Death Notice

Chapter 406

"Our journey is very dangerous. Maybe we will be attacked by some evil organizations!" Qin Lun's smile became more and more fresh. He asked with a smile, "what kind of danger do you probably encounter?"

"We..." Loire hesitated. "It's not clear what dangers we may encounter, but on the way, some areas may need to pass through the underground world."

"Drow?!" Millaras's pupil slightly shrank, silent, listening to the dialogue between Qin Lun and the dwarves.

Among the four races of elves, the Japanese elves and the moon elves may compete in the leadership position, but for the drow elves transformed by the dark elves, that is, the enemy of life and death, there is no room for compromise. Any thing that can make Zhuo eat shriveled, the Japanese Elves will disdain to spare no effort to do.

In ancient times, the elves of the kingdom of tintagir escaped from the foreign domain interface, fellier, and moved to the main material world, felon. Among the four elves, the moon elves and the green elves are gentle in temperament. After the great destruction of the interface, they are eager for a peaceful and stable life.

However, at that time, the most powerful Japanese elves and dark elves launched five crown wars because of the differences in political power and theocracy. In the end, the dark elves were expelled to the dark area of the underground world, and became drow elves, and the original fairy goddess ayyushne became the present spider God and rose.

And the Japanese Elves were also hated by the whole felon elves because they destroyed mayelita and Santa osriel. At that time, the vasennta empire was finally destroyed by the elves' Union army, the Supreme Council and the royal family. The remaining Japanese elves moved out of the supreme forest and became the few ancient comanso elves.

"Ha ha, you see, we all need help from others. Why can't we go together?" Qin Lun chuckled, raised a finger and said, "at last, there is only one question. Do we have the same route in our journey? We will go north next, do you?"

"We're going north, too!" Loire sniffed, relieved, "I didn't know your destination was..."

"Our next destination is kalinshan, the capital of kalinshan, and then we head north again, across kalinshan, tether and AMM." Qin Lun's eyes flashed a glimmer of light, and he slowly induced, "what about you?"

"We're going to the silver moon alliance in the far north of the mainland!" Loire's expression was a little disappointed, and the elves' journey only partially coincided with them.

However, on second thought, it seems natural that the silver moon Federation is already in the northernmost part of Phelan, with its back on the roof of the world. Except for dwarves, I'm afraid that few teams will go so far north.

Listening to Qin Lun's conversation with the old dwarfs, the rest of the team chuckled. Qin Lun's information is true, but to a large extent, it is tempting dwarves.

It was true that the mission would encounter danger during its journey, but it did not say where the danger came from. Although the santalin society is an evil organization, ordinary people can't really provoke them. However, the old dwarfs didn't prepare a draft of Qin Lun's question in advance. Although they instinctively avoided mentioning zhuo'er, how could others not think of it when it comes to the underground world!

Another problem is the same, from kalinshan to the north, Tesser and AMM are the only way. These three countries belong to the southwest of the mainland, all of which are on the edge of the endless sea. They are juxtaposed in Jianwan from south to north.

In terms of the ancient route of the diplomatic corps, Qin Lun actually said less than half of the way. Although a destination is brought into the discourse, it should be noted that he says "the next destination" rather than "the final destination". The dwarves were guided out of their final destination. The silver moon alliance is far north of the mainland, but there is no next stop.

"The silver moon alliance, the roof of the world, the remains of the dwarfs of sanata..." The words of the old dwarf surrounded the ears of millaras. Suddenly a flash of lightning flashed in the mind of the prince of the Japanese elves, thinking happily of a thing the elders of the family had talked to him.

"Secret silver hall?! You want to find the secret bank hall, don't you? " There was a flush on mireras's face, and he pointed excitedly at the old dwarf.

The faces of the dwarfs turned black. Loire, the old dwarf, raised his beard and glared at Qin Lun. At this time, he finally came to realize that the silver hair fairy was luring him to tell the truth. Looking back, he told himself some unimportant information, but he let out all the details.

As the most famous castle in the north of the dwarves, the silver hall can be described as thunderous. When it comes to the silver moon alliance and the roof of the world, elves can't imagine the silver hall.

"And you? Where are you going? " Asked Loire, suppressing his anger.

Qin Lun opened his hand with a smile and pointed to millaras, but he closed his mouth and stopped talking. After all, the leader of the mission is millaras. He has achieved this level enough. Whether to choose to go with the dwarves next depends on the decision of the prince of the Japanese elves.

"We're going to deep water city, and we're going to visit the fairies along the way!" Surprisingly, this time, millaras spoke out their final destination, obviously overturned his original idea and decided to go with the dwarfs."Deep water city?! So I've been perfunctorizing us just now! " The old dwarf's face was ugly, and he gave Qin Lun another vicious look.

