Death Notice

Chapter 402

The corridor Kelly chose was not as huge as the one outside the castle. It was only three meters wide and high, which made people feel a bit depressed at the beginning, and a little uncomfortable.

The distance of the passage is not very long, but there are several corners and thick stone walls on the way. I don't know how long Kelly's ears are. Other people can't hear the other end of the channel at all.

Inside the castle, the top of the corridor is also inlaid with luminous stones. Every other distance, there are some regular depressions in some places of the stone wall. In ancient times, these should be used for lighting the fire basin.

As she neared the exit of the corridor, the voice Kelly had heard before was also heard. It was a kind of intermittent weak howling sound, some harsh. It seemed that there was a strange chewing sound during the period, which made everyone look at each other.

"When we get to the exit, let the people behind us hide first, and the robbers come forward to investigate!" Kelly looked at the exit in front of her. Her face was rarely dignified. She felt a strong threat to her life. Most of wudaojia's intuition is very sharp, and there are not many creatures that can make her feel the threat of life. Naturally, we should be more careful.

"What kind of creature is this?" As soon as the robbers in the two teams came out of the passage, they were shocked and trembled.

Qin Lun's eyes flashed a strange color, "gannettes's left eye" let him see the scene in the front hall without going out of the channel.

At the end of this corridor is a broad hall. There is a raised stone platform at the back of the main hall. It may have been the throne of the dwarf king, or some kind of altar for sacrifice. But now there is nothing on it, which can't be distinguished.

In addition to the stepped stone platform, there are dozens of huge stone columns on the left and right sides of the main hall that need to be held by three people.

After thousands of years, these stone pillars are still intact, integrated with the ground and dome, maybe they are part of the rock layer in the mountainside. When the dwarfs were digging, they deliberately left these stone pillars to support the dome of the palace.

Of course, with the same role of the stone column supporting the dome, there are also some large stone beams in the upper part of the stone column. The two ends of the stone beam support the left and right sides of the palace, while the middle part is connected with many stone columns, forming a solid and solid network structure of well characters above the palace.

The ground of this hall is covered with numerous articles, which are piled up into small hills, making the halls with huge space appear to be a little cramped. Although in Qin Lun's vision, all objects are only black and white sketch lines, but from the shape, it is easy to identify these objects.

Gold coin, jewelry, silverware Unlike the abandoned dwarf square, the palace inside the castle is filled with various kinds of gold and silver treasures and luxury goods, almost comparable to the royal treasury of some human kingdoms.

However, these gold and silver treasures are not the focus of Qin Lun's attention. His attention is focused on a giant beast winding on the stone beam of the well.

Dragon head, snake body, antler, phoenix claw, fish scale and whisker are just like a mythical beast in the legend of the Federation of the earth - Huaxia dragon!

Of course, compared with the real Huaxia dragon, some body parts of the giant beast are slightly different. Its tail is not a fish's tail, full of thorny spines, a bit like a huge mace. The long and thin eyes on the head are also covered with a thick layer of white mucous membrane. There is no pupil. It seems that it is a blind dragon.

This giant animal, which looks like a Chinese dragon, looks beautiful and elegant, covered with silver glittering scales. It's about 100 meters away from them. In addition, there are many stone pillars in the hall. For a while, we should not notice the people hiding in the passage.

"This is a ground salamander with Asian Dragon lineage, but How can we have such a large body size? It's dozens of times that of the common newt! " I don't know when to go to the passage of millaras, his face is full of shock, almost eyes to stare out.

"What are you doing here? Get back!" Kelly, who has been paying attention to the ground newt, suddenly stands up Willow eyebrows and pulls him away from the passageway when he sees millaras beside him.

"Are those dwarfs?" Before millaras returned to the back of the line, there was another curious voice behind Kelly. Illistin pointed to some figures standing under the stone beam and asked softly.

"Well, it's just a matter of looking at them. I just don't know whether these dwarfs have been living here or just entered tiexingbao from the outside mountains like us." Another head came up, this time Robin's slightly joking voice.

Kelly looked at all the people around and finally rolled her eyes. She was too lazy to stop the curious babies.

"Many gold coins, many treasures!" Looking at the golden hills piled up on the ground, and at illistin, who was used to being poor in jonndar forest, his eyes began to turn into stars.

As a group of people gathered around, the scene in the palace changed again. All of a sudden, the ground salamander coiled on the stone beam gathered up its body, raised its dragon head, and spit out the snake's letter in its mouth. Seeing this scene, the dwarfs on the ground immediately became nervous, holding up their weapons and dare not move.

"What's the matter?" Kelly asked millaras, who recognized the newt."They have poor eyesight and can hardly see, and only the precious metal that reflects the most light can cause their reaction. However, their sense of hearing and taste is very sensitive, and they can feel any abnormal smell in the territory by relying on snake trust. " Millaras wiped a cold sweat, which lowered his voice.

