Death Notice

Chapter 657

It's called lucky gold coin by the great sage Lenny, also called unlucky gold coin. It's the same size as ordinary gold coin, but it doesn't have the head of fortune goddess wojin engraved. On the obverse is Tamara, the lucky goddess holding the scepter, and on the reverse is the black antler with the blood red background, which is the emblem of bensabah.

When Qin Lun got lucky gold coins, the broken star didn't give any hint, so he didn't pay much attention. After being transferred to the underground cave, he realized that miremo could not get the gold coin back. Finally, he had time to ask the great sage Lenny about the situation of the gold coin.

According to Lenny, this gold coin is not made by the intelligent race in the rumor, but by the divine blood splashed together by the lucky goddess and the unlucky girl when they were fighting.

The number of lucky gold coins dropped to the world is unknown, but it is obvious that the number is very small and very precious. Lucky gold coins are composed of the blood of the two goddesses, so they also have the weak divine power of the two goddesses.

There was a time when there was an upsurge in the search for lucky gold coins, because the people who owned it vowed that it brought them good luck. No matter what they do, these people seem to be doing very well, as if the goddess of luck has been paying attention to them and praying for them.

However, there are both sides to everything. These people who boast that they are favored by the goddess of luck begin to have bad luck after a period of time. Not only is there no previous good luck, but also it seems to be tied up by the unlucky girl. Everything can be done with half the effort. Walking on shit, going out and being hit by a car, drinking boiled water can choke yourself to death.

Until then, people realized that lucky gold coins can bring not only good luck, but also bad luck.

They did not get the attention of any goddess, but the lucky gold coins changed the original smooth line of luck into a wave line, so there were good luck peaks and bad luck troughs.

Lucky gold coins are useless in the hands of the ignorant, because after good luck, bad luck will follow. But lucky gold coins still have irreplaceable value in the eyes of some wise people.

For example, in a decisive battle between two countries, a king used lucky gold coins. So the king's army won, and the king himself was shot in the battlefield.

For example, an adventurer met an irresistible Warcraft in the course of his exploration. He was supposed to be eaten, but at the critical moment, he wore lucky gold coins. Therefore, the foot of the Warcraft slipped and fell down the cliff when pursuing. The adventurer was saved by luck. But after his return, the adventurer was haunted by misfortune and could not turn over for several years.

Obviously, it is easy to see that these two examples are typical of small and broad, and the value of lucky gold coins is also here. It can let users focus their luck to get through the difficulties at the critical moment, and then spread the bad results to the later years or a few people, so that the harm can be reduced to a tolerable level.

After getting this information from Lenny's great sage, Qin Lun's death list finally sounded a hint. There is no hint before, because lucky gold coin is an unknown treasure and has not been identified.

And Lenny the great sage was recognized as an authority by the broken starry sky. She identified the explanation of lucky gold coins in disguise, so lucky gold coins became the identified treasure and appeared the due introduction.

The introduction of gold coins is basically what the great sage of Lenny said, but Qin Lun is afraid to take lucky coins with him for the time being, because he hasn't figured out the rules of lucky coins. Only after several irrelevant tests and finding out the rules can he really use them.

"Tut Tut, that silver dragon really gave a good thing, but it's a pity that the ability of this thing belongs to the gods of the world, and it will lose its effect when it is brought to the broken starry sky or other world, otherwise, it's just like a artifact." Hill touched the coin lightly, and when he got the instructions, he stopped moving it.

There was no word overnight. In the morning of the next day, martasha went out to deliver messages to other harpist companions, and at the same time, to explore the trend of santalin in the silver moon alliance.

At noon, Martha was back. With a smile on his face, the highland spirit waved his little hand and led the people to set out again. "Go, I have some news. We are going to Yinyue city now."

The city of nesmai is close to the Sebring River, and there is a small port in the north of the city. This port is mainly used for mineral cargo transportation. Of course, there are many areas where the sebulin river passes. More than 100 miles to the East is Yinyue City, so there are also some small passenger ships.

Martasha, who had contacted the harpist's companion, got rich this time. He boldly packed a schooner with more than 50 passengers and led them upstream to silver moon city.

Because the way was very smooth, the time to reach Yinyue city was earlier than people expected. Two days of waterway, they saw the huge outline of Yinyue city at noon the next day.

Silver moon city is located in the tributary of sebulin River, the North Bank of riven river. The city wall is curved into crescent shape by the river and covers the bank like a felt hat. It also has a small part on the South Bank of Raven River, between which there is a broad wharf and a magic arch bridge called "moon bridge".The bridge can only be seen in the moonlight. The central arch can be hidden into the void by magic, allowing invaders attacking the city from the south bank to fall into the river, or ships with high masts can navigate under the bridge.

