Death Notice

Chapter 410

"Chief, they are over!" Robin had another thief by his side.

The thief was not lonel, but his staff belonged to the lost apostle. Robin nodded softly to show that he knew, then turned his eyes to the fortress team, and found that loner was also present at Stark's side, and was quietly returning.

It's the second day since they came down from the alamil mountains. They are very close to the forest. But the direction is not toward the forest, but along the edge of the forest to the north.

At noon today, the robbers who explored the road ahead of time found the mercenary team who was riding to the alamil mountains. It should be the help that the dwarfs had invited from the mill forest.

As had been expected, the apostles sidestepped the line. Of course, the apostles did not tell all this to millaras and the dwarfs. Anyway, millaras has made up his mind not to go to Millard court. If they meet Millard again, it will be no good except to attract the team of Apostles whose mission was robbed.

As for the work of reporting to the Elven court, it is enough to send a Elven Ranger from millaras. In fact, Prince Genie and the old dwarf asked about it this morning. It's just that the road is on one side of the sky, and the teams of both sides may be staggered, so meleras can't blame the apostles for this.

When the rescue team from mill forest arrives at tiexingbao and finds out what happened, I'm afraid the mission has already left karinshan. Even if there is a team of apostles in the team, there is nothing to do.

Perhaps that team will see that other apostles have robbed their main plot, and even can get the information of the Japanese Elven envoys from the Elven king of mill. But without the plot guidance, it is difficult to find them from the vast sea of people. This is not their lack of ability, but one of the few limitations of the apostles themselves.

Rather than go north and search aimlessly for their mission, the mission's Apostle team might as well take some hidden missions in mill forest, or karinshan. Since the guidance of the broken sky does not work, it will certainly give them some compensation tasks.

Once again, the team went a long way north, and millaras turned to him.

"If it wasn't mill forest that didn't send the rescue team, it would be that we missed it. "Said millaras, helplessly.

"What are you going to do? Do you want to turn around? " Qin Lun said to himself that he didn't miss it, but that the mercenaries under you didn't plan to meet with mire at all.

"If you don't look back, you can send a messenger to the mire fairy court." Millaras said indifferently, then glanced at elistin with his eyes, and asked with a smile, "how about you, Ferrar, send someone to Millard's court?"

When he saw millaras and looked at her, illistine turned a white eye without expression. Since he was cheated by the prince of the Japanese elves on the edge of the Anke forest, the elves' Druids never gave him a good look.

However, hearing the contents of millaras's words, illistinton stared at Qin Lun angrily. Qin Lun came out of the Anke forest. Except for stark and others, there was only one illistine following him. If he wanted to send a messenger to mill forest, she was the only one.

"Thank you so much for reminding me! No, though. " Qin Lun turned his mouth and looked at millaras contemptuously. This kid is absolutely not well intentioned. He knows that Alistair won't leave and deliberately comes to see his jokes.

"Hey, don't say I didn't remind you later!" Millaras ran away laughing.

During the procession, a spirit Ranger and a dwarf left the procession in two directions. The Elven Ranger went to mill forest, and he will return to kemansuo forest after finishing the work. From the ancient road to karinshan, we have traveled more than half of the way. We really need someone to return the news.

The dwarf went to xuefengbao and set up a stronghold at the junction of karinshan and saispetz. Dwarves are different from elves. Elves travel in felon is very troublesome. Many cities are not friendly to them.

Seeing the handsome and beautiful elves, most human beings have met with lust, cajoling, poisoning, killing, and there is no need for anything. In the malicious human cities, pure elves are almost impossible to move. Unless you have been sleeping in the wild or sheltering in a mercenary regiment, no matter how powerful you are, sooner or later you will become a slave.

Dwarfs are not the same. From the perspective of human aesthetics, no matter how handsome they are, they are ugly. Moreover, the dwarves are fiery and powerful. Many of them have a forging skill. They are the best choice for mercenaries and blacksmiths, so they are very popular with human beings.

Although most dwarfs and elves choose to avoid human cities, elves live in seclusion in the forest, while dwarves live a life of no struggle in the mountains and hills. But dwarves still set up strongholds in various human kingdoms to collect information from the outside world.

Shortly after the two messengers left, millaras came to him mysteriously to discuss. However, this time when he explained his intention, Qin Lun immediately shook his head like a rattle.

