Death Notice

Chapter 427

"Millaras, I don't think Ferrar is quite the same as before!" When he came out of the stone chamber, he was very worried and could not help asking the prince of the genie.

"Is it?" Millaras pursed his lips, took a look at the stone chamber behind him, lowered his voice and said, "I have the same feeling, but I think it may be related to the ancient inheritance. You know that many of the fairies born in the fruit of the world tree are reincarnated fairies. With the awakening of inheritance, the memory of the previous life will also be integrated into the body of this life... "

"Well, I know. Elder Adeline told me once before. However, she said that this kind of inheritance is only a few short memory fragments, just like magic photos, it will not have a great impact on my consciousness! " Elisting murmured dejectedly, "Ferrar should not be another man!"

"I don't think so. After all, Ferrar is an adult and has awakened to inheritance. Maybe it's only a short time!" Millaras is not sure, but he can only pretend to be calm at this time, and appease the Elf Druid first.


"Eh, why are you all outside? Have you found a way out?"

Half an hour later, Joey walked out of the stone room with pinoda. It was a little strange to see that some of the elistines were still around the door.

"The terrain here is very simple, so you don't have to worry about it. The stone chamber is just in the center of the tower. There is a circular corridor outside. On the right side, there is a spiral stone step leading to the upper and lower floors. However, we are worried about the defense mechanism in the tower, so we did not continue to explore! " Millaras said cautiously, "philar, did you get any information from that necromancer?"

"Well, it's a little different from our previous judgment. There are not many dead left in the tower of Durag. Most of them spread to the outside world, and now a large part of them enter the sharp tooth forest in the south of Bode gate and the green field in the northeast of anm. Only a few of them remain near the dulag tower, and they are basically scattered in the field outside the tower. "

Joey looked back at the previous trial of hashid and said easily, "as for the organ trap we are worried about, the undead didn't set it. It's a forbidden area for life. Few people have stepped on it for thousands of years. The dead don't worry about being invaded by foreign enemies at all. "

"Ferrar, are you ok? Who is she?" Illistin pulled Rajoy's sleeve and looked at packnonda behind him, his eyes full of vigilance.

"She is my alchemist with some special abilities." Joey grinned, unconcerned.

"Oh!" Elistin sighed with relief and smiled again. "Since the tower of Durag is not guarded by the dead, let's get out of here now. I remember that the tower of Durag went north, and it was already in the boundary of Bode's gate

"You go first and leave some signs along the road. I have something else to do here. I'll catch up with you before dark. " Joey's eyes flashed, with a wicked smile, and he shook his head slowly.

"Ferrar, that's not a good idea!" Millaras frowned slightly, just looked at the expression on Joey's face, and sighed, "if you want to leave, you can walk here together. My mission has been overfulfilled. I don't want to leave my partner this time anyway."

"Monsieur Ferrar, is there any treasure hidden in this tower of Durag that you will be moved by?" El looked up at Joey with big, nimble eyes and a hint of cunning.

"Yes, there's something that makes me excited, but there's a lot of risk." Joey told him all the information he had received from hashid.

The gate of anm and Bode is close to Jianwan. As the natural boundary between the two countries, although the Yunwu mountains are East-West oriented, they will still be affected by the Ocean monsoon and climate.

As a result of these decades, the countries in the western part of the mainland along the Jianwan coast have developed rapidly and their population has increased greatly. Both the demand for land and resources is expanding, which in turn affects the geographical environment. With the large use of magic crystal machines, urban infrastructure and commercial road projects have destroyed the vegetation on the mainland to a large extent, which in turn affects the climate and temperature.

For the gate of AMM, tysel and Bode, the people living here don't notice the change, but only occasionally wonder that the monsoon that attacks the coast every year is more frequent and hot and humid.

However, for the dead of the twin towers and Durag towers, the cold and warm monsoon several times a year is a disaster. In the past, because of the relationship between vegetation and temperature difference, the monsoon could not penetrate into the mountain range, but now it can often span hundreds of miles until it blows into the middle of the cloud mountain range.

Whether it is the southeast wind in spring and summer or the northwest wind in autumn and winter, it will blow away the death cloud on the top of the dead. For decades, although outsiders could not perceive the changes of the two forbidden areas of life, the high-level undead living here had understood that the forbidden area of life was coming to an end.

Therefore, under some external guidance, the undead in the two forbidden areas of life finally gave up wandering aimlessly for thousands of years and began to spread to the outside world. They wanted to build a country of undead with the cloud mountain as the center.Of course, it's not hard to do that. Unlike other intelligent races, the undead population can not only remain unchanged for thousands of years, but also expand to an astonishing level in a short time.

