Deceive me, Marry me

v2 Chapter 215: Meng Guiyu: Is my brother's posture correct?

Meng Guiyu lost both parents before he was an adult, and there are three brothers and sisters under the drag. He can pull the big brothers and sisters in an environment where the parents watch, the evil servant bullies the young master, and the family is in distress. It can also make the original neglected. The four rooms of Meng's gradually turned over, and he was not a leisurely generation.

At this moment I saw an uninvited guest in the room. Although my pupils also contracted suddenly, I immediately waved my hand to stop Meng Xuan's sigh of expiration. I instantly changed into a smiley face and stood up to welcome him: "Noble guests come, pleased! Sheng Xiandi, how can I Let me know at the door so that I can meet each other? "

"I came from the night and I was disturbed. Why dare to work for Chongxinbo?" The man in a black robe and black robe looked under the lamp, his eyes were dazzling, his face was like a jade, and he was like a gentle and gentle gentleman. The stars, Zhanzhan and bright, Gupan looks like a famous sword, and it is very powerful, but it is the Sheng Sleeping Crane that Sheng Fanqiao came to Chongxin to visit.

Although he saw Meng Guiyu in amazement, he smiled. After giving a gift, he sat down at the table dedicated to hospitality under the western window, but he couldn't doubt it. "I am here to ask for something. And I hope my uncle will let me down! "

Meng Guiyu then took a seat and asked, "But for the undercurrent of Zheng Guo's government today? Speaking of which I am also worried about this! Unfortunately, today is my cousin's birthday banquet, and the guests invited are all girls I am not among them. Although She Xie Gui Huan was fortunate to attend, she came back and said that she was calm and calm and did not find any abnormalities. "

Meng Zheng had already made tea timidly during her speech. Meng Guiyu said here, took a shallow sip of the tea bowl in front of her, and put it down, and tempted, "The only thing that puzzled Sister Sister is Miss Three of your family, It seems that Ms. Ba, Ms. Sun, and the host of Jingshu County have left in advance? The unknown brother is here at the moment, but? "

"Uncle Grandpa will know what happened today in two days." Sheng Sleeping crane smiled softly and said, "I have no other requirements here. I just want to ask Grandpa to accompany me to Zheng Guogong. Of course. On the way, please give me a good introduction to the layout of the back house of the Xiaguo government, especially the residence of Auntie Jiao, Mrs. Xiang, and Lingmei, 14 and 15 ... That is the house of Uncle ’s uncle, Uncle is familiar with his wife and uncle. Presumably this is just a hand for Uncle, and he will not refuse? "

His words were gentle and gentle, without any trace of murder, but San Geng came to the door alone in the middle of the night, and the purpose was to sneak into the back house of the Zheng Guogong Mansion during the night. Even if Meng Guiyu couldn't guess all his plans, he could be sure, Sheng Sleeping Crane showed absolutely no favor to his wife and children.

"... Although I don't know what happened in Zheng Guo's Mansion today, the daughter-in-law of your family was affected, so that Xian Xian came here personally at the moment to make such a request." Meng Guiyu said for a moment, shaking his head, "Dan Xian My brother is my elder brother, please also be considerate of me ... even if I do n’t miss the flesh and blood with Zheng Guogong ’s government, but my three younger brothers and sisters, I swear before my father and mother. You must take good care of it. "

He pointed to the door and sighed, "Tonight I will be as though I have never seen Xiandi, but please ask Xianxi to leave! I also want to persuade Xiandi: Talented and talented, the champion is very promising, Why not bear with the tempo, and what else would it be convenient to do until he became famous? "

Sheng Sleeping Crane didn't look at the door, but looked at Meng Guiyu for a moment, and smiled playfully: "Uncle, you and I have only one side before, so it is no wonder that you don't know me."

He took out a stack of silver tickets from his sleeve, pulled out two of them on the case, pushed them to Meng Guiyu, put the rest of the retracted sleeves, took a teacup and took a sip, casually, "But it doesn't matter, tonight Just now, your government is not far away from Zheng Guo's government office. I can wait for Uncle to think clearly! "

"This is not a question of money ..." Meng Guiyu heard and continued to refuse, but after looking at the number on the silver ticket, it was a stun, and then thought of something, and his forehead was dripping with cold sweat!

