Deceive me, Marry me

v3 Chapter 66: Traitor

"My cousin?" Sheng Weiqiao was surprised. "When is my cousin Chang'an coming?"

At this time, she thought that the cousin that the girl was talking about was the Feng family. She only thought about her grandfather and grandmother's consideration, and sent her children to Chang'an.

Not only her, Xuan Yu Feng also thought so, just like: "Was the child hurt?"

The little girl didn't answer yet, but she was already pulling Sheng Weiqiao away from Zhengzhengtang. "Let's go and see!"

As a result, the misunderstanding was discovered at the main hall, because the man anxiously surrounded by Mrs. Sheng and Mr. Xu Laohou in the hall did not know the Feng family at all. Sheng Weiqiao was also at the threshold and carefully identified for a while. Certainly asked: "Cousin Shen, are you?"

"Big Joe?" The man was wearing an indigo robe. At this moment, the plaque and hem were mottled brown, the blood stains were seeping out, and his face was pale, but his consciousness was still clear, and the words turned back. Squinting at Sheng Weiqiao, she recognized her immediately, and smiled, "Lord Qiao, haven't seen you for a long time? You are out of the cabinet in a flash."

"Cousin, how did you get this look ?!" Sheng Weiqiao confirmed his identity, hurriedly raised his skirt and walked in, concerned, "When did you come to Chang'an? Why didn't you tell us?"

The question was asked why Shen Shilang didn't tell himself, but Sheng Weiqiao knew that after Shen Jiuniang's accident, Sheng Lanxin never returned to his family in Nanfeng County, and the Shen family gradually lost contact with Sheng family.

Most of this time Shen Shilang was injured and had to come to the door for help before he showed up.

"Qiaoer, are you still here to ask East and West?" While waiting for Shen Shilang to answer his cousin's question, the old man Sheng suddenly jumped his foot. "You haven't seen Shiro's blood. How can an ordinary doctor be assured when we see it? You have n’t hurry up to find a way to ask a doctor ?! "

"Ah ... oh right!" Sheng Weiqiao was reminded, and he couldn't care about staying. He hurriedly explained to Xuan Yu Feng's and immediately left the house to go to ask the doctor.

She didn't know. She left Shengfu on her front feet, and Xuan Yu Feng raised her eyebrows and asked Grandma Sheng: "The old man specifically opened up Qiaoer, but the reason for this injury and the door was not good to pass on?"

Mrs. Sheng glanced deeply at her, silent.

This reaction has confirmed Xuan Yu's speculation, can not help narrowing his eyes, thoughtful.

Sheng Weiqiao didn't know these things. She hurriedly returned to the King's Mansion in Mizhen County, and was planning to call the housekeeper, but saw that Rong Sleeping Crane had just returned, and rushed to the study to explain to him.

Rong Yehe looked anxiously at his wife, comforted him, and sent Gongsun Yingdun to use his post to find a great doctor who is best at treating trauma ... Because Sheng Weiqiao's description shows that Shen Shilang is probably suffering from trauma.

"Speaking of the Shen family, they haven't walked with Sheng family in recent years. The festival and even the annual ceremony are all meanings." After Gongsun Yingdun went out, he asked, "Why did you suddenly come home with injuries? I met robbers on my way to Changan, or ... "

He paused and groaned, "He didn't come from the south, but returned from the north?"

"My cousin looked like that at the time, and my grandfather was anxious to find him a doctor, and of course I'll be right back." Sheng Weiqiao didn't realize he was stretched out and frowned, "Anyway, he came in the door this time, and still suffers With an injury, it's impossible to say that he just walked away. He waited for two days to stabilize his injury. Let's ask again. "

Having said that, she nibbled Zhu Lip slightly, hesitantly, "You said ... is it possible ... if he came back from the north, did he visit ... Xiao Qiao?"

