Death Notice

Chapter 618

There are many fighting professions in felon. Some of them, such as hunter, summoner, trainer, etc., mostly raise one or two Warcraft with tracking ability.

These Warcraft are not only small foxes and badgers that are good at climbing in the jungle and mountains, but also large animals like wolves and leopards. The most difficult creatures to catch and raise are the flying harrier birds in the air.

However, for tracking birds, the requirements for body size are more stringent. It can't be a large bird or a small bird like a bird. Large birds are too difficult to cultivate and easy to be found, which is not conducive to long-distance tracking.

Small birds are not easy to find, but they are too small to provoke predators. In addition, small birds fly too high to communicate with breeders. Because the latter needs to observe the flying movements of the birds to obtain the information of the people being tracked.

In this way, the species that can be captured and trained by human beings to track birds are very limited. They should not be too small in size, be fierce in temperament, be able to fight against predators in the air, have low intelligence, and can be trained to use flight posture to inform the master.

At this time, Qin Lun noticed that the bird was small and looked like a lark in the north forest. It was hard to be trained to track birds.

"Human pursuers can't do it. This kind of bird in the sky is called magic beak, a kind of hawk that only lives in the northern mountains. Small as a sparrow, but with the wind talent, can use wings to control the wind blade, even large predators dare not provoke them

Qin Lun's eyes glistened, and then he lowered his head for a long time and said, "the devil's mouth is very smart. He can be trained as a tracker, and his eyesight is excellent. He can see the master's control gestures from high altitude. The only drawback is that the person who controls it must also have excellent eyesight, or use magic induction, so as to see the flying posture of the information they transmit. "

"You can recognize the specific species of birds at this distance Your elves have great eyesight! I can only see one little black spot. " Rick looked at Qin Lun with envy.

"Lago!" After getting confirmation from Qin Lun, Rick didn't hesitate. A whistle met the two people who were fighting in front. "Ferrar said that we have a little tail behind us. Go and have a look."

"Well!" Ragorumon amnesty, quickly speed up the body method, a few flashes to run out far away.

"Ferrar, if I may venture, do you really think that there is any chance of salvation for some of the companions who are lost in the land of death?" Winnie looked at the distant robber hatefully, hesitated for a moment, then asked Qin Lun in a low voice.

"Winnie!" The knight shouted in a deep voice, but he didn't speak any more. However, from the aspect of expression, he was also concerned about how Qin Lun thought about this issue.

Qin Lun frowned slightly. He was not used to explaining everything to others. Just to the place of death, after all, he needed the three members of the blood stabbing mercenary regiment to work hard together, so he said helplessly, "yes, if there is no hope, we will not do anything in vain."

Qin Lun composed a speech and said: "the old steward of the West Buddha is an ordinary person, and the hope of being rescued is very slim. However, our other two companions are different from ordinary adventurers.

As a believer in mistreatment, idriya has a good adaptability to most harsh environments. And the strength of elistin is even stronger than Idria. She is an Elf Druid skilled in Eagle and bear forms. "

"A high-level Druid with two forms?" Rick and Winnie were surprised, and they began to understand why Qin Lun had hope for his companion's rescue.

If the ordinary people are missing for a month in the place of death, they can't even find the bones. However, the high-level Druids with both eagle and bear forms have great adaptability in various environments and are also hard to be killed. Even if you are missing for a month, you may be injured and trapped. There is a certain chance of survival.

As the sun began to set in the west, Rick looked at the sky and decided not to go any further. At this time, they are still on the trade road leading to the deep water city, but they have a horned horse on their way. They have walked so fast that they have missed the business road hotel near the door of Bode.

Although today, the intelligent race of the continent of Phelan is more and more prosperous, and some big cities are more densely populated, the wild area of the continent is still very dangerous. Half a day's journey from the gate of Bode, there was no more smoke from the hotel on both sides of the road.

However, after all, this is a trade road with numerous caravans. Many campfires left by campgrounds can be seen on both sides of the roadbed. Rick skillfully found a leeward hillside for everyone. Under this hillside, there was a campsite used by other caravans.

These campsites built by others are better than those newly found by ourselves. The grassland is more flat, the gravel has been cleaned, and there are few snakes, rats, insects and ants. At the same time, the old bonfire has built a stone frame. As long as you pick up some dry wood nearby and sprinkle some fire oil on it.

Before the sun completely fell into the horizon, the people had set up their tents and heated the soup, and the rogue Lago who went out to explore the wind finally came back.

