Death Notice

Chapter 655

"Where does this teleport array go?" Qin Lun asked, looking at the large six pointed star magic array in front of him.

There are several teleportation arrays in the underground labyrinth of candleburg. The main purpose of candleburg to establish these arrays is to explore large relics.

The history of the development of intelligent race in felon has a long history. Even if the lizard civilization before the calendar is not counted, the whole time span from the elves moving into felon has reached nearly 30000 years.

In the whole 30000 years of history, numerous brilliant ethnic civilizations have been born on the land of Phelan. Since the first prosperity period, Elven civilizations such as arifanda, ilfarang, ilisry, keldomo, maiyelita, Santa osrier, etc. have blossomed in full swing, and the first Elven Empire, vasennta, has been destroyed in the five crown wars.

From the second elvish Empire Yellan after the war, to the dwarven Empire sauna tower dominating the underground world, to the rise of drow elves. From lisar, the third elves Empire, to Kalim Kingdom and manona kingdom.

During the second prosperity period, the establishment of the magic empire of mankind, the dwarven kingdoms such as amrita, Lorraine, dales and ograng, the human kingdoms of jondas, karinshan and xiaya, even the short-lived goblin kingdom of cantas, and the orc Empire produced by the northern mountains intermittently

Countless cities and kingdoms have floated and sunk in the long history, coagulating many bright civilization beads.

To this day, these once wisdom pearls have become large and small historical sites on the mainland. However, in modern times, there were many robbers and mercenaries who ransacked these relics, which often left only a few visible ruins, or even nothing.

Since its establishment, candleburg has been committed to protecting and rescuing the ancient relics and historical documents. Whenever a large-scale relic is found on the mainland, scholars of candleburg will rush to protect these cultural relics from being looted by anyone.

Similar to archaeology on the earth, the rescue of cultural relics can not be completed by only a few people. During this period, full preparation is needed, and manpower and material equipment are essential.

In order to maximize the protection of relics, as well as the safe transportation of ancient articles and historical documents, the huge cost of long-distance transmission array has become the biggest dependence and dependence of scholars in candleburg.

These large arrays are not fixed in a relic, but first arrange an eternal magic array in the candlestick castle. When a relic is found, the archmages of candlestick castle will immediately arrive at the scene by flying mounts, and then establish various small transmission arrays near the relic.

If there is no need to protect the ruins except for cultural relics, then these small transmission arrays will be destroyed afterwards. If the relic itself is worth protecting, candleburg will keep these small arrays and inform the nearest Kingdom and city to disclose the address of the relic to them.

"According to your request, the closest delivery point to the silver moon alliance is in nesmai, which is the edge of the eternal wilderness, with an ancient relic left during the fifth crown war."

The young monk pointed to the six pointed star array with weak magic brilliance, and said, "it's close to the capital of silver moon alliance. You can go down the river sebulin and get to silver moon city in about two days."

"Well, let's start!" Qin Lun breathed out a breath. It took so many days to get to know the first epic story.

"Wait, wait!" Just as people wanted to enter the transmission array, a worried voice came from a corridor in the distance of the hall.

When they looked back, they saw a female mage carrying the skirt of the mage's robe and running out of the passage in a hurry. Because she didn't exercise very much at ordinary times, her steps seemed to be staggering.

"Miss Lenny?!" Linda looked at the sorceress in surprise and asked, "what are you doing here?"

"I'm going to the silver moon alliance with you." The prophet and the great sage pushed the glasses as thick as the bottom of the bottle, carried the mage's robe around, and said naturally, "you see, in order to go out, I have cleaned them. Absolutely, I will not lose face to you."

"Oh Wait, that's not the point! " Linda covered her face and asked anxiously, "why do you want to go to silver moon alliance with us? We are not going to buy books!"

"I've long wanted to travel to the north, just on the same way as you!" The sorceress blinked her eyes and said innocently.

"But What we are going to do is dangerous! " Linda wrinkled her face and scratched her hair.

"Are you worried that I am a burden?" Lenny curled her mouth and pointed at Linda seriously. "Linda astila, you are questioning my magic power. I want to talk with you..."

"You won!" Before the words "Duel" had been exported, Linda had raised her hand and surrendered, muttering with dissatisfaction, "you will bully people, who doesn't know that you are a legendary wizard."

Looking at these two children, one old and one young, they could not help twitching. The task has not yet begun, and they have already felt a hint of foreboding.

"It's definitely my teacher's idea. No wonder this time I'll be let go of it so simply. I planned to punish me with Ms. Lenny!" Linda said to Qin Lun, "reject her, reject her...""Legs grow on others, and the transmission array is also a candlestick castle. How can you let us refuse it?" Qin Lun helplessly rolled his eyes. He didn't mind that there were more legendary fighters in the team.