"I'll send someone to check his recent traces. If I've seen Cousin Shen, I'll ask you about her recent situation." Rong Yehe said, "Don't worry too much, no matter what, Shen Biao Brother entered Sheng's house this time, and the relationship between the Shen family and Sheng's family will definitely not be as deadlocked as in the past few years. In the final analysis, it is no wonder that two people can only say that they are good fortune. At that time, everyone was sad. It is inevitable that many will not be able to step down. Now that Cousin Shen's door is going to soften the attitude of both sides. "

Sheng Weiqiao sighed. To be honest, she didn't care too much about whether the Shen family and the Sheng family resumed contact. The main concern was the Shen family. She had the most contact, the best relationship, and the most important thing was Shen Jiuniang.

Most of the other people only met each other during the New Year's Day. This has also broken the connection for several years. Of course, Sheng Weiqiao can't have too strong feelings for restoring the movement with such relatives.

She did not continue to talk about this, but asked about the topic that Fang was interrupted when she was with Xuan Yu Feng: "Yes, before you said that we will go to Xijiang soon, and North Xinjiang will be out soon. After such a thing, shall we go to Xijiang? "

"Why don't you go?" Rong Yehe heard and said with a smile, "Don't we go to the North Xinjiang to fight against Ruru? I don't care about serving the country, but I'm just surly, you think, in my capacity, if you go In northern Xinjiang, is it impossible to be a soldier ?! In this way, I went to the country with a heart full of retribution. Whether it was General Qiangqi or General Huaihua, Bacheng thought that I wanted to go to muddy waters to fish for power! "

"So, what else can you fight? It's too late to fight within your own family ... Isn't this adding to the national chaos?"

Sheng Weiqiao said, "Where do I mean this! I thought you would want to stay in Chang'an!"

"Chang'an is definitely not good at staying in this situation. There is no military power in the hands, and the future will always be in the hands of others." Rong Yehe shook his head. "And then Chang'an must be more chaotic, and it will be more trouble to stay here. "

"You said that Ru Ruduo has been quiet for so many years. It has been a little bit of trouble. Why do you suddenly commit a crime now?" Sheng Weiqiao thought for a while and asked, "Is the Northern Army really relaxed like As the rumor says, it was so messy that Ruzh didn't put the Northern Army in his eyes? "

Rong Sleeping Crane was just a stunner about this: "The relaxation is definitely slack. After all, as you have said, Ru Ru has been making small noises over the years. As time goes by, the guards of the frontiers will naturally decline. But it is not a mess. Possibly, neither Meng Boqin nor our grandmother is not a fool. How could it be allowed to let the frontiers rot? This time, without losing the city, three of them were lost, and 80% of them were traitors. "

Speaking of this problem, he scratched his eyes sharply, "I just don't know ... who is this traitor?"

"This traitor is probably Mi Zhen." At this moment, in the palace of Wangchun Palace in the imperial city, behind the emperor Meng, wearing only a homely skirt, sat expressionlessly on the broth and watched the first dress as a housemaid. Man: "Do you have evidence?"

"Of course, there is no evidence. I'm under the surveillance of Mi Zhen now. I can deceive my eyeliner and come out to meet you. It's not easy. Where can I go to catch his handle?" Meng Gui Yu said indifferently, "But the three cities lost in northern Xinjiang at the moment, although not the most important, they are not insignificant! Can give these three cities to Ruru as fast as possible, The identity of this traitor is inferior to that of the forces. It is impossible to give it! "

"Of course, King Gaomi and Meng have this ability, but you also know that the two factions have just agreed on the matter of recruiting, and they are rolling up their sleeves, waiting to go to the sea to salvage, and then raise a sharp puppet. Then! "

"How is it possible to attract foreign invasion on this bone ?!"

Queen Meng frowned: "But soon after Mi Zhen came to Changan, she had a shallow foundation and was not loved by King Gaomi, so she might not have done such a thing, right?"

"Have you forgotten his Yue family?" Meng Guiyu reminded, "His uncle's uncle and grandfather, the old princess of the county, is an old soldier of the Northern Army, and he has won great appreciation from General Zhou! There is something like Sheng Jia The old Xu family prince of the Xu family, his son Ning Weihou, was the commander in chief of the Northern Army. Even after the generals Qiuqi and General Huaihua took office, they worked hard to cultivate their confidants and clear away dissidents. Xinjiang, there are always places for Shengxu to intervene. "

"I'm afraid this is also the most important reason for losing the city?"

