Death Notice

Chapter 643

Linda is filling her stomach and explaining why she is following the team. Now that she has appeared, she has no intention of concealing any more. She has been telling the actions behind everyone in detail.

"Just by the way?" Faced with Linda's explanation, the blood stabbing trio had to smile at each other.

They believed that Linda didn't mean any harm. After all, in the mercenary Union, the little girl in charge of the registration task always took good care of them and often gave them some well paid employment tasks.

But now the people who can make decisions are not them. Whether they can accept Linda's explanation or not depends on Qin Lun and others. However, it seems that Linda doesn't care much whether we accept it or not.

"What do you think, Martha?" Qin Lun turned to the high elves and asked.

"I think what she said is believable. In fact, I was also very puzzled at that time. The speed of ghost squid chasing us was a little slow. I didn't expect that there were still people helping us secretly." Martasha looked at Linda, who was full of oil. There was a light in her eyes and she said with a smile.

Qin Lun and hill looked at each other and nodded their heads. Linda's explanation seemed to be full of flaws. At least these two thoughtful apostles didn't believe that the little girl was just on the rise, so they helped Xifo and the blood piercing mercenary group.

At that time, neither the Xifo nor the stabbing blood mercenary regiment had thought of going so far into the land of death, and they also entered the giant devil's claw. If it's just like before, a circle around the place of death, Linda's so-called help will stand.

So another question comes. If that's all, then why does Linda have to come and look after them herself? Xifo and she are not related. The blood stabbing trio have some friendship with her, but they are not close to life and death.

Of course, in fact, Linda is just a whim, not as much conspiracy theory as these two guys think.

In spite of all the doubts, Qin Lun and hill held back. Because one thing they believe is that Linda should be harmless. Otherwise, along the way, the little girl has a lot of opportunities to start, not even to do it by herself, as long as they destroy their rescue and escape actions.

"Miss Linda, according to you, there is not only one of your followers behind our team, but also another legendary bounty assassin?" Qin Lun thought of another problem in the little girl's narration.

"Well, he followed all the way to the entrance of the troll's claws." Linda thought with her head askew. Suddenly she frowned and said, "but this guy really gave up after I warned him. At least after passing through the cave of the spider, I can't feel his breath. "

In fact, the bounty assassin didn't give up because of Linda's warning. His later attention has shifted to the treasure of Bodian. I don't know if I've got any other clues, so I haven't continued to follow.

"Last question!" Qin Lun raised a finger and asked cautiously, "we feel a strong breath in you, which shows that your strength is really enough to stop the ghost squid, but What are you? "

After Qin Lun said this, except for the two ordinary people, Xifo and Mason, the hearts of all the people were very tense and they seemed to be extra careful.

After Linda fell from the air, she didn't hide her breath. With the strength of Qin Lun and others, it's easy to realize that this breath is too huge to be human of any lineage.

Linda didn't seem to feel the strange atmosphere around her. When she heard Qin Lun's question, she suddenly showed a worried look on her face, shook her head severely, blinked pitifully and said, "I'm human!"

Everyone was slightly stunned, with different expressions, but one thing was very unified, that is, no one would believe the little girl any more. They all looked like "you cheat ghosts".

"I'm really human!" Linda sighed regretfully, "it's just that the ancestral lineage is a little complicated. To be exact, I'm a Dragon Mage!"

This time, everyone understood and understood.

Most of the giant dragons in felon are creatures beyond the legend. They are born with magic power, and their body defense is very high. They have almost no natural enemies.

Although they are few in number, each time they appear, they will bring great disaster. Therefore, other intelligent races on the mainland are not afraid of the dragon race. The warriors who can kill the dragon will become a legend of the times.

In those days, the king of keldomore moon elves, Tessel, became the hero of the epic story of that era just because he killed two adult red dragons in the mountains.

Up to now, there are still few legendary figures with the title of dragon slayer, and the so-called Dragon Slayer sung by some poetry reciting people only gathered to kill some Asian Dragon people, which is different from the real dragon slayer.

