Death Notice

Chapter 662

"According to the information from the hand of light, there were two lords who opposed the founding of the people's Republic four months ago, namely the Lords of elwald and queirwa." "Qin Lun, who do you think is the target of santalin society?" hill asked

Although the santalin society has already had a way to sneak into the supreme Palace during the celebration, I'm afraid there won't be too many people who can sneak into it. Apart from Angelo's camouflagers, there are at most a few waiters who can't get close to the core area of the banquet.

In this way, they may not be able to assassinate the Lords of elwald and queirva at the same time. They can only choose one of them.

Elwald is a large city, located in the south of the eternal wilderness, very close to the highest forest. The race in the city is composed of human beings, elves, semi elves and halflings, and the surrounding area is protected by high walls.

The city is dominated by commerce and trade activities. During the war between goblin tribes in the eternal wilderness, it makes allies with Yinyue city. However, the governing body of the city is the Council of six elders. The Lords are held by six elders in turn. There is a serious power struggle within the city.

In fact, these six elders basically support elwald to join the silver moon Federation in the future, but in the struggle with each other, there will always be a small number of elders who have to choose to become the opposition in order to compete with the political enemies, as is the case with the Council elders who are now the Lords.

Elwald's desire to join the union of silver and moon is the general trend, because the city has been beset by enemies since its establishment and the surrounding environment is very bad.

Its own geographical location is in the plain, with roads in all directions and prosperous business activities. Both the goblins of the eternal wilderness and the giants of the wilderness covet them and covet the richness of the city.

In addition, the toulang people in the highest forest in the south of the city are gradually moving the forest border to the north, and elwald is a stumbling block in front of them. The reason given by the tree people is to drive the remnants of Hellgate castle to the East, but in this way, there will inevitably be conflicts between the two sides.

On the one hand, toulang people hate that urban residents enter the supreme forest with axes. On the other hand, the daily life of citizens is also affected by the shadow of trees. The sunshine time in the southern urban area is very short.

As for queirva in this incident, it's a little different from that of elwald. It's not a big city like elwald, it's just a small woodland town.

Queirva is a minor ally of the silver moon alliance. The inhabitants are made up of humans and semi elves. The city lives on wine and logging, and the people of the silver moon alliance once joked that queirva had to stay in the alliance because it had the best Forest Hotel, the Ming Lu tavern!

"I think if there is a choice, the main target of the santalin Association will be elwald. After all, the city has more population and strength, which can have a greater impact on the silver moon alliance."

Qin Lun said without hesitation, "what's more, the administrative efficiency of the Presbyterian Council is too low. It is estimated that it will be confused for a while due to the assassination of the Lord, so as to achieve the purpose of delaying the establishment of the silver moon alliance. As for quelva, its influence is much smaller. Although it can also shake the tiger across the mountain, it should only be the second goal. "

"Anyway, now that we know the plot, it's hard for the santalin plan to succeed." Hill smiled and said, "what are we going to do with Angelo's body?"

"You don't have to test me. Am I so sentimental? I'm afraid that my old friend will have to stay here for some time in order not to scare the people. " Qin Lun gave the old staff a bad look and said in a deep voice.

"It's hard to imagine that they will leave such a big flaw because of the tight arrangement of the meeting. Although I don't know why they left in a hurry, they didn't even dispose of the body. But I believe that once they have dealt with the matter at hand, they may turn around. After all, in their opinion, this stronghold has not been exposed. "

"Ha ha, you'd better think so! We are very lucky, but to achieve this task perfectly, I'm afraid we need the cooperation of the other side. " Hill smiled and nodded, "we can't compete with more than two legendary strong teams, and we won't get too much exploration in the world if we kill the plan of santalin society in the middle."

Hill and Qin Lun each have a smile on their faces. What a beautiful word!

The people who participated in the assassination plan of santalin association are at least above the senior level. If they destroy the plan of santalin society in the middle, they will not be assassinated any more, and can only accomplish the task with the lowest degree of completion. But if we leave one of the high-level assassins of the santalin society, or even the legendary strong ones, then the ultimate benefit of the mission will be maximized.

In this way, they need a group of helpers to block the legendary strongmen of the santalin society, so that they can defeat each other. The Lords and guards on the silver moon celebration are the best cannon fodder.

As for whether the silver moon alliance will cause great losses, this is beyond the consideration of several apostles. As long as they let the assassins of the santalin society show up at the last moment and destroy the actual effect of the plot, they can complete the task.

