Death Notice

Chapter 454

Maybe it's the reason for the change of mentality, or maybe it's the fact that Qin Lun has spent two consecutive tasks in the world. During this period of time, Qin Lun's boring life in the training ground and villa has made him feel very full.

The apostles are different from ordinary people. Ordinary people run for a living. They feel that life is simple and boring. They always hope to get a little adventure and excitement. But the apostles were on the verge of life and death for many years. Instead, they cherished the rest period without risk. Most of them either consumed their time in entertainment or trained intensively.

However, Qin Lun and other killers are different from ordinary apostles. Due to their abnormal psychology, their ordinary life is no different from prison. They are always looking for adventure that can stimulate the spiritual world. Only unknown challenges can awaken their sense of existence.

It's really a strange thing that a dull and simple life can enrich Qin Lun's heart.

However, compared with Joey, who started to have a bad taste for the art of killing, Qin Lun has an advantage, and his character is very strong to be happy with the situation. He was not troubled by his strange psychological state. After a simple thinking, he even gave up making a psychological evaluation for himself, completely holding the idea of muddling along.

Qin Lun has faintly felt that his current state is not quite right. If this continues, it will have an unpredictable impact on him and Joey. To put it bluntly, their emotional factors are gradually enriched, and they gradually start to have the ideas of normal talents.

In fact, this is not the first time Qin Lun has experienced such a change. No matter when he was a child or in prison, he had a two-way change from a normal person to a murderer, or from a murderer to a normal person.

But every time he goes through such a transformation, he will lose most of his memories at that time, leaving only some fragmented images. Just like a computer system, most of the stored content is formatted, or the memory is hidden in a backup hard disk that he and Joey can't touch.

The only feeling he and Joey can leave behind is that at the end of every transformation, the people in prison, both the guards and the prisoners, will become more frightened when they look at themselves, as if he is a devil in human skin.

After nearly two weeks in the training ground, Qin Lun's boring life of two points and one line has finally changed.

"Hansen party? I see. The evening will pass! " After one afternoon's fencing training, Qin Lun received a projection message from his disciples.

Qin Lun's eyes flickered for a while after he closed the projection. Hansen's active contact surprised him. In general, shepherds are responsible for the connection between them.

Since the five killers had the idea of forming teams in groups, they began to consciously enter the task world together.

It's not that they depend on each other, it's that they watch each other and test each other. Even if they can't form life and death companions in the future, the killers hope to increase their understanding of other people so that they can better cooperate in the future.

During the two weeks of Qin Lun's rest, the other four killers are accompanied by two and enter the task time together. Fireworks Rand and his disciples Hansen, shepherd hill and clown grant. Of course, there are "beauty" lily and "handsome" Silva holding thighs.

This time, Hansen took the initiative to contact Qin Lun, apparently because Rand and him had some major changes in the mission world.

Qin Lun thought for a while, and then gave up speculation, which was too wide for him to figure out.

"Here you are!" In the evening, when Qin Lun arrived at the "golden crown Cup" bar, he found that the other four killers, as well as lily and Silva, were all present.

"What happened?" Looking at Hansen's dignified look, Qin Lun could not help but move in his heart.

The disciple Hansen is different from several other killers. In some ways, he is more normal than others. Among all the murderers, Qin Lun had split personality; Rand was extremely paranoid about the fire after suffering from human tragedy; the shepherd was psychologically distorted in religious belief; the clown, let alone, was a complete psychopath due to his childhood experience.

Hansen's psychological problem is the aftermath of war. His killing career from childhood has helped him develop a bloodthirsty and violent character. Only by killing people can we get a sense of existence. If we don't kill people for a few days, we will feel uncomfortable. On the other hand, once the desire to kill is vented, the disciples who are used to military life are the most self disciplined.

Disciples are always expressionless even in the face of life and death. Their psychological quality is as strong as that of robots. What can make him look dignified can be seen as a great event.

"Hansen, Rand and Silva met our last death Hunt mission in this mission world!" Hill said softly, with the usual kind smile on his face.

"Have you met the reincarnation of superstring space?" Qin Lun's eyes flickered, then frowned, "what's the problem?"

