Death Notice

Chapter 558

The 17th fallen angel is suspended in the sky, Qin Lun's cold eyes scan the battlefield below. After the Zerg base was shelled by the advance, the Zerg scattered outside the base began to come back.

Unfortunately, without the support of the base, the weakness of the Zerg will appear. Most insects are less intelligent than human beings. Their strength lies in their high degree of organization and discipline.

Now in this situation, the individual strength is stronger than the Zerg, and the battlefield organization is better than the soldiers of the other side. They can often use the time difference to fight more and kill less, and kill the remaining Zerg little by little.

In encircling the remaining Zerg, the apostles found that this battle was different from the previous two. Maybe it's because of the relationship of entering the guidance mission area, killing the Zerg on planet x-352, each of which has hundreds of broken crystals, which also makes the apostles work harder.

Seeing that there are fewer and fewer returning insects, Qin Lun finally stops staying in the air and flies to the base of the Zerg below. Although the Zerg base has been destroyed, no one has yet approached it.

The apostles led the ghis flying officer to hang the returned insects. In fact, they meant to test the insect base, so as not to encounter another ambush when they entered the base.

"Huobiao brings your team back. Let's go to the Zerg base!" Qin Lun yelled at the murderable MT and led Alex and others to the edge of the huge crater.

Huobiao was slightly shocked when he received the order. He thought Qin Lun would call Frank. Frank is Qin Lun's servant. It's not a secret in the patrol team. Most of the young people's slightly biased arrangements were seen.

However, it's nothing to be envious of. It's just human nature. As long as Qin Lun has no selfishness in the distribution of interests, it's OK. At the first meeting of the deputy commander, the pure and shy appearance disguised had already faded in the minds of the apostles.

Apart from Bobbie, who is younger and has a jumpy disposition, huobiao, Bahrain, Robben brothers, Bowei and others in the patrol team are all human spirits. Through an exercise, a fire line reconnaissance, and now an assault on the Zerg base, they have understood why the lost team would find an "outsider" to act as the deputy head of the patrol team.

Perhaps Robin had more influence on the orderly front, but the way the apostles showed their strength was not fame, but actual performance.

Some of Bahrain and huobiao are leaders in their own teams, while others are talented elites. Since they are willing to participate in the patrol team, they are still reluctant to leave because they are still attached to the orderly front.

Maybe they had doubts about such a temporary team before, but after watching the performance of the two leaders quietly, their doubts are being eliminated. The victory came at the right time. Now the patrol team is really combined. It is no longer the temporary team composed of elite individuals.

Of course, apart from frank and Robin in the team, these people don't know that Qin Lun will often sell teammates. Frank won't say it, and Robin won't talk too much about it, causing the team to lose cohesion.

Although robin was threatened to sell teammates by Qin Lun before, after that, when she calmed down, the intelligent beauty leader felt that Qin Lun was only stimulating her in disguise.

In other task world, Qin Lun's words are likely to come true, but not in evangelical world. The world's biggest threat to them is not the Zerg, or jannamer, but the other two allies pursuing the team of apostles.

It's just that the purpose of other teams is to show their strength, not only to subdue them, but also to bring them together. In many cases, Qin Lun will stay in the fight. There is no real threat to his life. Qin Lun does not necessarily sell his teammates.

At least in this task world, the word "companion" is binding on Qin Lun. However, it is precisely because of this, although Qin Lun nominally contributed to the orderly alliance. In fact, Robin Nai and Kelly all know that the lost team owes one favor to the five murderers, which is still a great favor.

Huobiao glanced at Frank and found that there was no dissatisfaction in the eyes of stooped servants. He shrugged and gathered with his crew to the 17th fallen angel. He thinks he's thinking more. Frank didn't change his job. He's already a second-level Mt. it's up to him to take the lead in entering the enemy base.

"Alex, you stay here!" Qin Lun made huobiao look at the scene, and left all the soldiers and men in the Guisi pilot outside the Zerg base.

"Sir, be careful. Even if there is no finished protective cover for the Zerg base, it can not be completely destroyed by the attack signal. There must be residual insects in it. If there are too many enemies, please call for support first! " Willa gave a note of concern.

"I see!" Qin Lun nodded with a smile, and his figure changed again. The shadow, the swift leopard, took the lead to break into the Zerg base.

"It's a magic replacement ability. It can even map the talent of the summoning beast to the master!" Looking at the huge cat that disappeared in front of him after a wave, huobiao's eyes flashed, carrying a round shield, into the Zerg base.