"What did Mizhen do?" Queen Meng squeezed her brows, or she didn't quite believe the inference. "Isn't he going to the Western Territory right away? When the imperial court allocated funds, the Northern Army and the Western Territory were the heaviest." Because the barbarians have long been subdued and have always been peaceful, it is always their meager money.

"Now there is war in northern Xinjiang, and it is still so tight. The court will definitely give more money!"

"Although the past few years have been fairly smooth, but the income of the treasury is like that ... Next, the Western Army is increasingly going to be a queen mother. Dad doesn't hurt the mother or love it!"

"Even if Mi Zhen has Kang Zhao's dowry as a subsidy, it may not be able to support the Western Army, but the army is hugely consumed. Who would be too rich?"

When Meng Guiyu heard the words, he was sneer. His temperament was very gentle. Although, due to his family background and life experience, he did n’t study as deep as Rong Yuhe, and he was certainly not as good as Rong Yehe or even Xu Baomo. Nian Yin tolerate, but the Swenru Ya who is full of people, but even more than these two.

However, since Meng Guihuan was forced to enter the palace of Guangling as the side concubine, there was a lingering gloom and resentment between his eyebrows.

Even after this period of time as General Zuo Weiwei's tempering, the former exquisiteness without losing the grace of gentle gentleman cannot be found.

At this moment, I was sitting there wearing **** costumes, and seemed to have the same charm with those years old veterans in the palace, especially the indifference and insidiousness of the eyes at the moment when I looked at them, that is, the queen Meng who took the initiative to align with him. Looked away.

Meng Guiyu ignored the queen's actions, and said indifferently, "Did you forget what I told you last time? Mi Zhen is not short of money now, not even manpower. What he lacks most is time!"

"This is also the reason why he will come up with the problem of recruiting Seven Seas of An'an. The picture is to use this to trip Meng and King Gaomi, so that he can rest assured to develop the power in the West. Turn back to the plump wings, learn him That Yue family made Nanfeng County, where the two races had been side by side, made three powerful families! "

"At that time, the three families will be strong, and then they will use the blood to affect the Gaomi King, and wipe out the Meng family with his father and son together. Who is going to use this world?"

"It's just that the forces that Meng's and Gaomi King have accumulated over the years are not so easy to get caught."

"However, now that Ru Ru is invading, these two factions are so busy that they are in a bad situation. Now Mi Zhenruo goes to Xijiang, who has the time to control him?"

Queen Meng heard this and said, "You mean ... you can't let Mizhen go to West Xinjiang?"

"No!" Meng Guiyu heard, but shook his head, "It is necessary to let him go to West Xinjiang!"

He explained, "Once this person has deep thoughts and a lot of cards, there are financial support from the three great powers of Nanfeng County, and the support of the second house in the palace. Even if we want to stop him, we may not stop him. ! "

"In the second place, although he will not be able to fight against King Gaomi and Meng, this time, we are even less qualified to fight him! Because of his disposition that must be reported, if we know that we dare to destroy his plan, we will not give up!"

"Three is actually a good thing for us if he can rise to a level with King Gaomi and Meng Shi."

"Others don't say, if this person stays in Changan, Chunbo Lake Marine, he will definitely hold it in his hand, and will not give me any chance at all!"

"But if he went to Xijiang, even if he still left his hands to stare at me, he would be no better than him in Changan."

"So I have the opportunity to really master the Marine Division and even get involved with other embargoes!"

"The King of Gaomi and Meng's have long divided up the courtiers who are willing to stand in the court. Even if they don't, we can't come up with more attractive chips than them to pull the gang!"

"So whether I want to get revenge or you want to protect yourself ... the road to attract courtiers is not going to work, and you can only start with military power!"

Meng Guiyu said here in a breath, with a solemn expression, "So Mi Zhen must go to Xijiang! He has to go if he doesn't want to go, and it is better to leave Changan as soon as possible !!!"

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