated objects in Wu Yi\'s eyes.

However, in the absence of information, it is a possibility, and it can not be said that there is no basis at all. If there are problems, eliminate them one by one.

In order to achieve the idea of gathering the four murderers and promoting them to the top, the chaotic beast is undoubtedly revealed in this move.

The ability of chaotic divine beast seems to be of little use, but in fact it is by no means so. It is a waste to spend these skills on finding gluttonous food. These skills should be used when commanding a heavenly army.

Squinting at the chaotic beast, the other party should understand Wu Yi\'s idea and said, "just for reference. Relying on the contents you give, you can only calculate these!"

The implication seems to be to ask Wu Yi to say more, but naturally it is wishful thinking. In order to dispel his worries, Wu Yi gives such a memory. Good guy, there are so many possibilities to calculate and list, which almost reveals Wu Yi\'s thoughts at that time. It\'s too scary.

Anyway, after this time, it is impossible for Wu Yi to kill the chaotic beast to get his own memory. Who knows what he will analyze and don\'t want a sense of mystery.

The premise of exerting the emperor\'s mind skill is to maintain the emperor\'s sense of mystery. Without the sense of mystery, the so-called son of heaven is just an ordinary mortal.

However, Wu Yi cannot fail to anticipate this result when he sees the chaotic beast with his exquisite mind. Since Wu Yi is determined to be on guard against it, he still does so, that is to leave an idea in Wu Yi\'s mind that the magical power of the chaotic beast is extraordinary and should be feared if it can be used.

Seeing through, Wu Yi even drew a clear line in his mind while walking to the place where Taotie was scattered in the past and observing these possibilities given by chaotic beasts.

If a person with a weak mind sees such ready-made routes, he may lose his rationality. He thinks that if he follows these routes and finds his way according to the map, he can meet Taotie smoothly.

The most important thing people should not lose is their ability to think about themselves. Blindness is never desirable. No matter what status or identity the other party is, they also need to think about it in their mind. Can you copy the so-called success and background? Most of the time, it is not possible, but there is no reference at all? That\'s not true. The key is thinking.

In the same sentence, the chaotic beast can deduce many of these contents, still relying on the memory given to him by Wu Yi, that is, without the deduction of chaotic beast, Wu Yi can also guide a hundred possibilities in his heart, and it is more accurate, because Wu Yi has more memories.

One plus one equals two. Now the chaotic beast is like only knowing the addend of one, and Wu Yi at least knows that there is a plus sign in the middle. This step can save Wu Yi a lot of effort instead of listing and reasoning like the chaotic beast.

Of course, he can deduce it to prove his strength.

The possibilities listed by the chaotic beast are only Wu Yi\'s reference, and it is impossible to determine Wu Yi\'s plan. Together with the deduction, the mind devil body is also a good hand, and the speculation of the people will not be weaker than the chaotic beast.

In the subsequent journey, Wu Yi did not follow the best route planned by the chaotic beast. In fact, in practice, he partially rejected the proposal of the chaotic beast.

The chaotic beast understands that Wu Yi has a strong mind and is unwilling or disgusted to be manipulated by others. In the later journey, it is also silent. More often, it follows Wu Yi.

But for Wu Yi, it is not difficult to veto the proposal of chaotic beast, but it is difficult to prove that the road he chooses is better than the road planned by chaotic beast.

This is an important time to show your prestige and must not be underestimated.