Death Notice

Chapter 37

If possible, Qinlun would like to delay a few days to reply to Baron Albert, which would be more credible. It's only half a month or so since he entered the world. Although he felt that he was getting closer to the core of the task, time was running out.

Therefore, after dinner, Qin Lun took the initiative to find Baron Albert and expressed his willingness to join the Exorcist camp to help protect Odia.

Baron Albert was very happy and took Qinlun and Bonnie to a sub Castle hall on the right side of the main castle.

The sub Fort Hall is actually a library, surrounded by tall bookshelves. Rows of well maintained hardcover books can even smell a smell of ink. Above these bookshelves are many portraits.

These portraits are male and female. They are similar to Baron Albert and Bonnie in appearance. They should all be the ancestors of the Albert family.

Qin Lun's eyes fell on the bookshelf at the back of the hall, on a portrait in the center. This portrait is twice the size of other portraits. It depicts a tall knight in plate armour.

The knight held his helmet in his left hand and stuck the sword on the ground as a crutch in his right. He was standing on the top platform of Albert castle, his eyes shining on the Mayer forest in front of him.

At the bottom of the picture is a line of small characters.

"Millennium duty, Millennium protection, Millennium glory! We are Albert of Odia! "

A very familiar sentence! Qin Lun's eyes flashed and rubbed his temples.

In the center of the library is a small salon, with a large round tea table and some cane chairs.

"Dr. Stan, I'm glad you can join us! Please have a seat! " Baron Albert took a cane chair and motioned to Qin Lun to sit down.

"Baroness, what kind of ceremony does it take to join the Exorcist?" Qin Lun asked with a smile.

"Ha ha, no need!" Baron Albert smiled and waved his hand. "The Exorcist is not a religious organization. Instead, it is more like a loose mutual aid group. Anyone can be an exorcist as long as he is introduced by an old member, but if he wants to be an exorcist, he must have the courage and will to fight against evil! "

"It's an honor for the Stein family to serve the Exorcist!" Qin Lun leaned slightly. "Please give me more advice later!"

"No advice, since I introduce you to the guild, I will naturally tell you some historical truth and the purpose of our exorcists!" Baron Albert took the glass from Bonnie and shook it gently in his hand. His eyes were lost in memories.

More than 3000 years ago, the world witnessed the emergence of various thriving human settlements on the mainland. With the increase of productivity, these human settlements gradually produced classes and kingdoms, and the human beings at the top of the pyramid began to enslave others.

A great deal of wealth is concentrated in the hands of a few people, who begin to pursue spiritual liberation after meeting the basic needs of food and clothing. Some of them put all their energy into the noble cause of improving the overall well-being of mankind. Others are seeking higher personal enjoyment and trying to prolong their lives.

With the passage of time, the former kind of people with high moral character put forward the concept of faith and began to spread the gospel on the mainland. They hope that all human beings can have a kind of spiritual sustenance, emancipate the mind and soul, and maintain a positive and optimistic attitude even under the bad living conditions.

The latter kind of people who pursue their personal interests start to gather wealth, persecute the people and plunder the land of other countries. And began to study the mystery of immortality with wealth and knowledge.

Different from the time and space of the earth where Qin Lun lived, in the long time, these two kinds of people have discovered the mystery of immortality and other powerful magic.

However, the mystery of immortality discovered by these two kinds of people is not the same. The former obtains the mystery of "eternal life" through faith and firm will. The latter is the real mystery of "Immortality".

The mystery of "eternal life" needs pure mind and strong will. They call themselves "believers". The mystery of "Immortality" relies on external forces. They call it "witchcraft" and use it to create evil magical creatures, calling themselves "Witches".

Believers and witches not only gain the opposite power, but also have two extremes. They soon had irreconcilable contradictions, and the war began!

At the beginning of the war, because the requirements for the birth of believers were too high, and it was relatively easy for wizards to rely on external forces, so believers continued to lose. However, at this time, those ordinary people who have been bullied and persecuted by witches for a long time began to join the believer camp.

These ordinary people don't have a long life, but the number accounts for 99.9% of the human world. After uniting, they almost beat the wizard. In the long-term war, some ordinary people also gained considerable combat effectiveness.

