Death Notice

Chapter 477

With Dr. shaher commanding his subordinates to open the curtains covered by more than ten sheep water tanks, the creatures inside suddenly showed their true faces to people outside the Millennium Bug organization for the first time.

To Qinlun and Grant's surprise, not all of these water tanks contain nutritious amniotic fluid, most of which taste like formalin. There are also three vacuum boxes containing biological specimens cut into pieces by Millennium Bug scientists.

These creatures have been dead for many years. Most of them retain their original lifelike faces only because of the vacuum anti-corrosion treatment.

Dr shahel pointed to the only human skeleton among these creatures and said: "her name is Mina Huck, which is the basis of our initial research. She belongs to the first vampire, the only woman that Count Dracula had in the middle ages, and she is Dracula's lover."

"Legend has it that Count Dracula was subdued by vampire hunters after the first world war with van Helsing, and Mina Huck was also restored to human form and died at that time." Major Montana added softly, "during World War II, Romania was in the same camp as the axis, and Aryan ark troops found her grave and took it away as valuable research material."

"Fan Haixin, the Vampire Hunter Is there such a legend? " Asked grant curiously.

"Well, it's said that van Helsing also had vampire blood in the later period. Now, the controller of the helling mechanism, indkula van blonk winggates Helsing, is the human descendant left by van Helsing before the blood change."

Major Montana's eyes twinkled with cold, and he said lightly, "Alcatel, the biggest opponent and imaginary enemy we had expected, the trump card vampire of helling mechanism, whose name is the reverse spelling of Dracula, is suspected to be Count Dracula himself!"

"Gerhard, Gerhard?!" Grant turned to Qin Lun with interest, but was surprised to find that the young people were not listening to them at all, and did not pay attention to Mina Huck, whom Dr. shahel mainly introduced. Instead, I stare at another biological specimen immersed in the sheep's water tank, as if I want to find a flower from the dead body for decades.

This biological specimen looks like a strange lizard with a turtle shell on its back. Its body surface has many dark exoskeletons. Its head looks like a human. Three blood red crystals are inlaid in the eyes and brow center.

Qin Lun knew that he had never seen such a creature before. However, he had no reason to think of a monster he had met, that is, the phantom of the phantom world.

The strange lizard in front of us is like a combination of kilutsom and the three vision magic. Although there are some differences between the magic transformed by the human dead, kilutsom and the three vision also have a black cuticle similar to the exoskeleton, and the blood red crystal on the head of the lizard is exactly the same as the three vision magic.

For example, although there are large and small frogs, some of them don't pull a few ashes, and some of them are colorful. But even if they are not biologists, ordinary people can see at a glance that they belong to the same species.

Of course, apart from the cuticle and Bloodstone that are similar to the exoskeleton, the two monsters differ greatly in appearance. What makes Qin Lun feel that they are the same species is that they can't hide the bloody smell. The

demon as like as two peas has a similar flavor. Though it is intermixed with Faure Marin's strong smell, it can not hide the strange smell of blood.

Qin Lun knew that he had never seen the creature in front of him, but he felt that it was a kind of magic. The only difference is that the demons he saw in Paris belong to the demons transformed by the human dead. The monster in front of us seems to be the original phantom prototype!

At a glance, there are more than ten sheep water tanks in front of them. Except for the skeleton of Mina Huck, most of them are weird primitive demons.

In addition to the appearance of tortoise shell lizard, there is also a monster with the appearance of Eagle body and human head. This bird like phantom has pure black feathers, a black exoskeleton covering its beak and head. Its eyes are also replaced by Amethyst like objects.

"Major, this is the evil spirit! Evil spirits from the mysterious wormhole! " Dr. shaher walked up to Qin Lun with a smile. "Are you interested in this kind of thing?"

"Ha ha, I remember when I served in the army, it seems that I saw this creature!" Qin Lun smiled twice, disguised his expression, turned around and asked, "doctor, what's the matter with evil spirits and wormholes? Can you give me a detailed introduction?"

"Of course! Major Gerhardt, do you remember the green college you fought with before? " In fact, the original purpose of Green College was to cultivate green hunters specialized in dealing with such evil spirits

Through Dr. shaher's introduction, Qin Lun and grant learned once again the secret of a world. It turns out that seven or eight decades before the beginning of World War II, there were some tiny wormholes in some mountains and forests of Eurasia.