At the beginning, the scattered souls that the AMM cavalry met in the valley of the dead were just one part of the whole event. Without the destruction of Qin Lun and others, the undead will gather a large army in the valley, together with the undead who have invaded the Viper forest, to attack the anm guard.

Once the anm guard is destroyed, the undead from the two life forbidden areas will flow directly into the two river basins of anm. As a densely populated area, once swept by the undead, it will be a disaster immediately.

With enough corpses and population, the cloud and mist of the dead, who were originally just scabies, can suddenly expand into the heartache of the whole continent. The elves who created brilliant civilization can't fight against the human beings with strong fertility, but the undead who regards the living as the source of population can use the huge population base of human beings in turn, and then bury the human civilization.

For thousands of years, the high-level undead in the two forbidden areas of life did not think about these things. However, first of all, they have a small amount of original memory, and do not want the dead to replace the living to rule the world. Second, after becoming the undead, they have lost their living goals and desires, conquering the world and so on. It's really boring for the undead who is immortal.

Until now, the two forbidden areas of life are about to be destroyed. The undead had no place to stay, and with the help of external guidance, they finally came out of this step.

"So, man is in great trouble!" Mireras laughed like a fox, full of schadenfreude.

For the Japanese elves, most of them are going to Yongju island. They don't care what the land of Phelan looks like. Although in the mainland, most of the human kingdom and the elves in the territory did not have a war on the bright side, but human beings are full of various desires, strong utilitarian, and there is no good evaluation in the elves' mind.

"Prince Ferrar, let alone human troubles. Is there any treasure hidden in this dulag tower?" Lorraine asked curiously, his eyes wide open. Young dwarfs listen to many legends in their parents' mouths, and are very interested in treasures.

"At this point, the lich, hashid, didn't know very well. He only knew that the underground part of the tower of dulag was the library of the elves of uvirun. Before the destruction of the fourth kingdom of Leviathan, it was abandoned by the elves without cleaning up. "

Hearing Joey's explanation, packnonda behind him couldn't help turning a white eye, because the killer didn't tell the truth this time. As a high-level undead, hashid, before his death, made it clear that the tower of Durag had half a volume of nathar scroll, which was likely to be collected by Lundi, the half god lich, in the underground Library of the tower of Durag.

The treasure in Joey's mouth refers to this half scroll of nether scroll, and the danger is naturally that there is no half god Lich who left the tower of Durag now. It's reasonable to say that with the perception of the demigod lich, if you are in the tower, then everyone should be in danger.

However, hashid's memory shows that the half god Lich seems to have gone wrong in an experiment a few years ago. The Lich's body can hardly move, which is no different from the vegetative people. It can only rely on alchemy images and undead animals to move.

Of course, there was a misunderstanding about Joey. How could Joey put any nathar scroll in his heart? The treasure in his mouth actually refers to the half god Lich. It's because of something more fun that Joey gives hayd a good time and hurries out to find the "treasure".

"The library of the elves of uvirun, let's go down and have a look now!" Lorraine said excitedly, turning around.

"Ferrar, what's in your hand?" The careful illistine suddenly pointed to a magic wand in Joey's hand and asked.

"Oh, it's the magic wand of the Lich. It's like a necromancer. It can enhance and spread the consciousness of the Lich and control the lower level of the dead." Joey raises the staff of his right hand and carelessly throws it to elistin.

Elisting caught the staff and looked curiously. The Necromancer's artifact is a short staff. At the bottom of the staff are two long and thin biological shinbones, which are twisted like two white snakes. At the top is a huge purple gem, which has been polished into the shape of a diamond, but its volume is no less than the size of palm. If it is put into the Federation of the earth, it must be the world's first purple diamond.

The quality of this staff is very high through the identification of starry sky. It should belong to the sequence of high-level legendary items, which is distinguished by the equipage of apostles. After all, it's not easy for a lich who could only control hundreds of cannon fodder to control thousands of undead.

Unfortunately, this staff, like the long bow of the world tree in Qin Lun's hand and the thorntard edge sword from iron star castle, cannot be recognized by the broken star sky. Although it can be brought into the starry sky, it will lose equipment spirit and can only become the top equipment material.

If it's a general object, Qin Lun can also use broken crystal stones for rule fusion, but the spirit contained in this object made of treasure level materials is not controlled by ordinary broken crystal stones at all. When it is brought into the starry sky, it will lose all spirituality and become forging materials."Why, by the way, Ferrar, did you catch the necromancer?" Millaras suddenly thought of something, "let him show us the way, there should be a lot of trouble left!"

"It? I'm afraid it can't show us the way now! " Joey licked his lips with a grim smile.