Deceive me, Marry me

Chapter 98: Accidental kiss

Sheng Weiqiao hurriedly returned to the big room, and he didn't care about Gongsun Yingjiang's side. He took three steps and made two steps to Xiezhuxuan where Sheng sleeping crane lived—at the door, looking calm and calm, he couldn't dare to relax his vigilance. Grabbed the door and asked, "Is anyone here yet? The visitor has left?"

The door came up to salute, saying: "My son went out early in the morning and said he was going to say hello to Ao son."

Sheng Weiqiao slaps his head and regrets his mistakes: The Ao family came to the door yesterday. It is really impossible to throw them away at the hospital today. If it was n’t for Feng ’s order to go to Di ’s Ventilation, I heard If Ao Jingjing is uncomfortable, she will not come back to the big room!

With Sheng's current grandchildren's current age, Sheng Weide wanted to guard Bai's spirit. This messenger who accompanied him on Ao Xiaoxiao naturally fell on Sheng Sleeping Crane.

Now come to Xie Zhuxuan to find Sheng Sleeping Crane, how can you not miss it?

But then I thought that I didn't find anyone. Xuan Yu's brothers and sisters are probably in vain, maybe they already went back to Chuntai to leave this time.

However, she inquired with the door Sheng Shenghe planned to invite Ao Xiaoxiao to go to the garden today to see him, and rushed to the place to look at her face. Her cousin Xuan Yuxuan and Ao Xiaoxiao stood on the rockery together. Pointing at the five or six fur-smooth, lustrous and slippery fur underneath, they looked very happy.

Sheng Sleeping Crane folded his sleeves, and smiled if he hadn't even smiled. He was standing in the shade of the flowers and trees under the rockery, and in front of him was a slender figure. Looking at it, this girl is probably Xuan Yuzhi Yu. She is about fifteen or sixteen years old, with curly eyebrows and thick cheeks, her eyes look like autumn, her lips are like cherry, her body is weak and she does n’t seem to look very good.

The dazzling appearance of incomparable weakness, unlike Shen Jiuniang's bright and glamorous, does not look like a magnificent mirror, is not as delicate as Sheng Weiqiao, but it is easy to provoke people, especially men's love.

No wonder Sheng Sleeping Crane threw the two visitors on the rock and spoke to her alone.

Sheng Weiqiao saw the scene from afar, and she couldn't help twitching her lips. She didn't know how her cousin helped Xuan Yuzhi to stop Sheng Yuhe, but according to her aunt ’s arrangement, this Xuan Yuzhi must be hooking Sheng Sleeping crane.

Then look at Sheng Hehe's expression, seems to talk to her happily?

"This stupid person!" Sheng Weiqiao sneered in the heart, and secretly said, "Seeing a beautiful woman faints, what's the difference with my second uncle? It just fails his father's painstaking efforts to pick him up!"

Although he was full of nasty feelings for Sheng Sleeping Crane, and he was very disdainful for his instability in the face of beauty, Sheng Weiqiao thought of his aunt's "putting an outside maid to that outside room. It would be useless to wait for them to give birth to a son, so they can go With a frowning plan, he immediately led someone to the past: "Don't you say you came to see me? Why didn't you go to the rockery?"

"Sister is here? Why don't you see Ao Shimei?" Sheng Sleeping Crane saw her, and immediately showed a bright smile. The dark pupils were filled with starlight in an instant, and seemed to be bright for a moment. Like a good brother who really loves his sister, he beckoned Sheng Weiqiao to come to himself, and introduced the girl with a timid expression on his side in a loving tone. "This is the sister Weiqiao, cousin has not seen Right? "

Sheng Weiqiao resisted the anger and walked to him. He nodded to the girl and said, "This is an eye."

"This is Xuan Yu's cousin, my girlfriend's name is Zhi Yu." Sheng Sleeping Crane smiled. "Because I hadn't been in good health, I lived in Zhuangzi, so I haven't seen it with us. Fortunately, my cousin is now very good. It is expected that we can come and go often in the future. "

Sheng Weiqiao glanced at him with a hate for iron and steel: Do you still want to interact with her often? You have to deal with her seriously, now you can prepare your birthday gifts!

She was very irritable, after all, it was very unwilling to help someone she didn't like.

Especially this Sheng Heihe, she played her fiercely last night-if it was not Xuan Yu's calculations, she would not only aim at the future of Sheng Heihe, or even design his life, Sheng Weiqiao surely Sitting idly by, I wish this nasty Sheng Sleeping Crane had been ashamed!

"It was only when I heard my aunt said that a female guest came from the house." She pursed her lips for a long time, "so I waited for a long time on the Chuntai station, but I never saw my cousin and took him back. ——Why did the lady see you already. "

She wasn't Sheng He, she just met and talked about the cousins.

This Xuan Yuzhi Yu was just her uncle Xuan Yule's daughter, not her own biological flesh. Even though it was brought by her aunt today, Sheng Wei Qiao Ke did not intend to recognize her as a sister.

Of course, she does not plan to call Sheng sleeping crane "brother" now.