These wormholes exist for a short time and cannot be located in a fixed place. It is only known that they are mainly located in the mountains of Eastern Europe and Northern Europe, and there are few in other corners of the world.Every time the wormhole appears, it will produce a kind of bloody crystal in place. These blood crystals are highly volatile and can hardly be preserved, but they will indirectly affect the animals and plants in a certain area. As long as the affected creatures, including humans, survive, they will become the evil spirits Qin Lun now sees.

With the passage of time, the number of wormholes will increase every year, and the number of evil spirits will also increase. At first, it was just a religious monastic school for ordinary demon hunters, and finally it became a green college specialized in dealing with evil spirits.

"Seven or eight decades before the second world war?" Qin Lun and grant looked at each other, and immediately thought of the space-time cracks in 1866.

"It seems that the two have already guessed! It is now generally believed in the scientific community that the space-time crack at the high altitude of the earth is not the only one, and those wormholes are also one of the space-time cracks, but the energy to maintain the wormholes is not stable enough, and the time for them to appear is too short, and they are closed by themselves. "

"In the Second World War, although Germany occupied most of Europe, unfortunately, we still couldn't find the residence of Green College, and they escaped," Dr. shaher said with a smile

"Doctor, why are they called evil spirits?" Qin Lun asked curiously, "isn't the so-called evil spirit a spiritual creature?"

"Ha ha, there is a reason why they are called evil spirits. After death, most of these monsters will collapse and self ignite. Except for blood crystals and a pile of ashes, there is almost nothing left. They are just like ghosts without substance, so they are called evil spirits by the local people. " Shaher explained with a smile, "these specimens of tissue have been preserved because of some special factors, so the research value is very great."

Qin Lun nodded thoughtfully and slowly, which was similar to the magic. After the magic died, he could not leave the body. Finally, he would only leave a blood bead in the ashes, and the remaining soul power was just the best supplement for the relics.

"Did Dr. shaher, Captain Hans and the two lieutenants use the transformation technology of evil spirits?" Qin Lun suddenly blinked, remembering the familiar smell of blood he had smelled in the training ground before.

He thought it was blood, but now he thinks that vampires only use blood as food. They don't smell blood in their lives and battles.

was as like as two peas in the devil. Qin Lun stayed in Paris for several days. His nose was full of this smell. How could he not be familiar with it.

"Yes, no!" Dr. shaher and major Montana looked at each other meaningfully, and the doctor then explained, "because most of the evil spirits do not leave entities, our understanding of the evil spirits is not as profound as that of Green College.

The basic technology for the human body reconstruction of most of the members of the millennium bug is from Mina hack, but in the later stage, some research results of evil spirits were mixed. The superhuman lineage of Captain Hans and others is a mixture of vampires and evil spirits. "

"Doctor, are you really fearless? No matter what kind of mixed blood is easy to have problems, are you not afraid to harm the captain and them?" Qin Lun can't help but smile bitterly. He has two lineages. But if there is no career hint from the starry sky, he can't be so bold.

"Captain, they are all voluntary!" The man who answered Qin Lun was major Montana, whose expression was somewhat helpless. "Gerhardt, I once said, there was a period when the organization lost the hope of reviving the Empire. We all decided to die with the enemy. We didn't care about these things at all.

Fortunately, we have Dr. shaher, the best superhuman researcher in the world. Except for a few soldiers who lost their lives, most of them succeeded in transformation. "

"You are too much!" Shaher smiled and bowed down to Qin Lun, and asked positively, "major Gerhardt, Captain Kruger, I heard that Captain Hans and the two lieutenants did not perform as well as expected in the previous duel? If so, please let me know what you really think! "

"No, the three of them have their own characteristics. The reason why they are in a low position in the competition with us is that they have not enough practical experience and have nothing to do with their strength." Qin Lun thought about it and replied, "it's just that since their blood is from Mina Huck, and Mina is the first blood descendant of the enemy, will they be held hostage when they meet that Alcatel?"

"Well, I've had similar concerns, so I added the research of evil spirits to their lineage." After that, in fact, to a large extent, it has made up for the lack of blood lineage.

For example: Captain Hans, they are different from ordinary blood groups. They are not afraid of the sun and silver, have strong self recovery ability, and get rid of the natural obedience to superior blood groups... "

Qin Lun's eyes flashed a gleam of light, frowned and asked: "so the common weakness of blood clan and evil spirit, whether they have also increased..."