However, with the passage of time, the land of Phelan has changed, and the large population of human beings has become the leader of the land. Many powerful ancient dragons either went to other planes, or fell into a deep sleep, and began to avoid the world, so as not to attract the prying eyes of other races.The remaining dragons are no longer as unscrupulous as they were in ancient times. Their people are fewer and fewer.

If some giant dragons wake up from the deep sleep, they will use the magic of dragon language to change their body shape, walk in the world again, and begin to be familiar with some changes in customs and new magic knowledge during the deep sleep.

It's just that the dragon's nature is original. When these giant dragons use the images of human beings and elves to walk in the world, most of them will leave some of their own human descendants, which is the original origin of the Dragon veins.

The most dragon veins are elves and humans, which may be because the appearance of elves and humans is most in line with the aesthetics of dragons. At least no one has heard of some ugly races, such as goblins and dwarfs, who also have dragon veins.

With their growth, the dragon will awaken some natural abilities from their blood. Whether it's physical fitness or element sensitivity, it's several times stronger than ordinary people. They are natural spellcasters and live as long as pure elves.

The breath people felt from Linda was the faint dragon breath, which also showed that although the girl didn't reach the legendary level, she still had the powerful strength to block the ghost squid and the legendary assassin.

Solved the doubt in the heart, everybody's expression all relaxed many. However, three of the apostles in the team are flashing their eyes and communicating on the team channel.

"There must be a big plot task on this girl!" Hill said with a smile.

With Qin Lun's rescue of elistin, the three apostles began to feel warm again.

At this time, the three received the "Bodian trail" mission is still in existence, but the three are sensitive to the mission is about to disappear. Maybe when they get out of the troll's claw, the task will stop directly. At that time, they only have less than ten days left.

Originally Rick's xiaya cavalry armor made Qin Lun and others have the idea of exploration. But this is the knight's privacy after all. Even if they are in trouble together now, it's not likely that people will tell them.

What's more, xiaya kingdom is in the south of the mainland, and they are in the north at this time. It's hard to say whether they can receive the relevant plot task. But as a dragon, Linda will definitely involve many important plots. It's easier to work on her.

As for killing Linda directly, the three apostles didn't think much about it. After all, the dragon vein is not a giant dragon. Compared with the plot clues they provide, they are of little value. Moreover, for the last dragon mage who didn't know the strength, they may not win.

What's more, Linda is willing to be a strong hitter in the team now. Why do the three apostles bother themselves.

"Martasha is a master harpist. Maybe you can also test the plot!" Rand made another suggestion.

"It's not too late to talk about it when we're safe!" Qin Lun hesitated for a moment and said, "maybe you forget about elistin. In fact, why she went to the place of death to find me may also be a plot clue."

Hill and Rand looked at each other and laughed. Of course, they didn't forget about elistin. As an Elf Druid who has experienced many epic plots together with Qin Lun, he is naturally the largest plot provider.

But they could see that the relationship between elisting and Qin Lun was weak. Qin Lun didn't mention it himself, and they had to pretend to be deaf and dumb.

However, when Qin Lun thought of this question, he could not sit down. He sat next to the Elf Druid and asked in a low voice, "elistin, why did you come to the place of death?"

"You After the disappearance, we all thought it was santalin who was going to screw up. We stayed at the gate of Bode for a while. " Elistin glanced at him and said, "but as you know, millaras and the dwarf Prince Lorraine are both responsible for not being able to stay at the gate of Bode for a long time, and only me and idriya are left."

"Didn't millaras persuade you?" Qin Lun felt his nose awkwardly and asked strangely.

"Millaras, however, is very confident in you and has been persuading me to leave first." "Now it looks like he's right. You're very active. We're all in vain!" said elistin, pretending to be upset

Elisting's eyes were a little confused, obviously lost in the past memories. "I was worried, and I was frantically looking for the trace of santaline. Then idriya couldn't see it. She took me to join the mercenary Union. She wanted to make money while doing tasks and keep asking for your information. "

At this point, the eyes of the Elf Druid are a little red, "I know she is making me put down the burden in disguise, but I haven't been able to appreciate it for a long time. In the end, we found out by accident that several members of the society had entered the place of death.

At that time, Xifo released a task at the mercenary union to recruit people to enter the place of death You will know the next thing! "