Death Notice

Chapter 466

"Major Gerhardt, please take these. These are water wave vibrators and receivers. They can let us know your condition at any time." Dr. shaher handed Qin Lun a collar like instrument and earplugs and instructed him to put them on.

"Can I breathe freely in this sheep water tank?" Qin Lun looked curiously at the large glass box in front of him.

He had seen similar things before, in the last World War II. Allied forces seized Monica, Queen of the sandstorm, and imprisoned her in such a water box.

"Yes, maybe at the beginning, there was some slight irritation to the nose and lungs. However, this kind of amniotic fluid is rich in oxygen molecules, and it's easy to combine with lung cells, so it won't make you feel suffocated. "

"Of course, if you really don't feel comfortable with it, tell us that the water wave vibrator will translate your vocal cord vibration into a language we can understand," said Dr. shahel

"Ha ha, I thought I was lying in a hospital bed, with countless monitoring sensors connected to my body..." Qin Lun smiled and joked.

"It's a very backward way of medical treatment. We've given up on it for a long time. This kind of sheep water tank can find and deal with internal bleeding in the first time, inject corresponding treatment drugs, and stimulate and resuscitate cardiopulmonary function through different degrees of electric shock, which can be said to be the most advanced medical means in this era. "

"Although the allies have this kind of medical equipment, it's not as advanced as ours," Dr. shaher said proudly. Well, major Gerhardt, please step in and keep in touch with us. "

"Well!" Qin Lun agreed. He took out the rune bottle with devil's blood essence from his arms. He flicked his finger and flew the cork. He raised his head and drank the blue ice flame from the bottle.

"Hiss!" As soon as the blood essence of the ice flame devil was imported, Qin Lun felt that a cold air was rapidly spreading from the mouth to the whole body, and he lost any feeling from the throat to the stomach.

"No!" Qin Lun's pupil shrank, and then he left the Fuwen bottle. While his body was still a little conscious, he pushed his legs and jumped directly into the water tank below.

While others are still in the air, their eyebrows and hair have been covered with a layer of crystal ice cream. The skin exposed is as white as snow. The capillaries under the skin are even visible.

"Gollum!" As Qin Lun breathed, a string of bubbles rose from the amniotic fluid. However, this string of bubbles is only half way up to the water tank of the sheep, and then it solidifies directly. Centering on Qin Lun's body, the whole sheep water tank began to freeze rapidly.

"Click!" The toughened glass of the sheep water tank has cracks like a spider's web. The density of ice is lower than that of water. In addition, the sealed sheep water tank can't support Qin Lun.

"No, let's go!" Grant, with his head in his arms, retreated behind an instrument. Major Montana, though fat, was quick to react. He pulled Dr. shaher and the two squatted down behind a workbench.

"Bang!" The glass pieces of the sheep water tank were scattered and splashed, and a lot of workers were injured. One of the most unlucky guys was holding the blood flowing throat and twitching constantly on the ground. The companion beside him was busy pressing his neck for him.

His carotid artery was cut by a piece of debris. If it wasn't for the large number of medical staff here, he would have died later.

"Almost got hit by this guy!" Grant wiped his face, stood up and looked at the position of the sheep's water tank. Only the original sheep water tank, now only the bottom of the base, on the base is a huge cylinder of ice.

This icicle with a diameter of more than one meter and a height of up to two meters and three is different from ordinary ice. Its color is as blue and crystal clear as sea water. Qin Lun was naked, with blonde hair, eyes closed tightly, and stood upside down in the icicle.

"What's the matter?" Dr. shaher looked at the big ice in front of him.

Major Montana glanced at the place where Qin Lun had just discarded the Fuwen bottle. There seemed to be a few drops of the blue liquid in the bottle.

However, with the breaking of the rune bottle, the liquid turns into a small blue flame, and the surrounding of the flame is extremely strange. The ground is frozen into a circle of blue frost with a diameter of about half a foot.

Major Montana frowned slightly. He remembered that when Qinlun and grant were taken into the flying warship by Hans, they were empty and didn't hide the blue liquid.

However, the major soon got his thoughts back and looked at Qin Lun's icicles again. Most superhumans have their own secrets. Superhumans like him who can store things in their bodies are not rare. There is no need to find out here.

"Well, I don't think we can help any more, Captain Kruger. Let's go to the restaurant and have a coffee first." Major Montana said with a smile, "major Gerhardt, since it's about half a day, there's plenty of time."

