Death Notice

Chapter 412

AMM, often called "merchant territory," is the youngest Kingdom on the south coast of the sword. Most of the AMMS believe in the "God of trade and wealth" wojin, and money is not valued and circulated as it is in AMM in any other country.

Every businessman in Phelan is more or less connected with anm. Do they want to trade with anm directly? Horses always pass through anm several times a year.

AMM's geographical location also makes it unique on the mainland trade road. It is just in the middle of the whole mainland trade, connecting the north and south of Jianwan. The products produced by the two great powers of karinshan and tassel need to be sold in the north through this place, and the rich natural resources in the north also need to be transported to the south steam Lake industrial zone through the anm.

This makes anm have the same status as "Sambia" and "deep water city" in trade. These three regions also have a long and continuous competition around "who can become the trade center of the whole continent".

AMM's supreme leader is not the king, but a six Member Council of six business groups. Because of their origins, the Council of six members set a very low business tax for AMM, removed most of the domestic barriers, and largely realized the freedom of trade. This is also the most fundamental reason why AMM can become the South trade center of sword Bay.

However, due to the interests of their respective business groups, the six people's Council is unable to unite more often, and has no great binding force on other chambers of Commerce and organizations in China, which has resulted in the chaos of anm's other decrees besides trade.

According to the inaccurate statistics of the executive branch of the six Member Council, anm now has a population of more than 3 million, most of whom live in the two rivers between the Sword Coast and ESMO lake.

The majority of the population of AMM is human, and the other small part is halfling. Dwarves and elves rarely appear in public in AMM, the former living in the mountains of AMM, and the latter in the Viper forest.

In fact, most of the dwarfs in AMM are grey dwarves, who were driven underground by the dwarfs of sanata in ancient times. In the dwarves, they are just like the drow elves of the elves. The elves in Viper forest are some scattered elves tribes, with few people. They don't have their own elves' court, and even millaras doesn't plan to visit them formally.

AMM's social ethos is "money is everything". Various and expensive social parties are the common practice of AMM people to show their status and power. They will give potential customers generous gifts and tip the service providers in an extremely arrogant manner.

The capital, askatara, is the center of all activities in AMM. The city has a well-equipped AMM guard force. In addition to a fleet that has been driving in the treasure sword sea for many years, they also have three small fleets stationed in the esmire River and Wenhu lake to protect the commercial ships on the river.

The AMM people have a relatively open concept of race and belief, and can tolerate other intelligent races and any religious belief. In fact, this is also the nature of merchants. For them, as long as the customers on the opposite side have gold coins in their pockets, it doesn't matter if they have blue fangs.


"Ferrar, why haven't they come back?" Millaras walked up and down the tent with his back and hands, shaking Qin Lun's eyes.

"Millaras, commander stark and leader Robin have only been there for two hours. If there is no suitable target, I don't think they will come back tonight. You'd better sit down first!" Qin Lun rubbed the bridge of his nose and said helplessly.

"Ferrar, can your idea succeed?" Millaras said with some concern.

"It's not my idea. It's a plan we discussed together!" Qin Lun stood up and lifted the curtain of the tent to watch the little camp by the lake.

There are many waterways in esmire Lake area, which is a bit like the Jiangnan Water Town of Huaxia District of the earth. In the distance of the camp, the rice on both sides of the road is like waves of golden wheat swaying in the warm spring wind. In the middle of the afternoon, a stream of smoke slowly rises from the village in the distance.

In front of the immensity of the lake esmire, there is an endless stream of flat bottomed merchant ships. These merchant ships have wide cabins, but they are not suitable for sailing on the rough sea. They are only suitable for inland rivers with calm waves.

After the Viper forest was blocked, people had to choose to go to ascatra. However, due to the threat of the santalin society, they could not enter the big business capital with chaos and opportunities unprepared. For this reason, we discussed many ways, and finally Qin Lun gave us an idea.

Most of them are mercenaries, at least in their costumes. And after this period of travel, not to mention the apostles, even the original Elven nobles such as millaras and elistin were used to mercenary life.

Qin Lun's idea is to pretend to be an ordinary mercenary regiment, and then accept the employment of some caravans near esmire lake, and enter ascatra under the cover of local caravans.

It's simple, but it works. As long as they don't show any flaws, santalin will not recognize them even if he notices the caravan. The best way to hide in the city and dissolve in water is to turn yourself into water.