He was silent for a while this time, so that the shirt's placket was sweaty. Only when we saw a clear mark, did he show a determined expression, and slowly spoke, "I can arrange for you to go in, but you must guarantee , Don't drag Chongxinbo government into the water! "

"Of course." Sheng Sleeping crane put down the tea bowl, calmed down and smiled. "After all, I still count on Uncle to help the aftermath, how can he put Uncle in danger?"

Meng Guiyu heard the words, and her mind was a little bit more, and continued: "And I need to know, what exactly did Miss San San have experienced today in Zheng Guo's Mansion? When such a good aftermath, we can remove the traces as much as possible without leaving future troubles! "

After he had said this, he was busy and added, "I promise that I won't spread a word!"

"They met Ms. Ms. Fourteen and were rude. Although it was successful in saving people, my niece had to kill people in the process of saving people, so that my family was surly ... that my sister was terrified." This The answer to the question was nothing for Sheng Shenghe, and he heard the words calmly, "I came back to my house in the afternoon and cried for a while in the study, although I could say that I coaxed her to drink soothing soup ... In the evening, the girl who served her told me that she had launched a fever, although it was not very dangerous ... "

He stared at Meng Guiyu, showing a smile with no popularity, "But what does the matter of Zheng Guogong ’s government have to do with my family? For nothing, I asked my girl to eat such a big loss. How can I be a brother? Get some justice for them, right? "

"……………………" Meng Guiyu stared at the floor tiles not far away for a while before resisting the urge to spit blood.

It was said that the man was so polite and thankful when he came to thank him a few days ago, and he ran over in the middle of the night and tried to provoke him to Zheng Guogong's government. Then, with Sheng Shenghe's elder brother as the elder brother, he can't bear it, regardless of Chun Yi's imminent imminence, and this dangerous move.

Is the co-author just frightened?

And was a frightened lady like Sheng San?

If Ms. Sheng San was scared out of her mind, she was crazy and stupid, or if she had a fever and was determined that her death would not survive her life, and Sheng Shenghe responded so fiercely that Meng Guiyu could understand.

But he said it himself, not very dangerous, it can be seen that raising two days can be good!

Although it is said that a good sister goes out to a banquet and spreads such things, as a family member, especially a brother who loves her sister, must be distressed and angry, but as for Qicheng? !!

Meng Guiyu confessed to her two younger sisters, whether it was Meng Guixin, the younger Meng Jiashi who had already left the cabinet, or Meng Guihuan, the eleventh Meng family eleven who was still waiting for her character, but this would be a sleep He Yiyi, he suddenly felt that he was actually doing the same to his sisters?

Could it be that his own house was dragged down by the death of his parents, and his elder brother was harsh on his sisters without knowing it, and thought he was good to them?

Am I always doing the wrong posture for my brother? ? ?

Meng Guiyu thought puzzled: But the Meng family's big room, second room, third room, the pair of brothers and sisters, even the younger sisters ... It seems that Sheng Sleeping Crane and Sheng Weiqiao are not so motivated?

"I didn't expect that Auntie's suspicion was right!" After halting his imagination, he sighed, and secretly said, "Before we all looked away, thinking that he was just a coward from the south wind county family. Relying on gifted talents, he has to get the attention of Sheng Jia's old master, and even his martial arts thought that he was just a few hands that the wealthy man could use to learn to keep fit, which is not worth mentioning! "

Speaking of the reason why Meng Guiyu originally excused the Sheng family in front of Meng Meng and his wife, starting from the overall situation, and benefiting the four bedrooms, there are two reasons, but his own suspicion of Sheng Jia was actually not. It was so strong that the matter of Bishui County was Sheng's family.

Otherwise, he would never go into battle to deny the suspicion of Sheng's family. After all, in the case of Bishui County, there was nothing in the four rooms of the Meng family. The captive Meng Boheng was the wife of his wife, the only son!