Huobiao can't see where Qin Lun is, but with the telepathy between the two people, he can still feel that the youth is not far away from him.The Zerg crevasse they entered was not a normal entrance or exit, but one of the crevasses torn by shelling. Stepping into the interior of the Zerg base, the first reaction of the two is heat, which is just like steamer.

Qin Lun soon found that his invisibility lost its effect through huobiao's reminder. The water vapor evaporated by the high heat of biological tissue makes the black leopard's mecha show a transparent body flowing like water waves. The shadow talent of swift wind leopard has been cracked in this unique environment.

Seeing the invisibility is invalid, Qin Lun reluctantly recovers the human form, raises his chin, and indicates MT who Snickers to walk ahead.

The inner wall of the Zerg base shows a typical texture of the body. Due to the residual radiation and high heat of the shelling, the muscle wall shows some signs of melting, and the wet dada looks disgusting.

The crack that Qin and Lun entered is above the base and has a huge space. In their position, there is a scorched pit at the bottom of the base, and there is a dark fire like coke in some places.

Based on the data of the base of Zerg that they have browsed on the advance, they can know that the pit should have been the incubator of the base of Zerg and the most important structure.

Around the incubator, there are some huge biological caves, which are similar to the incubator of human baby room, used to cultivate all kinds of insects needed by the base of Zerg.

In addition, there are also some material storage rooms, most of which are animal and plant organisms. As for the way the insects are stored, it's needless to say that Qin Lun's appetite has decreased a lot even after he saw the projection data.

The city of Zerg is so simple and rough. Their social structure is different from that of human beings. There is no hospital, no school, no hotel, no entertainment field. Everything is just to expand their population. The desire for survival and reproduction is always as hard to fill as a black hole.

If there are no natural enemies, they will only maintain the minimum military strength, all of which are based on the first premise of reproduction and expansion.

According to the data obtained by the geese on the original worming star of the geese system, they found that a complete settlement base of the Zerg began to count from the moment of its arrival. It took only about three star weeks to completely transform and rule a life star, and the first week was to build the base shell.

Only when Zerg encounter natural enemies such as hismel or ghis, their first sequence of needs will be transformed from reproduction to defense. From this point of view, Zerg is a purely defensive race, making other lives feel fatal threat, that is, their fecundity.

The learning ability of Zerg is very terrible. When they encounter a more advanced race than themselves, once the war is delayed, the enemy will find that Zerg can evolve and simulate their unique technology weapons, and defeat themselves in more numbers.

Of course, this characteristic of the Zerg is not without natural enemies. At least the sismel people who exist in the spirit body are their natural enemies. If the Zerg can't simulate the spirit body, they can't copy the science and technology of the sismel people. That's the main reason why the seamolds were able to hold the Zerg firmly in a corner of the spiral arm of the galaxy.

"Patrol team, your subordinates have entered the Zerg base of planet x-352, which is considered to complete the guidance task" help occupy base x-352 ". Individual task reward: 15000 broken crystals, 100 exchange coupons, 7 contribution points."

"That's the completion of the boot task?" The apostles everywhere in the battlefield, including robin on the attack horn, were all stunned. Recalling what Qin Lun had said, they found that the guiding task was really simple.

Originally, the difficulty of this guidance task is not great, and the patrol team can complete it alone. Now the Zerg base has been fired by the main gun of the advance, which is even simpler.

"Just finish!" Robin took a sigh of relief. With a smile of self mockery, Qin Lun stimulated her. The psychological burden of the head of the beautiful woman was heavier. She wanted to change herself, but her old habits were not so good.

"Less revenue!" Bobbie's legs curled up on the control panel, his mouth curled, and he was bored to watch the battle on the surface of the planet.

However, he soon showed a surprise. Qin Lun and huobiao, who entered the base of the Zerg, had a new harvest. They found some giant eggs with signs of life in the base. The so-called surprise is that the star hints that these eggs are treasures that can carry out the world and can be hatched into summoning animals.

This discovery made the apostles rejoice from the bottom of their hearts. Even if these eggs can only hatch the lowest worms, they are also high-level summoners. In the evangelical world, they are the lowest Zerg. In other mission world, it's just

"Tip: according to the task process, the patrol team triggers the competitive main task two days in advance, and the stay time is extended by two weeks..." Maybe the stars are not satisfied with their happiness too early, and an important reminder follows. The front content is not strange, while the back content makes the apostles stifle the cheers.

“…… According to the current calculation, there are four apostle teams participating in the competitive main task, among which the high-level members meet the minimum requirements of forming a three member black iron team, and the final task evaluation is automatically upgraded to two levels, based on the silver evaluation of China devil world! "