Dedicate One's Mind

Chapter 1156

Wu Yi didn\'t care if he was despised by the chaotic beast. He raised his eyebrows and asked, "so there is only one chaotic Taoist friend in this world!"

The chaotic beast still maintained a arrogant attitude and said: "don\'t deceive me. In the past, people of the Taoist school did capture me as a four evil array, designed to curb the luck of the great pole Dynasty. Taotie and I are both two poles!"

When the chaotic beast spoke, Wu Yi could not find a trace of dissatisfaction on his face. It seemed that he was arrested and suppressed, not like him. Such mentality was calm and could suppress ruos. He was a character.

"There is still this matter, but it seems that the effect of this array is not good!" Wu Yi said in a half teasing tone.

If the effect is good, how can the great pole Dynasty grow? Jos is clearly the so-called four evil array, which is useless.

Chaotic beasts are dissatisfied, but the fact is so, they can\'t refute it. They can only say weakly, "it\'s strange to be useful. We\'re not fierce beasts, but outsiders!"

In ancient times, Wu Yi was too lazy to argue with chaotic beasts. He laughed and said, "in this case, there are two fierce beasts, poor Qi and Tao Wu!"

"It\'s said that it\'s not a fierce beast!" chaotic beast was dissatisfied with this title. After Wu Yi promised not to use this word in the future, he replied: "naturally, I just don\'t know the specific location."

What\'s the difference between this and I don\'t know. If it weren\'t for an accident, Wu Yi could hardly find such an eye in the vast Dead Sea.

Moreover, the so-called four evil array may not be arranged on the sea, just like the Taotie saved before, isn\'t it on the land at the corner of Southern Xinjiang?

The chaotic beast affirmed, "although I don\'t know, you can find it!"

"Taoist friends overestimate me. It\'s too late to rush around! How dare you show up everywhere!"

The Dharma array here is broken and there is no need to stay here. In a hasty reply, Wu Yi walked in the direction of Taotie in the past. Taotie may not stay far away, but he should still be able to find a trace.

The chaotic beast followed him and said, "since you are the person who should be robbed, if you can\'t find it, who can find it!"

"Those who should be robbed, I\'m afraid they will die!"

"The path of cultivation is full of dangers. Since you don\'t want to bear this responsibility, you can give up this lotus and go back to the outer heaven. Naturally, you can avoid this disaster!"

The chaotic beast knows that Wu Yi can\'t choose this road. It\'s just to stimulate Wu Yi.

"If you can find it, it\'s a chance. If you can\'t find it, it\'s no chance. It has nothing to do with me!" Wu Yi relaxed and looked like a fool.

The chaotic beast snorted and didn\'t continue to talk.

The two walked in the vast Dead Sea, not deep in the dead sea, but also far away from the offshore. Up and down in the four directions, they could not see a human figure, a dead silence.

After walking for a long time, even the sound of the sea breeze blowing the dead water is very strange. If you continue to receive the same news, it will be the same. The principle is the same as that you can\'t recognize a word after writing it a hundred times.

But Wu Yi understands that there is a completely different ecological existence in the deep sea, which is completely dead.

Wu Yi has already come to the West Sea. Wu Yi turns his head and looks at the West Sea Dragon Seal, which is probably the air transport artifact used by the former West Sea Dragon King. As he first saw it, it has not changed much. It is reasonable that if it is a real thing, it should change when he comes here.

But the West Sea Dragon seal is not far or near behind Wu Yi. It is unreal and untrue. Wu Yi doesn\'t even have the ability to expel.

The chaotic beast should not be able to see the West Sea Dragon Seal, otherwise there will be no mood fluctuation at all.

Is it difficult to wait until you enter the depths of the West Sea before changes will take place? Wu Yi thinks in his heart. For the time being, he doesn\'t think much. He is surrounded by chaotic beast, a man who knows people\'s hearts. He has to think about things. It\'s really annoying.

I made a circle from the north of the West Sea to the west of the West Sea. It was here that Taotie was separated from Taotie.

"Wait!" on the way, the chaotic beast suddenly called Wu Yi.

"Why, is there an eye here?" it was just Wu Yi\'s joking words, but looking at the solemn attitude of the chaotic beast, it seemed that he was not talking nonsense. Wu Yi couldn\'t help but put aside his mind and explore the four directions with spiritual knowledge. Although he said everything was random, it was better to save them.

As for the reason! It\'s very simple, because they are the eyes of the four evils array. Over the years, they have accumulated a lot of robbing Qi of the great pole Dynasty. After taking them, they will be a great help.

These men with their own resources may not be able to find them with lanterns. Can they let them go easily.

"Search hundreds of miles to the right!" he closed his eyes and felt something. The chaotic beast said, and even commanded Wu Yi.

Wu Yi asked, "don\'t you know the specific position of the array eye?"

"I don\'t know the details, but the general orientation can be sensed naturally!" the chaotic beast looks at Wu Yi\'s eyes as if he is looking at an idiot. After Wu Yi eats flat, he doesn\'t communicate anymore. Really, don\'t you know this is the way to activate the atmosphere?

In this way, in order to search for possible array eyes, Wu Yi searched up and down in this sea area for a long time. Ten days later, he did not get any results.

Of course, just ten days is nothing, but in terms of the current situation of the great pole Dynasty, a lot has happened in ten days.

Later, Wu Yi suggested: "no, if you search here, I\'ll meet Taotie first, and then search with you!"

The chaotic beast looks more and more disdainful at Wu Yi. He doesn\'t even have such mentality. How can he take the responsibility of the person who should be robbed? He has cast a secret Lord!

But such thoughts, in the end, could not be expressed, so they had to say irony and say, "it\'s good! More people also have more strength!"

The chaotic beast despises himself. Wu Yi knows that the mind devil is the body of the mind devil, which is classified as a group of extraterrestrial demons. It is not popular, but so what? As long as heilian is in hand, no one can shake his position, unless there is a new person to be robbed.

Wu Yi was ready to fly with the Qi of robbery when he offered sacrifices to heilian. However, at the moment when heilian appeared, a faint light rose tens of miles away from the southeast, from which wisps of Qi of robbery escaped.

Is this another village? Wu Yi looks at the chaotic beast. Although the other party is skeptical, he still approaches that place. Although the position has been searched several times, there should be no omission.

"Who is this?"
