Death Notice

Chapter 590

"Commander, we..." Bobby and Sava have come back and stand in front of Robin. Under the same conditions, all the other partners escaped smoothly, but they were caught. It was hard to compare them.

"Don't worry, sometimes luck is important!" Robin said with a smile.

"Commander, is our fight against chaos over?" Dean asked cheerfully, glaring at his big, shiny eyes.

"Well, they're not going to go on, but we haven't finished our task!" Robin gradually lowered his voice and looked towards the heathermere. "Qin Lun has reached an oral agreement with the leader of the other side..."


The three groups have come together again, but they are quite different from what they were at the relics meeting before.

At heritage, the team of inspectors is the common goal of the other two groups. Although Qin Lun and others have completed the main line, Ganluo doesn't think that he has failed, so he has to fight first. For the sake of the final gospel, the guardians of hismel could not let Qin Lun and others go.

Now, although there are still about two hours left, Ganluo has lost his fighting power. Wolff can't represent chaos. They have lost the suppression effect of top force. What's more, Qin Lun and others will still chase and escape with the help of biological nest, and it's not necessarily useful to fight down.

As soon as the battle between the two groups of Apostles turns out, they are no longer competitive. The chaos team has become a potential ally of Qin Lun and others. Unfortunately, the other side of the sismel people still don't understand this.

Of course, it also has something to do with Qin Mei's letting go. If there are still apostles on the side of sismel's guardian at this time, we should be able to detect the increasingly strange atmosphere on the scene.

After a brief exchange and exchange of greetings, the two groups were quietly drawing closer to the guardians of seamel. On the face of it, the two groups of apostles are still in a state of tension, but all the apostles know that the melee profession in the group is actually facing to seamel.

Qin lungang's proposal to Ganluo is to unite against the hismer people. Chaos and patrolmen's fighting have come to an end, but the main task of the two teams in this world is not finished.

Although the patrol team has won the final gospel, only 65% of the completion of the main line, and 35% of the completion belongs to the scientific and technological heritage, which was previously obtained by the hismer people.

The final gospel of Qin Lun and others belongs to the power of law, which can only be dropped after being killed. In other words, the chaos team has no hope for the completion of this part of the main line, but the science and technology heritage of the hismer people is different. That thing should have physical properties, such as disks, projection discs and so on.

In addition, there are only two hours left for the apostles to return to the stars. After their return, the remaining intelligent race of Parento is not balanced in strength.

The loss of the Zerg is the biggest. All the Zerg brought out of the base by Ganluo are dead. Even if the Zerg has strong fecundity, it will take a period of transition. But there is not much on the side of ghis. There are only seven of the more than 20 ghis flight officers left. Even if the performance of their soldiers' and men's machine armour has improved, the number is too small and their self-protection ability is limited.

Only hismer left the most fighting power. Although half of the people had been lost in the ruins of the pyramid, they still had more than 30 guardians, and the first saint had almost high-level force.

When all the apostles left, we could imagine what the other two intelligent races would encounter.

Although for the apostles, most of the time, they only regard the aborigines of different time and space as available tools, but they still have professional ethics without harming their own interests.

This is the invisible rule formed by the apostles in the long-term world mission. The aborigines in different time and space are also intelligent races, and will not help the apostles for no reason. Therefore, the apostles should also pay attention to the cultivation of mutual trust in the mission. Moreover, in some mission world, the apostles need to enter repeatedly.

This time, the aborigines will be regarded as enemies next time. On the contrary, if you leave a good impression on the aborigines this time and even get the certificate and keepsake to enter the world again, you can easily get the help of the plot force next time.

Just like Qin Lun entered the World War II twice, if he didn't become the fighting hero of * * Germany for the first time, then he and grant would not gain so much in the second battle between starry sky and superstring space.

In addition, how the apostles treat the aborigines will also affect the opinions of their companions. For example, the relationship between the patrol team and the Gith people, the Gith flying officer who was responsible for the break without complaint in the ruins, including Dr. Norton who first entered the wormhole, and others, helped the apostles even though they sacrificed for their own nation.

What would the rest of the team think if Qin Lun completely ignored their sacrifice and didn't do it when he was able to help the ghis. The apostles will be driven by interests, but they can't become pure interest animals.