Because it is close to the endless sea and has the Ocean monsoon, the night temperature along the sword Bay is not very low. The robber sat by the campfire exhausted, took Rick's hot soup, took a sip of it, and exhaled."Well, did you find that little tail?" Asked Rick with concern.

"No, but Ferrar is right. We do have little tails behind us. There seems to be more than one." Lago hesitated and said, "I found some traces of the stalker, but he was very careful, and the devil's mouth was so annoying that it always exposed my traces. Every time I wanted to catch him, the devil's mouth would see through me."

"Only one?" Rick scratched his chin and fell into thinking.

"No, there's a stalker. I just have a vague feeling. He seems to be far away. He uses some kind of induction magic and hangs behind us." Said Lago, frowning.

"Qin Lun, it seems that the cannon fodder we are looking for has unexpected performance!" Hill laughs on the team channel.

"The more capable they are, the better!" Qin Lun's face was not happy, and he looked deep into the night.

"Ferrar, what's your clue to the trouble behind us?" Rick turned around and looked at the Qinlun people. "They should have come up at the gate of Bode. Have you ever been in trouble in the city?"

Of course, the trouble was caused, but it's hard to imagine that it would be the killer hired by amboli church. Qin Lun thought to himself.

Ambori church knows about their combat effectiveness. If they do, they will not have only one or two followers. Is it a legendary occupation where force takes over the advantage? Is it an assassin who employs a whole team.

Either way, it's impossible to sneak behind the team. This is no longer the door of Bode. They don't need to worry about the influence.

"We didn't get into any trouble in the city except for the Commission." Qin Lun lied without changing his face, but he thought of one thing very quickly, frowned and said, "however, after registering with the mercenary Union, Xifo and I have met some scoundrels who are similar to Shalang mercenaries."

"If it's really the scum of mercenaries, we won't be soft." Rick and Largo looked at each other and said firmly.

As a blood piercing mercenary regiment that relies on their ability to eat, what they look down upon most is the scum of sandwolf mercenary, which is the shame of this profession.

With the crackle of the campfire, the campsite slowly quieted down. As an ordinary human, Xifo could not support him for a long time and fell asleep in the tent. Qin Lun three people also returned to their tents, there are blood stabbing three people in the group, they don't have to watch the night.

"Rick, here you are!" Lago went to the knight and handed him a water bag, but it was not water, but liquor.

"Is Winnie asleep?" Rick took a sip from the wine bag and asked softly.

Among the three of them, Winnie is a mage. She needs enough sleep, recovers the spirit of the day and is not responsible for keeping the night. The thief had just been tired for an afternoon, and Rick decided to keep himself in the middle of the night.

"Go to sleep!" Without the playful smile of the day, Lago glanced at Qin Lun's tent quietly and asked in a low voice, "do you believe that Ferrar's words?"

"It's generally credible, at least I don't see any flaws." Rick pondered for a while, and replied plainly, "besides, I don't believe what he can do. Since we have accepted the Commission, we must be able to pay for it."

"I'm not talking about missions. They go to the place of death to search for explanations from their companions. I can believe that. It's just that the silvery hair elf is not willing to reveal his identity. I suspect that the tail behind the team may be related to his personal identity. " Lago said worriedly.

"So what? We, who come out to take risks, have no secrets of our own." Rick's expression was very calm. He shook his wine bag and handed it back to Lago. "Actually, I guessed a little about Ferrar's identity, but as he said, it has nothing to do with us, so I didn't give you a detailed explanation."

"Oh, chief, do you know who he is?" Lago asked with a smile, not surprised at all.

In fact, the three members of the stabbing blood mercenary corps have their own origins, complementary fighting occupations and different personalities. Lago has a keen intuition, and is usually the first to discover danger in his adventure. Winnie's character is straightforward and her magic talent is very high. She is already a four ring wizard at a young age and the main attacker in the team.

As the oldest member of the team, Rick is not only the head of the team, but also their elder brother.

Rick was born in a noble family. His ancestors were famous in the xia'ya empire. He had been well taught since he was a child. Different from the rough appearance, Rick has profound knowledge which is not suitable for his age. He has a stable personality and is the soul pillar of this small mercenary regiment.

"Didn't you notice that Ferrar has never given his full name since we met?" Rick looked at the tent with a casual smile. "As a proud spirit, he usually gives his full name in front of the first time's guests, and indicates his origin by his surname."

"There are only two reasons why he didn't do it. If Ferrar is an evil spirit who defected from the elves' court, if his identity is too sensitive, he thinks it will bring us unnecessary troubles." Rick squeezed his eyes at Lago. "What do you think is the reason?"