"Don't make any noise, you can go!" Martasha sighed and took the lead towards the formation.

At the moment when she was about to enter the Dharma array, suddenly a huge threat came out of the air, like two quilts falling out of the air suddenly, heavily pressing on the people. The highland elves almost fell into shit when they stepped on the air. Other people also felt it was hard to lift their feet. Their bodies seemed to be in a world of pressure under the sea.

"What's the matter?" Qin Lun will make complaints about Tucao.

"Miriam, is that you?" Among all the people, perhaps only Lenny, who has reached the legendary level, does not feel any pressure at all. The sorceress tilts her head and shouts to the void in front of her.

"Hee hee hee ~ ~" there is a playful sound like a naughty boy in the void. The space in front is rippling, and an imaginary dragon shadow emerges slowly.

The transparent dragon shadow is small and lovely, floating in front of the public like a big ball, and exudes a light dragon power. Although it is covered with bright silver spikes, it is not so ferocious because of its small size.

"Ho ho ho ho, I haven't had visitors to the underground palace for a long time. How can I not come out to meet you?" The ghost of silver dragon turned a somersault in the air and asked with a smile, "are you here to chat with me?"

"Lord Miriam, we are here to borrow the teleportation array. We will leave soon!" Linda said cautiously, and suddenly pointed to the young monk beside her, and betrayed him shamelessly, "if you want to find someone to chat with, mula is a good listener!"

When the young monk turned black, he stammered, "I have several books to copy."

"No, Mullah is the least interesting, like a wooden man." Silver dragon held his chin with his little claw, and shook his tail and refused.

"Miremo, these visitors have already paid their dues. You can't force them to stay." Lenny's support made everyone secretly grateful, and suddenly felt that it would be good to keep this careless sage.

"Cut!" Miriamu spits in a human like manner, which makes people sweat.

Silver Dragon's big eyes turned, and a sharp nail suddenly popped out of his little claw. "No, I can't. I can smell the abyss devil and the spirit sucking monster on them. We must check them carefully to avoid their damage to the candlestick castle."

"Everyone immediately sent away, how could damage the candlestick castle? You want to find someone to chat with?" Linda and Ma sta Xia make complaints about the characters in the plot, but the three apostles in the team are pale and exchanged with each other.

Qin Lun does have demon blood, while hill has spirit sucking blood. But in fact, this kind of apostolic blood is covered by the star rule. In the eyes of the characters, they are the bodies of elves and humans.

However, there is a limit to the concealment of the apostolic lineage by the starry sky. If the deity directly controls the world law, it has a certain probability to detect the fluctuation of the starry sky law. In addition to the memory hidden in the Apostle's soul seal, it is difficult to hide the success of the equipment and real lineage in front of the deity.

This is also the reason why Qin Lun did not dare to plunder the sacrificial goods in the underground stronghold of ambori church. He was afraid to attract the sight of ambori goddess.

Miriamu can detect the apostolic lineage of Qinlun and hill. His strength has obviously exceeded the legendary level. He may have reached the realm of saint or demigod and touched a trace of world law.

The Silver Dragon flew down from the air and sniffed carefully in front of the stranger. The huge nostrils kept twitching, which made Qin Lun and others feel uneasy. If the ghost of the silver dragon recognized the apostolic blood, I'm afraid it's hard to get the trust of Martha and others in the future.

No matter the scholars of candleburg or the master harpist, they will not cooperate with the spirit with demon blood, because it means that the spirit has completely fallen.

"Well, I can't seem to hear it again." Miriamu's face showed a trace of surprise, which made Qinlun and hill relieved.

"Hum, is it really Lord Miriam's unreasonable provocation?" Linda crossed her waist and looked at the silver dragon angrily.

"All right, all right!" Yinlong ghost has powerful power, but its temperament is similar to that of a child. Seeing the crowd looking at it, he immediately raised his paw and scratched his chin embarrassed. "Well, I'll give these visitors a riddle. If anyone guesses it, I'll give him a prize to compensate for his rudeness..."

"Promise it!" Lenny's great sage stabbed Qin Lun in the back. She could see that Qin Lun was the leader of the group. "Miremo blackmailed things from many visitors. Its private hiding in candleburg is famous for its wealth, but it's stingy. It's rare to have a chance to let it bleed."

"Well, listen to me!" When miriamu got everyone's approval, he shook his head proudly. "There is one thing in the world. It's the longest, the shortest, the widest, the most divided, the greatest, the smallest, the most precious and the most ignored. What is it?"