"Well, Tesser and Ann have been through it. It's not perfunctory!" Millaras laughs, but he gives Qin Lun a thumbs up. "Now that we have all said it, let's go with each other. Let's talk about our respective tasks."

"Yes, but I don't want to talk to him again." The old dwarf turned his head angrily to see Qin Lun.

Qin Lun smiled and walked away silently, which made the old dwarf a little more comfortable. Anyway, when they have discussed, millaras will tell him the situation. Besides, in the negotiation process, he can indirectly participate through stark and others.

"Well, Ferrar won't come to the discussion later." Millaras gave Qin Lun an apologetic look. "However, mercenaries are needed on the way. You can see if they can stay to discuss."

"Mercenary's words The leader can stay! " Old Loire snorted heavily, indicating that he was still in a bad mood.


"Apostle 70053, you have triggered the hidden story - explore the secret silver chamber. The story line belongs to a branch of the grand epic story "miyin hall". The main plot has not yet been launched, and it must be taken from the Warhammer family of torrell world after the completion of the branch plot. "

[explore the secret silver Hall (the difficulty of the mission can't be calculated temporarily): Bruno Warhammer, king of the shield dwarfs, returns from the ice wind Valley, and vows to take back the pride of the Dwarfs - the North secret silver hall in front of the Warhammer family logo "bubbling beer cup".

In response to King Bruno's call, the snow capped dwarves, who are also descended from sanata, sent an outpost search team. In order to obtain the map to miyin hall in tiexing castle, which used to be the castle of the sanata Empire, and then find the entrance of miyin hall under the roof of the world in the north.

Mission objective: find the entrance of the secret bank hall and try to explore the internal situation of the secret bank hall.

Mission reward: depending on the contribution of the apostles in this mission, the duration of stay will not be increased.

Special reminder to the apostles: if in the course of the mission, kill the legendary creature - Shadow dragon "Shuo Ying" or the king of the grey dwarf, the mission evaluation will be increased by one level, and the important advanced items below the legendary occupation will be distributed according to the contribution.

Tip: since the main plot of the epic plot line is one year away from this time point, the broken starry sky will issue "special time and space set ball" according to the exploration degree of the Apostle team.

Tip: if the epic plot is advanced or delayed due to the Apostle's butterfly effect, the broken starry sky will be rewarded with double degree of exploration according to the development of the situation.

Tip: the "bubbling beer cup", a branch of the main plot of "secret silver hall", has been accepted by other apostles. The lost and fortress joint team will form a competitive team relationship with the mission of "exploring the secret bank hall". ]

"no, it's such a big task!" Seeing the tips in the death list, Qin Lun was a little embarrassed.

No wonder broken star once reminded them that torrell world belongs to the newly developed mission world. The exploration of the world is almost unknown. This will happen to a group of dwarfs, which is another epic task.

Robin and stark, who were listening to millaras and Loire, were soon back. However, neither of them received the joy of the epic plot, but they were full of misgivings.

Millaras had agreed to go with the dwarves. The prince of the Japanese elves had more lice and less debt.

Anyway, there's already a santalin society. As long as the dwarfs don't hinder the ancient road, and the drow elves harass them, it doesn't seem to matter. Maybe in some sections of the road to change the underground world, maybe we can avoid the killers of the santalin society.

For the apostles, though, there was some distress. Although he had seen the task, Qin Lun was not familiar with the specific situation, and stark quickly repeated the previous conversation to him.

Miyin hall is one of the most famous dwarf castles in the north, even in the whole felon. It used to be the northern fortress of the ancient sanata empire. Hundreds of years ago, the castle fell into the hands of a shadow dragon called Shuo Ying.

Because the dwarves of Warhammer group dug too deep when they explored the dense silver, and destroyed a boundary node between the main material interface and the shadow plane, thus freeing the shadow Dragon into Phelan. "Shuo Ying" killed most of the dwarves in the secret silver hall, and shared the treasure of the secret silver hall with its servants composed of shadow monsters and grey dwarves.

It is reasonable to say that there is no reason for the apostles to give up when they can receive an epic mission, but the key now is that there is a dragon in the secret silver hall. It's not the giant ground newt that looks like a legendary creature, but a living dragon. Besides, the dragon is not alone. There are a lot of shadow monsters around him and a whole tribe of grey dwarf servants.

"The information that the dwarves got from Warhammer family, this shadow dragon called Shuo shadow, is at least the top level legendary creature, and it may even be the semi God who has entered the divine realm. In Robin's judgment, this task, let alone us, is that all the members of the lost and Tianfu teams are here. I'm afraid they can drink a pot. "Stark looked at Qin Lun bitterly. "You say we do it or not!"