Wen Yansheng's sleeping crane smiled and said, "What kind of identity does your aunt have when you come to our house? There must be something important to discuss with your mother. At this time, we naturally want to stay away from juniors to avoid interruption. Waiting for someone to ride Chuntai, it is inevitable to wait for a time! "

Xuan Yuzhi Yu's eyes were red, and it seemed that he couldn't get off the stage. He bit his lower lip hard to hold back the tears, and said, "I came to Shengfu for the first time. Miss Wang Shenger Haihan! "

Speaking of the beautiful posture of Blessing Blessing, the eyebrows were full of embarrassment and gloom.

Sheng Weiqiao glanced at her, and said gently: "It's nothing, and I didn't think about it. I didn't send someone to the second room to welcome one."

Followed, "Since cousin and Brother Ao Shi are on top, let's go up and talk!"

Without waiting for Sheng Sleeping Crane to speak with Xuan Yuzhi Yu, she lifted her chin toward the rock steps of the rockery, and said in an unquestionable tone, "Miss Xuan Yu is a guest, please go ahead!"

Xuan Yuzhi subconsciously looked at Sheng Sleeping Crane.

Sheng Hehe still smiled tenderly and beautifully: "Cousin please!"

Xuan Yuzhi Yu then timidly said "Yes", and then proceeded carefully to the ranks-although she had a little fear of her first arrival, her behavior was clearly instigated, and she smiled with her own manners. Because this rockery was two or three people tall, and not far from the lake, when the steps were up, the wind of Haohao Lake blew through, and the streamers danced against her.萏 Average, weak and beautiful.

... Unfortunately, the brothers and sisters who came later didn't bother to appreciate this: Xuan Yuzhi turned away, and Sheng Weiqiao's face cooled down, and he stepped on the foot of Sheng Sleeping Crane!

Sheng Sleeping Crane looked at her with a smile, no shouting, no screaming, no questioning, no problem, just like nothing happened.

This made Sheng Weiqiao's only angry look suddenly turned into anger-she decisively crushed him on the instep, and then flung her sleeves to keep up with Xuan Yuzhi Yu!

"What did my sister do so angry?" However, she set foot on the stone steps, and heard the sound of Sheng Sihe's chuckling sounding behind her, slowly walking, "Because she was talking to Xuan Yu's cousin for her brother? Sister don't think about it, cousin just Guest, my brother ’s worst sister is definitely you! ”

Sheng Weiqiao vomited blood secretly, and almost stepped into the air, fixed his mind before standing still, turned his head to glared at him.

At this time, she was standing two steps higher than Sheng Sleeping Crane, but because this Sheng Sleeping Crane was more than a foot taller than her, she was only a little taller than Sheng Sleeping Crane at this moment, and stopped abruptly to turn back, His lips almost touched the forehead of Sheng Sleeping Crane who was going up-both brother and sister were startled, and let go!

Sheng Sleeping Crane was okay. He was all subordinates behind him. Because he saw a scene of discord between his siblings, he didn't dare to follow too closely. With his skill, he leaned a little and settled.

The sad reminder is Sheng Weiqiao-she forgot to stand on the stone steps in panic, not only tripped, but also stepped on her skirt!

So I was too late to scream, the whole person was stunned, and fell down first!

"Careful!" Sheng Sleeping Crane couldn't stand by and looked at it. The ape arm lightly relaxed and caught her—coincidentally, Sheng Weiqiao hadn't turned around at this time, still kept his side posture and slept. Crane raised her arms around her waist and hugged her sturdy, while her lips also rubbed firmly against Sheng He's cheek!

Sheng Sleeping Crane: "..."

Sheng Weiqiao: "!!!!!!!!!"

"Sister is okay?" The siblings became stiff at the same time, Sheng Shenghe simply responded quickly, and immediately loosened the arm that embraced Sheng Weiqiao's waist, and instead supported her shoulder, concerned, "See if you twist your ankle. ? "

Sheng Weiqiao was ashamed and angry, flushed all over—she almost shyly earned from Sheng Sleeping Crane's arms and stood still, staring at Sheng Sleeping Crane for a moment before she cut her teeth and said, "You--!"

Sheng Hehe's eyes flickered, and she looked at her especially innocently: "Sister, can you be hurt?"

"..." Sheng Weiqiao looked at him for a moment, turning his head in resentment--when she couldn't hear the meaning of this Sheng sleeping crane? !! She fell by herself. As a person standing right behind her, she took her hands for granted. How could you blame him for such an accident?

The most important thing is that Sheng Weiqiao is so embarrassed to speak out in public, and embarrassed to follow up in public? !!

So after a while, I saw that Xuan Yuzhi Yu had been up for a while, wondering why their brother and sister had not yet come up to Xuan Yushe, and came to the stone steps and asked: "Cousin, Hengshu, stand on the stone steps doing what?"

Sheng Weiqiao stared fiercely at Sheng Sleeping Crane and took two deep breaths, before using a smooth tone of voice: "Cousin, I just came here to see, and immediately go to Sister Ao, you play! I won't go up!"

...... This happened just now, I don't know if the subordinates noticed, how could she stay?

As for Xuan Yuzhiyu and Sheng Sleeping Crane ... Ms. Ben will be too busy taking care of herself and let this Sheng Sleeping Crane die! !! !!

Anyway, someone who can be linked to Zhiyu at such a short time will be planted in the backyard as soon as her second uncle!

Sheng Weiqiao thought resentfully, and walked away without looking back—of course, when she passed through Sheng Sleeping Crane, she didn't forget to step on him again!

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