Mrs. Xiang is not the kind of person who understands the righteousness. Meng Guiyu is no stranger to this aunt's temper. How can she not worry. In the future, Meng won and re-examine the truth about the Bishui County. Hate it? Even if he didn't want to live too long with his wife for various reasons, Meng Boheng's sister, Meng Bichen, is the successor in the future, and even the next queen Meng ... Even if Meng Guiyu considers for the entire Meng family, he does not agree to The wife is now killing the Sheng family, so how can you find other people to oppose it, fortunately, afterwards, there is a reason to escape the anger towards his wife and Meng Bizhen!

Now, he has already approached Mrs. Meng and Mrs. Xiang and gave a ticket to Sheng Jia. At this moment, if the news that Sheng Jia is really fierce is revealed, Meng Guiyu is not regarded as an alliance of Sheng Jia, at least to Madam's temper will never spare him.

Not only him, the entire Meng family's four bedrooms, including the married Meng Guixin, may not let his wife down!

Thinking of this, Meng Guiyu couldn't help laughing secretly: No wonder the Sheng Sleeping Crane dared to sneak into Chongxin Bo's House alone to ask him for help. This is to fix the weakness of Meng's four bedrooms. Not only can the guards be incompetent, let him come and go freely. It is also because of its attachment to Zheng Guo's Mansion. It is necessary to consider the thoughts and moods of the people in the Guo Mansion at all times.

Therefore, although Meng Guiyu speculated from Sheng Shuihe's unscrupulous disposition that Bacheng County was responsible for 80% of the incident, he could not find out why he had been sent, but it was only that Ye Yehe had been like himself. The encounter was intimidated by this person ... So to speak, it is no wonder that today, at the birthday party of Zheng Guogong ’s birthday party, the night club invited Sheng Weiqiao to leave, not because the county owner and Sheng Weiqiao had What friendship, but hinder Sheng Sleeping Crane, had to take care of his sister and niece!

It's just that although Meng Guiyu has figured out this section, she has no idea of ​​revealing or reporting. Fortunately, Sheng Shuihe's revenge in Bishui County did not affect Meng Guihuan. Instead, he figured out how to calculate All the clues that might point to Sheng's family are erased, and the real murderer's pot is firmly locked on Ruru's head?

"According to Brother Xianxian, today's dispute between wife and concubine in Zheng Guogong ’s government, is it possible that my aunt won?" Meng Guiyu calmed down and said slowly. Now, why is Xianxian so anxious? "

He had been accidentally dragged into the water by Sheng Hehe, and now he was more and more resistant to helping Sheng Hehe infiltrate into the Zhenguo government.

After all, just to excuse the prosperous family in front of the queen queen and the wife, can explain.

But if you help Sheng Sleeping Crane enter the backyard of Zheng Guo's Mansion in the middle of the night, and Sheng Sleeping Crane takes advantage of this opportunity to do something detrimental to Zheng Guo's Mansion, then Meng Guiyu will really be caught by the handle and step on the night In the future, you will have to become a grasshopper on a rope with Sheng Hehe in the future!

And Sheng Hehe ran over in the middle of the night to beat him, was it just to go to the back house of Zheng Guogong Mansion to open his eyesight? 10% is uneasy kindness!

Although Meng Guiyu knew that the hope was slim, he still wanted to do his best to win the front line.

He didn't want Shengyehe to listen to this, and he didn't get angry or coerce, but looked at him with a meaningful look, and smiled after a while: "Chong Xinbo, I heard about it before I came to Changan. You have done everything in peace, so before coming tonight, I thought you would be very happy to provide me with convenience. The only reason to quit was to test my ability and determination ... Now it seems that I overestimate you The courage! "

Meng Guiyu frowned slightly when he heard the words. He noticed that Sheng Hehe's words contained a clear contempt.

Because the experience of growing up is definitely not smooth sailing, even if Meng Guiyu is now Feng Bo, he has to sell to the wife of Dafang, so he is really used to humiliation.

With these few words, he was not too angry.

But maybe because they are both elder brothers, and because the age difference between the two is not large, especially the older one is Meng Guiyu, at this moment suddenly a anger burst into my heart!

However, after all, he is a man who has been depressed for a long time. This anger is not yet revealed, and he only said lightly: "I would like to hear the details!"

I didn't want Sheng Sleeping Crane to make an understatement, and let him say what he said on the spot!

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