Hansen and Rand could not have summoned them to meet the reincarnation. Both of them are not fussy people. Besides, they are safe to return and will not simply mention the past.

"The task world we are going to this time is the union of the earth. No, to be exact, it was hundreds of years ago that the union of the earth was unified. The old calendar of the earth, 2012, met the end of the world!" Said Rand, with an ugly face."It's impossible!" Qin Lun narrowed his eyes slightly, showing a dangerous light in his eyes. "Maybe it's just a world similar to the union of the earth?!"

Qin Lun's arbitrariness is reasonable. If Hansen and Rand really went to the Earth Federation in the ad century, then the apostles could return to their original world. There is the end of the world, so the existence of Qin Lun and others is impossible.

"Qin Lun, listen to them first!" Hill put up his smile and said quietly.

"We are sure that the world is the old calendar of the union of the earth, because it is not only the world history they recorded, but Silva also found his ancestor!" Rand said with a wry smile, "you should know that Silva was born into a noble family. At that time, his family was very famous and should not admit his mistake."

"It's impossible!" The one who can't help roaring this time is grant. The clown stands up abruptly and takes the coffee table in front of him. "If the apostles can really go back to the past, what's the value of our existence?"

"If it has nothing to do with our existence?" The disciple, who had been silent all of a sudden, said in a deep voice.

"Has nothing to do with our existence?" Hill frowned slightly, reached for the clown, and cautiously asked, "you go on..."

Hanson and Rand looked at each other, but they all smiled bitterly. At the disciple's sign, Silva, who was more eloquent, began to explain.

In fact, many space-time universes have one and only main world. The past, present and future of the main world constitute a glorious history.

However, this long history river is different from ordinary rivers. In its upstream, that is, the past history, the river water is close to the solid, almost no longer flowing, and the surging river water is the current history. As for the future river, there is no entity, just like it is composed of an ethereal brocade belt, which has unlimited possibilities and changes with the current river at all times.

It is true that the apostles can enter the original world of origin, even the past history, but the waves they set off are generally not very impressive, will be covered by the tide of history, and will not affect the direction of history.

Of course, there are a few apostles who will bring dramatic changes to the original world. At this time, a tributary will be born in the long history river. This tributary will not affect the main river, but will become an independent bifurcation.

This historical branch of independent bifurcation will form a world with a common past with the main world, which is called the shadow world. Every cosmic space-time will only have one main world, but there can be countless shadow worlds.

In other words, even if Hansen and hill killed the ancestors of that world, they would not disappear. Because the laws of time and space will acquiesce, this is a bifurcating event of the shadow world, thus not affecting the main world.

There are many reasons for the birth of the shadow world, even if it is just the impact and explosion of meteorites, it is possible to set off the turbulence of time and space, so the active world will passively produce the shadow world, and the influence of the apostles in it is very little.

Compared with the main world, the life of the shadow world is much shorter, but the human beings in the shadow world are less likely to feel it. For example, during the Second World War of the Earth Federation, * Germany was under the influence of time and space turbulence, and finally won the war, which gave birth to the shadow world.

However, the world may be destroyed in a short time due to many inexplicable reasons, so this historical diversion just turns a corner and returns to the main road of the long history. Those who do not understand the reasons will be attributed to various external reasons, but the real reason is the strong inertia of the main world history, which forces the space-time origin of the shadow world to return to the main world.

Of course, there is also an exception, that is, the influence of the shadow world is too great, which leads to the tributary gradually becoming the mainstream and the whole historical river completely changing its direction. At this time, the primary and secondary are reversed, and the destruction may be the main world instead.

"This information is valuable, but it doesn't seem to have anything to do with us, does it?" At the end of Silva's account, everyone was relieved. However, the problem also came. In Hansen's and Rand's temper, it seems that they would not be called together just because of this.

"Handsome guy said so much, in fact, just to explain the premise for you, so that you can understand the next information." Rand sighed, waved Silva, and let him talk about the next thing.

"You should all know more or less the nature of the death Hunt mission. The broken star is the world's original predator, and the superstring space is the space-time manager. The two sides are opposite." Rand solemnly said, "we are so familiar with the earth federation that we won the last mission in the world, almost annihilating the reincarnation team of superstring space, and captured their leader alive. From him, we got an important message... "