There is no return until you give. Even if there is no principle in the heart of a cold-blooded creature like Qin Lun, you can't ignore this rule.


"Let's go!" As chaos and the members of the patrol team came closer and closer, sismel's goddaughter Rushan finally realized something, looked at the two groups warily, and waved to their companions secretly."It's hard to catch up. Don't you want to have a party?" Seeing that the heathermere had retreated, the apostles finally stopped covering up. The two groups broke up into a circle and surrounded more than 30 guardians of heathermere.

"I've been chased by you for so long. Now it's time for us to give something back!" Robben sneers at his former pursuers.

"What do you want to do?" Looking at Wolff in front of him, the virgin screamed in surprise and anger.

Wolff was stunned by her bluff, and then he was dumbfounded. He had dealt with dozens of aborigines, including many smart, pious and intelligent intelligent lives, but there were few such idiots with free force and no brain.

Wolff was too lazy to talk nonsense to the Saint sismel in front of him. His right thumb and index finger were buttoned, and his body disappeared quietly in place. When he reappeared, it was already opposite to the core surface.


"It's over!" Robin looked up at the sky. The leader of the hismel people, Ruxin, was falling from the air. The body of the beauty guardian was only half of the body, the head disappeared, and the limbs were very incomplete.

Wolff's temperament is elegant and his speech is gentle, but his spatiotemporal ability is more ferocious and domineering than Ganluo's martial arts.

Seeing the death of her saint, only a dozen of the remaining guardians of sismel finally collapsed and fled screaming. It's only a thousand years since the hismer moved from the Gith to the Scorpio, but it doesn't seem to be the same powerful race as the fierce Zerg.

"Only 20 minutes As the guardian of the main fighting force, the sismel people are so vulnerable, not as vulnerable as the goblin race I met in a certain mission world! " Ganluo relies on a towering tree and looks at the sky with a sneer.

At this time, chaos's deputy commander overused the "shackles of death struggle" and the sequelae became more and more obvious. The scales on his body lost their original luster, like the old tree skin, and his limbs even began to melt.

Qin Lun can detect the slight spasm of Ganluo's body at some time. It is estimated that it is the conditioned reflex caused by gene collapse. But the expression on the face of this high-level martial Taoist can't see the change at all, almost ignoring the sharp pain that can make ordinary people dizzy in seconds.

"If the heathermere are like idiots, I'm afraid they will be the first intelligent race in the four race war after we all leave." Qin Lun sits leisurely beside Ganluo, chewing a piece of grass in his mouth. The bitter taste can make him focus on the pain.

Regardless of the cosmic creature jannamer and the rise of the ghis, just the two inheritance races left by the angel family. Compared with the Zerg, who are only regarded as the soul container by the angel family, the sismel people are the most favorite successors of the angel family.

If the angels had not left them a large number of technological heritage, they would have been destroyed by the powerful breeding Zerg. It's a pity that the heathermere people, like their original creators, are suffering from the problem of not being enterprising. They can't fight without a thousand years of war.

"Do you want me to persuade the worm mother to cooperate with the Gith?" Ganluo smiled meaningfully.

"Ha ha, you also see that guy Wolff's jannamer descendant. With the powerful simulation ability and the existing technology of three other races, it's difficult to deal with jannamer alone. There must be partners!" Qin Lun chuckled and said, "actually, I wanted them to cooperate with the hismel people, but now it seems that they are too frustrated to cooperate at all. If the heathermere are ruled out, the Zerg will be left

"Before returning, I will contact the insect mother through the Zerg base." Ganluo thought about it and nodded.


"What's the gain?" Qin Lun smiled at Robin who came to him.

"That's it!" Robin laughs and throws a few nail sized items. "Those weak guardians don't have many chips in their hands, most of them are concentrated on the core saint, and Wolff takes them away."

Qin Lun catches the chip, and the Apostle's soul seal tells him that the completion of the main line has increased by 7%, and the total completion has reached 72%. It is estimated that the remaining 28% has been obtained by chaos members. However, there is no way. Huobiao and Bowie have not been released yet. Their apostles here have lost their fighting power. There are four first-order apostles, whose strength is inferior to that of chaos members. It's good to grab some.