Death Notice

Chapter 671

"You've helped us a lot, if it wasn't you..." Alastro shook his head slightly and declined Qin Lun's proposal. "Besides, you use that now. It's dangerous to fight again!"

As the electorate of the goddess of magic, alastraw naturally knew what the golden ray of magic power Qin Lun held in his palm was. It was a lucky gold coin made by the blood of the goddess of luck and the girl of misfortune!

"The side effect of this thing is not that you can avoid it if you want to avoid it. If you can't catch the chance to kill me even if the enemy doesn't want to fight, it's better to let the bad luck dissipate faster." Qin Lun looked down at the lucky gold coin in his hand and said with a low smile.

"Then What do you suggest? " Alastro thought about it, and felt that Qin Lun was not unreasonable, so he nodded and agreed.

"Monsieur alastraus, are these vines decorated in the palace tonight?" Qin Lun looked up at the fruit vines hanging from his head like a pearl curtain.

"This is a special variety for the celebration, only in the banquet hall." In a flash of his eyes, alastraw immediately understood the meaning of Qin Lun. "However, there are no lack of green plants in the supreme palace. Before the celebration, there are many large-scale plant bonsai transplanted from the outside for decoration."

Alastair frowned. "You want to use protective wood magic Is this necessary? I've just let people start the enchantment. The assassins of the santalin society have become turtles in a jar, and they can't escape from the palace! "

"You're so confident, Lord alastraus!" Qin Lun sighed, "since santalin can come in, it will be ready for its own way back. Although I'm not sure what their specific means are for the time being, I'm afraid that the enchantment will not trap them. "

As Misra's electorate, alastra has shown great magic talent since she was a child. Although she experienced numerous adventures in her youth, she has never suffered major setbacks.

In other words, the favorite of the magic goddess comes with her own leading role template. She changes her body in a gorgeous way every time she encounters danger, breaks through on the spot or meets the rescuer properly.

Like this assassination, such a desperate situation did not hurt her a hair. She enjoyed the benefits of lucky gold coins, but Qin Lun was willing to recite the side effects. It's no wonder that alastra will have unparalleled confidence after the first half of his life.

However, maybe it was the experience that made her waver. Hearing Qin Lun's words, she finally frowned and asked curiously, "what kind of wood magic are you going to use Don't do too much damage! "

"No, just another layer of insurance for the enchantment!" Qin Lun felt a simple scroll in his arms with a smile and tore it apart. Suddenly, the space around them was filled with a strong and evil atmosphere.

"The magic of beholders?" The magic wave on the scroll made alastro change color slightly and look at Qin Lun with doubts.

"Beholder will is just a supplementary magic scroll!"

At this time, Qin Lun's attention has all been focused. He answers with some difficulty and closes his eyes. His forehead was full of earthworm like sinews. He raised his hands and clapped them on the floor of the banquet hall.

"Tree world comes!"


A figure with a hooded mage's robe is running rapidly in the palace corridor. He looks very strange. The mage's robe seems to have been scratched by many sharp blades, and it has completely become a beggar's costume.

The skin under the clothes is pale and bloodless. In many places, you can see the wounds like the baby's small mouth. Even the face is seriously injured, and several faces are drooping.

However, it is amazing that there is no blood exudation from these wounds, and another layer of skin under the dead skin can be seen in some places, just like the person with two layers of skin.

This man is the Angelo disguiser who assassinated the Centaur Lord. He is a sub legendary strongman named "crow" in the santalin society.

The fighting profession of crows is not a mage, but an assassin, a powerful profession combining some characteristics of thieves and Rangers. It not only has the stealthy and agility of thieves, but also has the perception and overall fighting ability of Rangers.

As the pioneer of the operation, crows are the most capable of escaping. He is responsible for attracting a large number of escorts arranged by alastro near the banquet hall.

But the plan couldn't keep up with the change. The Lord of Yinyue city didn't arrange many patrol guards near the banquet hall, but the strong ones like queen storm and grand Druid of garland and Nord appeared in the staff to protect the banquet hall.

His injury was just the result of a hurricane operation by storm queen. Fortunately, his speed was still faster than that of Alan silver, so he escaped from the scope of Hurricane operation.

The crow only felt that two strong breath had been following him, just like a sharp edge on his back. His heart, which had not fluctuated for a long time, was beating violently, and a wave of excitement and palpitation came out of his body involuntarily. Walking in the dark, the most favorite is this kind of stimulation on the edge of life and death.

