Death Notice

Chapter 571

"Two officers, this is Dr. Norton, the head of the technology group!" Dongyue finds Qin Lun and Robin on the bridge with a thin middle-aged man.

Dr. Norton is probably the oldest of all the geese, compared to the young officers and crew on the advance. He was wearing a dust-free white scientific research suit, his skin was extremely white, his golden hair was close to his forehead, and he looked a little sloppy.

Qin Lun reached out his hand and shook it with the doctor. His tentacles were cold. Norton's temperature is a little low, and the skin on his hand is a little atrophic. It's estimated that this man seldom goes out of his research room, and is a typical technology otaku.

"Hello, doctor!" Robin showed a gentle smile.

"Two Sir, Dong Yue told me that you want to jump into the wormhole coordinates calculated by the technology team? " Norton rubbed his hands and looked excited.

"Dr. Norton, this Any problems? With the ability of attack signal, it should be possible to do it, right Robin and Qin Lun look at each other, both feeling a little miscalculated. They don't seem to have considered that the attack is a small independent warship. If they can't make the long-distance leap like faith, all their plans will be on paper.

"No, no problem Oh, excuse me, I'm a little excited! " Dr. Norton scratched his scalp and said with a smile, "the ability of attack signal can roughly meet your requirements, but there are some things that need to be explained to you face to face. In addition, as a person, oh no, there is an additional request from the technology team! "

"I think we should find a place to talk about it!" Qin Lun took a look at the bridge and found that some of the crew members were paying attention to the movement. He lost a look to Robin and took the lead to the battle room.

When he got to the war room, Dr. Norton seemed to calm down, hesitated for a moment, and continued, "in fact, with the advance Or our geese technology, we can't see the folded wormholes yet! "

"Doctor, you just said that the attack signal can meet our requirements!" Robin picked the eyebrows and said in surprise.

"Oh, yes!" Dr. Norton's face was all wrinkled. Seeing three other people looking at him with burning eyes, he immediately sighed, "well, forgive me for being rude! This With your knowledge reserve, I'm afraid it's hard to understand what I'm going to say next! "

"I think we understand. Please try to explain it in a more popular language!" Qin Lun's three people look at each other in tears and smiles. The world of technology house is really beyond the understanding of normal people.

"To put it simply, a folded wormhole is a product of four-dimensional space, which does not exist in the three-dimensional world. At present, we, the ghis, can only use the transition theory to estimate the four-dimensional coordinates, but can not capture the wormhole phenomenon on any instrument. "

Dr. Norton gradually became serious. "Only when we enter the correct transition orbit, can we avoid the space-time storm at the edge of the wormhole and observe the wormhole phenomenon with the naked eye! In other words, this transition is very dangerous, and the technology team cannot guarantee 100% accurate coordinates. "

"What happens if the coordinates shift a little bit?" Robin frowned a little.

"It's the same end as faith!" Dr. Norton replied without hesitation.

"Doctor, since you have come to a conclusion, there should be other ways to improve the accuracy, right?" Qin Lun asked with a smile.

"Yes! In fact, the folded wormhole is the same as the normal wormhole. The two ends of the normal wormhole are connected with the black hole and the white hole, and the folded wormhole also has a phagocytic opening and an explosive outlet. " Dr. Norton said with a pause and said calmly, "and the explosion of wormhole can transmit information to the outside world."

"I see, doctor, it's about that requirement of your technology group, isn't it?" Qin Lun suddenly took a long breath. "Are you sure you want to do this? We need to know that the attack number is the only way we can get out of the wormhole! "

"To be able to observe a folded wormhole at close range is the dream of all geospatial scholars!" Dr. Norton said with a smile, "besides, we can send the observation records back to the attack number in an encrypted way!"

"Well, I hope everything goes well with you!" Qin Lun took a deep look at Norton and nodded solemnly.

"What kind of riddle are you and Dr. Norton fighting, Mr. Qin Lun..." Looking at Dr. Norton, who disappeared at the end of the corridor, the winter moon seemed a little confused.

"Winter moon, I suddenly believe that you guys will win the war!" Qin Lun smiled and patted the shoulder of Dongyue, turning around and leaving alone.

"What are they all about?" The beauty adjutant was a little crazed and looked at Robin, who was silent, with a look of help.

"Dr. Norton just said that folded wormholes cannot be observed in the three-dimensional world, and they can only be seen by the naked eye inside the wormholes. He can't guarantee the safety of the advance jump, but if someone can verify the correctness of the coordinates from the wormhole... "

"The group of people in the science and technology group should enter the wormhole before the attack number and verify their coordinates!" Winter moon is not a fool, Robin said half, she understood come over, face suddenly became pale bloodless.