Originally Robin wanted to take a step closer and control a small caravan directly, but at last he was rejected. With their force, it will be easy to control the caravan. The problem is that the caravan is different from the mercenary regiment. They have to deal with all kinds of people along the way. Any flaw may cause the suspicion of the santalin society, so it's better to let it be.In this way, it is particularly important to find a suitable target as an employer. The words of the big business group are certainly inappropriate. They not only have fixed guards and mercenaries, but also have complex intelligence sources. It's hard to say whether they have doubts about the foreign mercenary group that comes to the door actively.

As for the small caravans, they are not so easy to find. The sources of small businessmen are not as wide as those of big businessmen, but since they can stand in the chaotic place of anm, their ability of observing words and colors will not be too weak. It's at least a week's journey from here to ascatra. I can't guarantee that I won't see any doubt in this powerful mercenary group with many elves.

What Qin Lun needed was a small caravan that was not big enough and the leaders could not be too smart. Seriously speaking, this selection task is really not easy to do. Fortunately, Qin Lun doesn't have to do it himself.

Stark, Robin and others may be inferior to him in IQ, but they are far superior to him in adventure experience and experience. Some matters that make him feel headache can be solved successfully under both of them. He only needs to come up with ideas.

Since then, Qin Lun has benefited a lot from the apostles of the two teams. No matter stark, Robin, or his junior apprentices such as loner, they always have a brilliant performance, which makes him feel the importance of a mature team.

In fact, the robins came back in the evening and brought good news that they had found the right employer.

Hulan chamber of Commerce, a small chamber of Commerce belonging to Tessel, was just established years ago. The president of the chamber of Commerce, SiVo Hulan, who came back with Robin and stark, was a young gentleman with a beautiful mustache and well-dressed clothes.

He was originally a little aristocrat of Tesser, but he was a poor family. He had no talent for martial arts and magic, so he had to study business before bankruptcy, hoping to revive his family one day.

This time out, Hulan sold all the properties except the ancestral house, and collected a batch of special products of Tessel, intended to be shipped to the door of Bode for sale. Like Qinlun and them, they had to turn to ascatra for the gate of Bode due to the blockade of viper forest.

The caravan met Robin's and Stark's requirements very well, and the final destination to the gate of Bode also coincided with the embassy. But when they got in touch with SiVo Hulan, they were puzzled by the route of the caravan.

You should know that the caravan is different from them. The Japanese elves have enough force to deal with the bandits and Warcraft in the eastern border area of AMM, while the West Buddha caravan is different.

Through inquiry, they knew that Xifo, out of his own experience, believed that there would also be levels of exploitation by the aristocrats of tysel in the territory of AMM. In order to avoid many tariff Likas, the trade decided to take the sparsely populated eastern border before setting out, instead of following the two river basins to ascatra like other caravans.

For this reason, Caojian's Hulan chamber of commerce also hired a team of famous domestic mercenaries. They just walked all the way from taisel to here. These mercenaries died and injured. Although the goods were not swallowed by the bandit group along the way, but the pension for the dead and wounded mercenaries was also a large amount, which made the little aristocrat who lacked experience regret.

If the goods carried by Hulan chamber of commerce can't be sold at a good price at the gate of Bode, Xifo is afraid to make a compensation. After Ben came here, Xifo didn't plan to spend any more money to hire other mercenaries, but fortunately he had a smart housekeeper. The old housekeeper advised him not to take risks, but rather to spend a little, but also to ensure the safety of the goods.

For this reason, Seaver's caravan stayed for two days at the brothers' pub on Lake esmill, just in time to meet Robin and stark, who came to look for an employer.

It is said that there are many elves and dwarfs in Robin's team. The old housekeeper of Xifo persuades the owner to hire this mixed mercenary group. Although the old housekeeper is also lack of adventure experience and has been in charge of internal affairs in the Hulan family, the experienced old man knows that there are a large number of elves and dwarves mercenaries in the mercenary group, the vast majority will abide by the professional ethics of mercenaries, at least not for the employer.

After watching the camp, SiVo Hulan and the old housekeeper beside him were very satisfied, feeling that Robin and stark did not hide anything. This mercenary regiment not only has elves and dwarves mercenaries, but also mercenaries, although they look dusty, are all refined and strong, which meet their requirements very well.

The two employers are satisfied. Of course, Qin Lun and others are more satisfied. Hulan chamber of Commerce from taisel has also covered up their last flaw, at least no one will be surprised by their different dress and face from mercenaries in AMM.

However, things are changeable. On the second day, Hu Lan's caravan was joined. People found that things were not as good as they imagined