The figure flashed into the corner of the corridor like a wisp of light smoke, and the crows did not choose to break through the palace. Not to mention that the silver guard who has received the police message has surrounded the whole palace, that is, the layer of enchantment that covers the supreme palace, he can't break it alone.At the end of the corridor is the area where the servants live. There is a tunnel leading to the basement. The underground part of the supreme palace has 12 floors, and the top four floors include food storage, wine cellar, cell and armory.

The fifth layer contains a large collection of miscellaneous items and large equipment, from river boats to long ladders, bumpers and cables, as well as various tools. The sixth layer is the tomb of the great man who made great contribution to Yinyue city. The mage and druid who once ruled Yinyue city lie here.

The next six floors are the silver moon treasure house, where there are an amazing number of treasures, magic items and legendary equipment. However, the treasure house is shrouded in an independent recognition magic array. Any forced entry into the treasure house will be detected by the iron mage, and the set expulsion mechanism in their bodies will be activated.

With the battle effectiveness of these iron and steel demons, there is no complete legendary team of five people, unable to fight against a large number of demons at all. This is the case without the intervention of the silver guard.

The crow's current destination is the third floor of the basement, where there is a cell for prisoners.

There are many dead people in santalin, but most of them are low-level members. The members who have reached a high level of strength and even legend are basically high-level. Most of these people are self-centered, and will never be dead.

The enchantment in the main entrance of Silvermoon city is a magic shield formed by multiple Magic Protection overlaps. It really belongs to war level protection magic, as alastraw said.

In general, the enchantment of the supreme palace is difficult to break through, but it is not completely flawless. If there are two magic arrays that match each other, they can open a small gap in a short time.

For army level operations, this kind of breakthrough, which can only pass through several people in a short time, is useless, but it is most suitable to meet assassins.

Of course, if you are well prepared, it is very easy to arrange a small magic circle somewhere outside the supreme palace, but it is difficult to do it inside the palace. Santalin can send people to infiltrate the palace in advance, but the number of people is limited after all, and the layout of the magic array also needs a certain time, which can't be found.

It's risky to dress up as a servant and arrange magic circles in warehouses, wine cellars and other places.

This kind of place often has the servant to come in and go out, also can clean regularly, very difficult not to be discovered. Although they have set up a phalanx in a servant's room through their efforts, they still have another backhand.

That's the little traveled and dirty underground cell! There are two prisons in Silvermoon city. One is next to the garrison of the silver army, and the other is on the third floor of the underground of the supreme palace.

The two prisons are used for different purposes. The former is used to imprison the criminals with less crimes, and the latter is used to imprison the criminals with dangerous death penalty. Because most of the more serious criminals are professionals, they can not be trapped in ordinary cells, so cells were built in the underground of the supreme palace.

In Silvermoon City, alastraw practises an open legal canon and does not dispose of prisoners according to his personal preference. Even if prisoners are sentenced to death, they have a long reprieve.

Santalin will use this conveniently. More than two months ago, a high-level mage deliberately killed people and was imprisoned in the underground cell of the palace.

The black robed mage will use these two months to carve a small hidden magic array in the cell. After the execution of the assassination plan, it formed a chain reaction with the magic array outside the palace, opened a small hole in the enchanted border, and received others to withdraw from the palace. This is a retreat for the most dangerous crows.

Just as the crow expressway is close to the corridor leading to the underground floor, a tall figure stands at the entrance of the corridor.

"Somebody's really coming!" The figure saw the crow come here, mumbling and mocking, "that guy can always guess so accurately, isn't neuropathy accompanied by divination skills!"

Seeing someone in front of him, the crow could not help but shrink his pupils, slow down and look up.

The figure is a blonde woman with a good figure like devil. The woman's eyes are cold. She is wearing a strange short dress and a short skirt with buttocks. She holds her chest in her hands and a pair of black and white revolvers in her left and right hands.

The black-and-white twin guns look a little like the gnome's magic crystal guns, but the crows have never seen this style.

"My Lord, stop the assassins in the back. They want to kill me!" The crow's mind has changed countless thoughts, and in a flash, he has a decision. There was a look of panic on his face, and he put his hand to his back, but his feet kept moving fast towards the strange woman.

"Oh, is it?" Pinota looked over the crow's shoulder and toward the back of the promenade, and there was a figure with a storm in it rushing towards it.