"Well, that's what the doctor should mean. The ejection device installed in the life-saving capsule should ensure that they can enter the calculated transition coordinates, but..." Robin sighed, his face a little complicated."But there is no power for the rescue capsule to break away from the wormhole..." "Dr. Norton and those scholars in the scientific and technological group are our most precious wealth. This kind of thing can be done by other crew members!"

"Winter moon, wait!" Robin reached for the beauty's adjutant and shook his head gently. "The doctor did this after careful consideration. Others may be able to take the place of this task. However, without their knowledge, we can't continue to study the folding wormhole inside the wormhole!

Faith's encounter proves that your jump technology is behind your opponent, and Dr. Norton wants to catch up with the enemy through their sacrifice, so as to avoid other space warships falling into similar traps. In addition to respecting their choices, we can only try to leave them enough living resources. "

"How many resources can a lifeboat hold? In the boundless wormhole of the universe, are they left to face death alone? " Winter moon showed a smile worse than crying, but still stopped and gave a bleak look at the direction of the technology team.

"Sir, get three sets of code signals, belonging to Dr. Norton and two other members of the technology team!"

One star day later, the advance got the agreed information from the scientists who had entered the wormhole coordinate in advance. But there was no smile on the faces of the GIS soldiers on the bridge. They had learned about the sacrifice of the technology team.

"Less than 30% accuracy. Fortunately, these scientists are brave enough! I hope we don't encounter such a world again. It's so terrible that we can't even control the way of death! " Dean murmured on the team channel that the apostles, including Qin Lun, had a little awe of space in the adventure.

"The only thing we can do is to let these brave people die as valuable as possible!" Bahrain takes a deep breath, and Dr. Norton and other people's self sacrifice makes the members of the patrol team feel inexplicable pressure.

"Enter the transition coordinates 3, 2, 1, enter the transition orbit! "

Everything around the attack seemed to be in a pause. A circle of water ripples opened in the starry sky. The huge surface of the independent warship flashed colorful light. The ship gradually became transparent and was absorbed by a suddenly blooming tunnel in front of it.

"Oh, how beautiful!" All of a sudden, the crew on the bridge couldn't help exclaiming.

As soon as the ship entered the transition orbit, a huge and boundless light wheel appeared on the projection screen. Around the wheel of light, there is a layer of rainbow like halo, like a bubble like folded wormhole that appears in front of people's eyes in a visible way.

"What are those?" Bobby cheerfully points to the light like helix in the center of the wheel, which looks like a gear wheel.

"It should be other transitive coordinates that connect the tracks inside the wormhole!" Dean didn't seem to notice the subject of the question, and for the first time didn't speak to Bobby in a sarcastic tone.

"Let the light brain calculate how long it will take to get to the other side of the wormhole!" Qin Lun looked at the beautiful scenery on the projection screen and asked calmly to the winter moon.

"The surveyor reported that it would take us a little more than three minutes to cross the edge of the wormhole." The winter moon returns cautiously.

"Sir, I've received Dr. Norton's signal again. This time it's clearer than before. He should be near us!" The crew member of the GIS looked forward to the winter moon.

"We can't change the established route. Even Dr. Norton doesn't fully understand the existence of folded wormholes. It's more important to complete the mission than to rescue Dr. Norton!" The winter moon shook his head and watched the officer's eyes darken.

"By the way, what did the doctor say this time?" Qin Lun looked at the winter moon and asked casually.

"Eh, the doctor didn't send the established signal this time. This group of mechanical code information seems to be very long. It will take several minutes to decipher!" The winter moon looked at the report on his hand and said, "is it the observation record about the wormhole?"

"No, Dr. Norton said that the time flow in the wormhole is slower than the outside world. From the point of time when they enter, Dr. Norton should have spent less than half an hour here." Qin Lun's face suddenly changed, "this is a warning. The doctor has found something that is not good for us! Winter month, release the first level combat alarm! Robin, Alex, get everyone on the deck. There's only a minimum of operators left in the bridge! "

After a few minutes of "Dong", the apostles and the ghis flying officers in the soldier's armour felt the violent vibration of the outside world, and the whole attack ship seemed to be falling apart.

"Sir, Dr. Norton's signal is deciphered. This wormhole can't pass through a large non living substance..." The winter moon almost passed the voice to Qin Lun by shouting.

At this time, all the people sitting in the armor can see the brilliant light on the other side of the wormhole through the soldier's projection screen!