Death Notice

Chapter 562

Trembling, like facing the abyss, like walking on thin ice!

This is the real embodiment of the apostles in the mission world! Even with Qin Lun's shrewd intelligence and the adventures of Wolff, the high-ranking apostle of the Holy Light team, who has experienced dozens of missions in the world, it is possible for a person who is not careful to capsize his boat and fall into a different time and space.

Broken star space or superstring space is just a collection of laws. They control the mysteries and history of countless different time and space, but still can't accurately judge the butterfly effect caused by intelligent life. After x-352, the Unknown Universe life, woke up, the whole battle situation began to slide in an unpredictable direction.

In the ancient universe with mysterious starlight, the x-352 star system's beautiful pupils and eight claw tentacles are not so gentle. These tentacles don't have the huge suckers of octopus tentacles, but they have countless stalagmite like silver gray spines on their surface.

Qin Lun and others, including the attack horn, are still trapped on its surface, unable to see the whole picture. However, it doesn't matter, because even if they can see it clearly, there is no corresponding record of such cosmic creatures in the information of the GIS.

In fact, "x-352 planet" is a very rare cosmic creature. The intelligent life on the spot may have its relevant memory just because of the mature body of jannamer, silver electricity. It is translated as "cosmic Octopus".

Of course, the word "octopus" only describes its appearance. It has no direct connection with that kind of marine creature. The only thing in common may be that both are carnivores.

In fact, jannamer's reaction has been very fast. When the cosmic Octopus woke up, it began to drift and retreat, trying to stay away from it, or even directly leave the stellar system.

This cosmic octopus is still in its infancy, and needs to adapt to the vacuum environment of the universe. After a long distance, it can't catch up with jannamer. It's just that this jannamer silver electricity hasn't really contacted the cosmic Octopus after all. In fact, after the silver electricity enters the original atmosphere, it is just like facing the cosmic octopus.

When the cosmic Octopus spreads out, eight giant tentacles directly control this region. Although the volume of silver electricity is more than ten times larger than belief, it is still a piece of biscuit in front of the cosmic octopus.

When the cosmic Octopus woke up, its action was a little slow, and jannamer's transparent floating body nimbly danced among his tentacles. Let the cosmic Octopus simply grasp it, but it can't grasp the catkins, and gradually fly to the edge of the tentacles.

However, at the tip edge of the tentacle, the hunting instinct of the cosmic Octopus was stimulated, and the action was much more flexible than before. Finally, eight tentacles were used to form a net, and jannamer was trapped in it.

Aware of the coming of the life crisis, jannamer finally broke out in the most brilliant light, the whole translucent plankton like a huge light bulb. The original elegant body tightly shrinks into a ball, and draws a lightning track in the star space, which is about to rush out of the net woven by the tentacles.

At the same time, the cosmic octopus in front of it still seems to be slow. The silver grey spines on the eight tentacles appear black and ink like twisted whirlpools at the tip, and gradually merge into a huge black hole. Unexpectedly, they pull back jannamer's lightning, and finally stick one of the tentacles.

"This is Is it over? " Looking at jannamer, who struggled in vain at the tip of his tentacle and slowly turned into a liquid and was absorbed, Qin Lun and all the people on the attack horn were stunned.

Their luck is good, as the cosmic Octopus stretches out, the attack is trapped near one of its eyeballs. If it's on the tentacles, it's either still motionless, or it's not known which corner of the universe it's thrown to.

"Didn't jannamer have mental pollution and phagocytic ability of life body, and it was so easy to be eaten by him?!"

Compared with the arrival of the apostles, the geese on the attack even felt that the whole world outlook had collapsed. Whether it was the winter moon on the warship or Alex in the soldier's armour, their eyes were wide open and their faces were full of ghosts.

"Robin, come on, leave now!" At the moment when everyone was shocked, Qin Lun finally looked at the ground further and further away. A pure and boundless blue crystal surface appeared on the screen of the attack number, which made everyone hold their breath nervously. It was an eye of the cosmic Octopus!

"You Be careful, someone on the left is coming for the attack signal, like jannamer's Apostle! " Robin had just breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately his face tightened. He looked up to the left side of the warship.

Although there is no projection screen there, just a bare metal wall, but Robin's beautiful eyes are flowing with glass like color, the eyes become extremely deep. Obviously in this case, her psychic powers are still operating the biological radar.

"Don't worry, give it to us!" Qin Lun has a smile on his face. Robin may have a lack of willpower, but the beauty leader who lost the new team also has unparalleled advantages. Her rigorous character and careful mind never let her partner down."Alex, let's go first. Let's deal with the battle!" Qin Lun connected with the star map sent directly by Robin through telepathy, and said in a voice.

"Sir, don't you want us to stay and help?" Willa asked with concern.

"No, it's too close to that big guy. Let's get the advance signal out of this area first!" Qin Lun flatly refused. He didn't care about the life safety of Jisi flying officer, but left too many people to help.

At this time, the cosmic Octopus only focuses on eating, not paying attention to their truth. But when no one wants to eat, a group of flies are playing happily around. The less movement, the safer they will be.

"Deputy commander, these people don't know which side they belong to. If they identify themselves as other alliance teams of devil's corner, can they talk about it first?" Bahrain's voice was telepathic, and there was some hesitation in it.

"Bahrain, the last thing you need on the battlefield is pity!" Qin Lun's cold voice sounded in the hearts of all the apostles, "besides, do you think they have lost? What they want now is not negotiations, but our attack signal. "

Qin Lun's words let everyone be one of Lin. jannamer was devoured by the cosmic octopus, which really made everyone feel that this battle won without fighting. If the other party is one of the other two pursuit teams in devil's corner, then staying on the front line is an option.

However, Qin Lun was obviously more sober and faith was not found. The independent warship is now the last straw for both sides. There's nothing wrong with staying on the front line, but you can't bet on the lifeline.

"Sorry, my fault!" Bahrain woke up quickly, apologized, and flew to the left with frank and Bowie, while huobiao and Robben went to the other side, leaving Qin Lun alone.

This is the battle formation they have discussed before, which is specially used for team warfare with only seven apostles. One MT on one side, one close combat and one long-range combat, while Qin Lun, with the most perfect combat ability, is both mobile support and main assault.

Glancing at the star map that began to blur, Qin Lun knew that it was almost the limit of Robin's detection power. However, this level is enough. Now he can use his own detector on the soldier's armor to see about a dozen bright spots in front of him.

"Eh..." It changed into a shadow, a swift leopard. In the moment of invisibility, Qin Lun suddenly raised his eyebrows in surprise. "Are they?! I remember Lily said that they should have gone to another city called Bacheng! "

"Ha ha, it's more and more interesting!" There is a cold light in the eyes of the black leopard's mecha, "let me see how much progress has been made by my former 'companion'!"