"All creatures with dragon lineage have a strong sense of territory, and they are unimaginably greedy for shiny precious metals. It is estimated that this is the habitat of the ground newt. These dwarves are miserable. They just break into the "bedroom" and treasure house of the earth salamander Elisting added softly.

"Prince, what is the strength of this creature Robin asked with some caution.

"The newts are not Warcraft. They have no elemental talent. Just a little faster, nothing else! " Millaras recalled it carefully and said slowly, "but I haven't heard of this type of ground salamander, so it's hard to judge the specific situation."

"No magic is no magic. The size of the body should not affect the element talent! And Dacheng will slow down. " Hearing millaras's answer, everyone felt relieved.

"Shall we save these dwarfs? Maybe..." Nicole asked with a smile as she leaned her head over.

Robin and stark looked at each other, and the leaders of both teams saw a look of desire in each other's eyes. Nicole didn't finish, but they understood.

Since these dwarves are blankly breaking into the nest of the ground newt, they should be outsiders like them. Maybe I have the relevant historical plot on my body. If I kill the newt to save them, I may get this plot line.

"Let's see!" Kelly frowned and felt something wrong in her heart. The creature that can make her feel life-threatening should not be too bad. However, there was no flaw in millaras's statement, so she had to be patient and motioned for a quiet observation.

They stopped talking quietly and waited for the impending battle with bated breath. Although the beast in front of us is a little shocking, we don't have any fear.

Both elves and apostles have dealt with large beasts. This kind of wild giant beast with empty physique, no wisdom and no element talent, let alone Kelly, a high-level apostle, even the first-level apostles in the team will not be afraid of them.

At this time, the ground salamander that made the attack posture finally had the actual action. The dragon head looked forward, and its coiled body shot down from the stone beam like a spring.

They only felt a flash of silver light in front of them. The retina was full of a series of silver shadows, extending from the stone beam to the ground. Qin Lun and others only felt that they were watching a silent movie, and the gold coins piled up in the hills were flying up and down.

Even though hundreds of meters away, people still feel a strong wind blowing on their faces and their hair flying, which makes people can't help narrowing their eyes.

"Woo ~ ~" after a moment, a sharp sound burst came from the pinna. However, the crash of the gold hill seemed so insignificant.

When the people returned to God and looked again, they saw that there was no dwarf on the ground. The ground salamander is still on the stone beam. It doesn't come down at all. Its tail is always wrapped around the stone beam. It just uses the elastic long snake body to hunt for food, which makes the dwarfs unable to even fight back.

With the sound of chewing, between the two rows of sharp steel teeth, a pair of thighs still twitching. A gurgling blood hung down the corner of the newt's mouth, and painted its silver body with a layer of blood light. The silver light and blood color interweaved a kind of magic charm.

All the people who saw this scene, including Kelly, the violent woman, felt stiff all over, frozen in place, and the sweat on the forehead came out.

"Just a little faster..." Qin Lun's face twitched slightly. Now killers know where the sound Kelly heard came from, and where the thick white liquid came from in the tunnel they had fallen down.

"We can't deal with this. Let's go!" Kelly took a deep breath, looked at the crowd, and there was a trace of reluctance in her eyes.

The female martial Taoists only feel a burst of boiling in their heart. If she is the only one here, they can fight. However, other people can't keep up with the speed of the newt. Instead, it will become her drag. She has to force down the fighting spirit and try to leave first.

The dwarves, who had one less companion, could not suppress their indignation and scolded the ground salamander who ate leisurely on the stone beam.

"Gollum!" The ground salamander raised his head and squirmed his throat. He swallowed the food, spit out a long snake letter and licked it on his mouth. It seemed that he was still a little interested.

The people who were hiding in the passage retreated cautiously. Nicole, who had proposed to rescue the dwarfs, had been silent for a long time. Only the kind-hearted elistine could not bear it.

"Wait, millaras, you said before that the newt can feel any abnormal smell in the territory?" Qin Lun, who had been silent, suddenly frowned, turned his head and asked cautiously, "what is the general scope?""I don't know. I'm afraid the ground salamander I know is not as big as one of its claws, but this distance..." Millaras seemed to think of something. He swallowed his saliva difficultly, with a smile worse than crying.

At the same time, after eating a dwarf's ground salamander, he suddenly twisted the dragon's head, and his eyes covered with white mucous membrane were aimed at the passage where the people were. His mouth was slightly open, and his ugly face showed a very human irony.

"Perhaps we have been found by it!" Kelly and stark, who are in charge of the post-mortem, including Qin Lun, who is still observing the palace with "gannitz's left eye", have a chill in their hearts.