At the initiative of the believers, these powerful ordinary people united with the believers to establish the Exorcist organization. The purpose of the organization of exorcists is to dispel the "Wizards" and their magical creatures and protect the human world.In the final battle, most of the male witches disappeared in the world, leaving only a few female witches to escape into the forest, desert, mountains, swamps and other remote corners with the worst living conditions.

The believer camp has also been greatly traumatized. The remaining believers feel that there are too many temptations for ordinary people, whether it is the mystery of eternal life or the mystery of immortality.

Therefore, they use their lives to launch a powerful mantra to seal the mysteries of the two laws of the world forever. In addition to the remaining witches and a small amount of magic medicine in the hands of witches that can give birth to the undead, the world can no longer give birth to any immortal or immortal.

In order to protect the world, believers are willing to sacrifice their lofty ideas, which move all exorcists. They vowed to protect these two secrets and never see the sun again. They were willing to hunt down the witches who came back to the human world and the magical creatures they created.

In the following years, witches gathered their strength and repeatedly attacked the human world from all corners. Although they were all defeated by exorcists, ordinary people in the human world also suffered heavy casualties.

Under this premise, the Exorcist reached an agreement with the witch. Witches and their magical creatures no longer appear in front of ordinary people, and exorcists no longer pursue witches who live in remote corners.

The term of this agreement is one thousand years. The exorcists believe that after one thousand years, human beings will be more powerful and the number of witches will be insufficient. The witches believe that after a thousand years, the exorcists will lose their faith and inheritance power, and they will be able to rule the world again, and use the power of the world's laws to break the guard incantation of believers and open the era of the great wizard.

"The agreement between the Witch and the Exorcist is called the Millennium pact. It's just over three hundred years ago!" The old Baron shook his glass and drank up.

"Is there a witch in the Mayan forest?" Qin Lun's eyes flickered and asked quietly.

"There is more than one witch in Maia forest. The forest is too large. There are more than ten witches hiding in it. Unless human beings burn the whole Mayan forest, under the cover of the terrain, how many people will die if they enter. " Baron Albert said with a wry smile, "if not, the witches would have been wiped out by exorcists hundreds of years ago!"

"Dr. Stan doesn't have to worry. In fact, there is only one witch near the edge of Odia. And the exorcists around the Mayan forest are not just our Albert family. There are five exorcists in the Mayan forest in the Principality of mezer. " Bonnie added with a smile.

"Since there is a millennium contract, why do my followers still encounter the attack of stone ghost near the castle?" Qin Lun suddenly asked with a frown.

The Baron and Bonnie looked at each other, and the old Baron explained: "no contract can be perfect, and the Millennium contract also has loopholes. At that time, at the time of signing the contract, the magic oath restricted the Witch and magic creature's attack on human beings, but it did not include the witch's remake of magic creature after that! "

"So, those crafty witches take advantage of this loophole and often send new magic creatures to attack humans?" Qin Lun raised his eyebrows slightly. "Is this useful?"

"Well, they have limited resources. The purpose of doing so is to capture individuals as slaves and use them to test all kinds of evil black magic!" Bonnie nodded and said in a deep voice, "but we are also the same. The Exorcist family often let some members avoid the oath and enter the Mayan forest to spy on the witch."

"So, the stone ghosts on the castle stone bridge..." Qin Lun asked softly as his eyes turned.

"Only a few of them are real statues!" Bonnie said with a smile.

"Dr. Stan, do you have any questions?" Baron Albert looked at Qin Lun with a smile.

"Well, one last question!" Qin Lun pondered for a moment, then asked, "is this plague a masterpiece of witches?"

"We don't know yet, but using the epidemic virus to reduce the number of people in Odia is really beneficial for them to rush out of the Mayan forest in the future!" The Baron's eyes flashed, and he answered calmly, but Bonnie hesitated and said nothing.

Their reactions fell into Qin Lun's eyes, but he didn't question them any more, just smiled and nodded.

"Dr. Stan, in two days, we will organize a reconnaissance team to enter the Mayer forest. I don't know if you are interested in entering with the reconnaissance team as a team doctor!" Asked Baron Albert gravely.

"Ha ha, if this is the test of exorcism for new people, I would like to show you the courage of the Stan family!" Qinlun raised his glass and saluted the two Albert on the opposite side.