"I'm sorry, old friend. I need you to wait here for a few more days!" Qin Lun put away the bloody puppet, put the ragged clothes back to their original position, and finally took a look at Angelo's body, sighed, and turned to walk outside."As expected, there have been subtle changes, not only because of the relationship with elistin?"

What Qin Lun didn't see was hill behind him. He frowned slightly as he watched his back. The shepherd's insidious exploration was not so simple. In this world, he and Rand are sensitive to the difference between Qin Lun and the past.

After they came out of the cellar, they didn't talk about Angelo to illistin and idriya, but they simply perfunctorily dealt with their traces left behind in the farmhouse, and the party was once again in the dark.


After Qin Lun and others left, at about dawn, in the field far away from the farmhouse, there were several figures looming in the early morning mist.

There are almost ten of them, several of them are covered with black veil, and they move silently. At first sight, they know that they are the shadow people who walk in the dark world for a long time.

There was no conversation or laughter between these people. Their movements were simple and quick, and they disappeared in the farmhouse in a moment.

"Oh, no, I smell a strange smell." One of the dark figures walked into the cellar and shouted in surprise.

"Would it be a mouse or something?" Asked one of his companions in disbelief.

"It's impossible. We didn't have much time to leave. At that time, the smell of blood was much stronger than it is now. The secret door of the cellar opened for at least a quarter of an hour, and the smell would dissipate so fast." The leader's black shadow's eyes were full of light, and he shouted loudly, "ask mosmir to come down, and use retrospective magic to check what happened here?"

"Chief, only for such a long time." A thin black figure wiped the sweat on his forehead and said wearily.

In front of him, there was a blurred image with magic halo, which was flickering unsteadily, and finally turned into a little bit of light and dissipated in the air.

However, this is enough. The ten or so black shadows around the image have seen what happened a few hours ago. Although the retrospective magic is extremely vague, and it is impossible to recognize the appearance and appearance of the characters who broke into the cellar, at least it confirms that the secret stronghold has been exposed.

"Damn, I just left for such a short time. Those greedy jackals are really damned..." One of the tall figures in the black shadow hit the cellar wall with a fierce fist, which shocked the whole cellar, while the other black shadows fell into a terrible silence.

"We have been preparing for so long, should we give up at the last minute?" After a while, a dark figure hoarse voice, extremely unwilling to say.

"No, we can't give up. Silver moon has put so much pressure on the organization in the alliance stage. We can't let them build a unified federal state." Said the leader of the shadows firmly.

"Don't forget the expectations of leaders of inner circle for this task and the massive resources invested by the organization. If we don't even try, we will go back like this, then the consequences can be imagined... "

"But Chief, if the plan has been revealed, we can't get the border of the highest palace. The chance of killing the Lord of silver moon parliament head-on will not be higher than 10% Said the shadows with some hesitation.

"Don't worry too much, Milot! According to the information you provided, the identity of the "crow" disguised object is special. Although it has a high status, there are few people who know him in Yinyue city. The intruder may not be able to find his identity in a few days. "

The speaker is one of the few young people in the shadow who has no mask. The young man has thin eyebrows and Phoenix eyes. Although he is handsome, his face is always gloomy.

At this time, he smiled and pointed to the body to remind people, "besides, from the blurred image of the intruders just now, they don't seem to be fully armed silver guards, maybe just some adventurers passing by the farm. It's not necessarily associated with us, it's even possible to think of the situation here as a jackal. "

"Weiss is right. Our plan hasn't been fully exposed. Maybe we can make a bet." The leader of black shadow's spirit was refreshed, and his eyes on the young man were more gentle. He could see that he appreciated the young man who had joined the santalin society only a few months ago.

"Gambling? No, my Lord Milot, I never gamble, nor do I like games that rely on small odds to win. " "I just don't think this plan is on the verge of failure, but I won't bet that it's not exposed at all," he said

"Oh? Weiss, your idea is... " The leader frowned slightly and asked cautiously.

"Since there is a flaw, it's better to add another backup plan!" With a slight smile, Weiss gradually lowered his voice.

After a long time, the shadows in the cellar finally spread out again, clearing all the blood and bodies in the cellar, leaving the farm quickly and disappearing in the morning light. Now that everything is ready, they don't need to stay in this possibly exposed stronghold anymore.