Yinyue city is the core city of Yinyue alliance. Among the surface cities in the north, its status is second only to deep water city. Because the city is full of the old buildings left by the netherriel Empire and the prosperity of its city, which are called "treasures of the north" by the major races in the north, its property has always been peeped at by the santalin society.

Yinyue city is a prosperous and lively city. People like trees, music and art. Tall oaks and beautiful stone buildings can be seen everywhere in the city. Many ancient oak trees with the age of thousands of years can even compare with the city walls, which is the only one among the surface cities of non elves.

If other cities Wanted such magnificent oaks, they would have been cut down to make furniture.

On both sides of the city streets are slender spires of ancient buildings. The building surface presents a smooth curve. Many building windows and attics are covered with a layer of colorful glass. This architectural style can be traced back to the time of the elfin empire. The cobbled streets are lined with stone sidewalks under the shade of trees.

Here, balconies and spiral ladders can be seen everywhere. Windowsills, railings and colonnades are decorated with flowers and green vines planted in wood carving bowls, which is the custom of Elven Druids. Many residents of Yinyue city can play harps, wind pipes or sing poems. The artistic atmosphere here sometimes makes people feel that they are in a paradise.

Scholars and artists are the most distinguished in Yinyue city. Most residents are proud to master at least one art major. The residents here are mainly human beings, elves, semi elves and dwarfs. They read ballads, poems and romantic novels, and they are humorous in their speech, sharing their happy jokes, knowledge and music.

In addition to art and music, most people in Yinyue city also have a hobby of holding and attending carnival parties and dances. It is estimated that the city has the most multifarious dances and celebrations in the whole continent.

The shops in the city are compact and comfortable, filled with beautiful and charming handicrafts and magic items.

As the undoubted center of knowledge and culture in the north, Yinyue city welcomes almost all intelligent races to join them. The security of the city is attributed to many powerful mages and druids in the silver moon alliance, as well as a large number of Rangers.

They were all standing by the "Lady of hope" who shaped Silvermoon City, the Elector of the goddess of magic, and the daughter of the God, alastra silverhand. She launched a lot of celebrations and carnivals. While pleasing the leaders of various cities in the alliance, she gradually gained their trust, which made the silver moon alliance grow into a united country.

In fact, this is also the main reason why santalin put the murder plan during the Daqing ceremony. In a sense, it is this carnival celebration that has created the current harmonious atmosphere of Yinyue city. Once the celebration is stained by blood and murder, you can imagine how destructive it will be to the upcoming Yinyue alliance.

Alastraw's palace is integrated into the city's eastern walls, on the east side of the open-air shopping mall, and is closely guarded by all levels of casters loyal to her, as well as skilled fighters.

Ms. hope hopes to ensure the residents' happy and hopeful life through civilized laws, but she also knows that trick, deception and evil behavior are inevitable, so she established and trained the backbone private guard early to fight against these evil organizations, especially the eastern santalin society.

Silver moon city has many famous bars and hotels in the mainland because of its many celebrations. Most of the comfortable pubs and hotels are located in sunset lane, moon road and Gaofu Lane on the Hebei coast of Ruiwen.

There are many important buildings and places in Yinyue City, such as the moon bridge connecting the two sides of the north and the South; the magic enchantment in the inner city controlled by six sisters in the north; the supreme palace where alastraw lives; the star court where the alliance Lord contract is concluded, etc.

The residents of Yinyue City believe in several benevolent deities who guard the city, especially the forest and ranger Goddess - melike, and the unicorn Goddess - rari. They attached great importance to theological education, and all the time they were seeking the support of priests in order and good camp, as well as Druids, the natural faction.

Yinyue city is full of magnificent temples. The temple with a long history and sacred forest land have inspiration hall, invincible hall, Yinxing temple and the open space of MEILIKAI.

The inspiration hall belongs to the God of knowledge - augma and the chanting Goddess - miryl, the invincible hall belongs to the guardian God - Heim, and the Silver Star temple is the territory of the literary God - Dinar. Sometimes, there are some trivial frictions between the temple and the inspiration hall, mainly the conflict between the gods.

The most interesting part of all the temples is the "open space of mericay", which is an open woodland of mericay belief. The territory is surrounded by ferns and berry trees, green moss in the middle, and a hollow ancient oak tree with a portal connecting the temple of mericay on the north bank.