"No, even if xuefengpu is willing to provide us with Griffins, but now we have more than 20 people, where can we sit down!" Qin Lun expressed his firm opposition to it, "MIRAS, have you ever thought that a griffin can only sit on two people at most, and more than 20 people need at least one squadron of Griffins, except for carrying food and clean water. Neither tysel nor AMM will allow so many air combat riders to fly across the border. ""If there are only seven or eight people, three or four Griffins?" Millaras's eyes dodged a little and faltered.

"You want to leave Robin and stark behind?" What kind of person is Qin Lun? When millaras mentioned it a little, he understood it. He immediately turned his mouth away with tears and smiles. "Do you dare to tell them that, believe it or not, Kelly will tear your mouth?"

"But Aren't they mercenaries? When they were in tiexing castle, they had already taken a lot of gold coins and treasures. They didn't need to take any more risks. Isn't it good? " Asked millaras, somewhat strangely.

Qin Lun sighed and said that if they were ordinary mercenaries, they might be willing to terminate the employment contract. The question is, are Robin and stark ordinary mercenaries?

Of course, he can't tell the truth to millaras now, and he has to find a suitable reason for him. After thinking about it, Qin Lun said seriously, "millaras, do you feel that they are responsible for their work all the way?"

"Well, although they sometimes make their own decisions, they are still very responsible for the employment tasks. At least in the first few times, when they are in danger, they will stay with us to share weal and woe, rather than run for their own lives. " Millaras said without hesitation.

"So what do you think of the human dominated mercenary regiment before you get in touch with Captain Robin?" Qin Lun said lightly.

After pondering for a while, millaras frowned. He was a wise man. He soon heard what Qin Lun said, "Ferrar, do you mean that other mercenaries on the mainland are not as loyal and reliable as Robin and stark?"

Qin Lun smiled, shook his fingers and said: "Miller Lars, you should know that whether it is the lost mercenary regiment led by commander Robin or the fortress mercenary regiment led by commander stark, before they are hired, they are all the mercenary regiments carefully selected by King comanso and King tistil.

If we terminate the employment contract with them now, where can you hire such a good mercenary regiment when we arrive at the gate of Bode in Griffins? If you are not nice, your ancient road may end at the gate of Bode forever. Or do you think your eyes are better than those of the two elves? "

"Well, you're right. I'm wrong!" Millaras felt his nose awkwardly and asked tentatively, "then we Or walk through Tessel and ANN as originally planned? "

"The original plan was to go to port Carlin!" Millaras didn't mention the original plan. When he mentioned it, Qin Lun was put on by the prince of the Japanese elves with a stinking face. He is still very upset.

"Ha ha It's a fine day today! " Seeing Qin Lun's face was not good, millaras smiled twice and ran away.

In fact, after millaras put forward the new "ancient road" plan in tiexingpu, the trouble for everyone is not only the change of task nodes, but also the trouble in daily travel.

You should know that according to the original plan, the envoys can rest and replenish in fairies like mill forest at regular intervals. The rulers of the moon elves or the human kingdom, no matter what they think about the migration of the Japanese elves in secret, will not embarrass the envoys of the Japanese elves on the surface at least, or even protect them within a certain sphere of influence.

But the change plan of millaras means that before they arrive at the gate of Bode, they not only have to face all the dangers along the way independently, but also have to live and sleep in the wild all the time, and can't enter any big cities. The only benefit may be that they will lose their track again.

Originally, after the change of plan, millaras wanted to return to the territory of saispetz through the seaport at the eastern foot of the alamil mountains, and then enter the snow mountains and giant plains, and directly bypass tysel and anm, but they were finally rejected by everyone. The reason for

is simple. Although we do not know where Tallinn will go, what we believe is that the dark organization that controls the business as the old one should be already covered in the big seaports of the steam lake. This turn around, is absolutely a catch-up, I don't think he died fast enough.

Fortunately, it's a good thing for millaras to follow the good as the flow. Apart from his great strategy, he always pretends to be a puppet.

As a matter of fact, people don't know that millaras's interim decision really let them avoid a disaster. At this time, a group of black robed people were in front of them in an underground tavern in port Carlin, waiting for the arrival of the Japanese Elven embassy.