"No, no!" Grant smiled at the corner of his mouth, pointed to the ice, and said, "I don't think this kid expected to react so violently. Whether it's success or failure, I think I'll know the result soon! "Before Grant's voice fell, he saw that the big blue icicle of ice capped Qinlun had a wonderful change. Ice, which looks hard on the outside, seems to be flowing liquid on the inside. The young man with his eyes closed slowly bends his knees in the ice and floats and sinks in the ice with his arms around his legs, like a fetus in the mother's womb.

"The color of the ice seems to be fading!" Many German scientists who are standing nearby have been keen to find the subtle changes of ice.

Indeed, the blue icicles frozen in Qinlun are gradually fading, as if the energy in them has been absorbed by the youth, and the surface of the icicles is beginning to rise with water mist and countless water drops. If this trend continues, it will soon turn into a pool of amniotic fluid again.

"Look, look, what is that?" All of a sudden, there was a cry from the researchers around.

Qin Lun in the icicle suddenly changed dramatically, and from time to time, some long, thin and sharp tapered spikes appeared on the surface of his body. These spikes are short and long. They just retract as soon as they appear on the surface. Standing in the outside world, you can see the circle of ripples in the icicle with your naked eyes.

Two of the most powerful men on the field, major grant and Montana, saw the spikes, and at the same time, there were dangerous warning signs in their hearts.

"The fellows and soldiers under the sergeant are all out of here. In addition, ask captain Hans and lieutenant SOLIN to come here and keep them at the door of the research room." Major Montana's only frown led to a new order.

At the end of the order, major Montana turned to grant uneasily. "Captain Kruger, do you think major Gerhardt will succeed in his promotion? His present physical changes... "

"I don't know!" Grant sighed. He knew that Qin Lun's second level career was related to demon lineage, but he had never seen the transformation process of demon lineage. Major Montana's question made him unable to answer.

"But I know he should still be alive, whether he succeeds or not!" Grant glanced at His Apostle's soul seal, smiled and comforted, saying that Qin Lun would be fine if the broken star didn't prompt for team downsizing.

Between the two people talking, Qin Lun had a new change, like a baby's body slowly opened. The skin on the surface of the body began to transform into a translucent blue, with mysterious runes all over the body and emerging inside and outside the body at the same time.

Visible to the naked eye, the blood vessels in the body slowly flow with the blue liquid, but in some places, from time to time, there will be a striking green silk flocs.

The young man, who used to have a long but not strong body, has become a strong man with more than two meters in height. Even the work in the crotch seemed to be a full circle, standing up bravely.

However, this is not his most significant change. Qin Lun's limbs are not only muscular, but also ten fingers are moving towards non-human. The fingers and toes begin to horny, and the tips bend like hooks. They look a bit like talons, but they are quite different from the shape of talons.

There are two spiral blue transparent corners on his forehead. At first sight, they look like goat's horn, but the tip of the horn is bent inward. The sharp corners are opposite to each other, each emitting a brilliant blue flame.

The two blue flames soon fused between the two corners, holding up a blue ice flame that seemed to never go out on his head. In the burning, everyone seemed to see countless blue ice flowers dancing around the blue flame.

The only thing that hasn't changed is Qin Lun's face. His appearance is still human, his eyes are closed, and there is no movement.

"He made it!" Grant took a long breath and looked at the young man in the icicle with a complex expression.

"Bang!" With the end of the transformation, Qin Lun seemed to wake up, his eyelids moved slightly, and he had completely turned into a light blue icicle, with a tiny invisible crack on the surface.

"We'd better hide. He can't wait for the icicles to melt!" Grant, with a slight twitch of his face, turned to major Montana and said with a wry smile.

"Well then!" Hearing the success of Qin Lun's transformation, major Montana is also very happy. They are very tacit to avoid talking about the current non-human image of the youth.

Qin Lun soon lost consciousness after drinking the blood essence of the ice flame devil. In his ignorance, he only felt that his surroundings had become a land completely covered with ice and snow, while he himself had become a little ice flame devil with blue body and transparent body.

I don't know how much time has passed. He has been foraging and playing on this ice and snow land, fighting with all kinds of strange and powerful creatures alone. With the passage of time, he became more and more powerful, until one day, a group of burning demons came to the ice and snow land.

He roared to fight with many enemies, killing one intruder after another, and finally exhausted his physical strength, which was caught by these demons.

Endless anger and memory poured into Qin Lun's mind. For a moment, he couldn't even tell who he was. However, in the chaos, several familiar and unfamiliar faces appeared in front of him, which made him shocked and reminded him of his real identity again