Death Notice

Chapter 245

Qin Lun is quietly looking at the huge building in front of him, which is located in the northern area of the devil's corner center and looks like a bell tower. The fan-shaped arch at the bottom faces the street. Above the arch is a miniature marble colonnade, with some religious style of Gothic church.

There are some reduced proportion of biological statues standing side by side in the corridor, including the great devil with two wings on his back, the Western flying dragon, the solemn human knight, as well as the elf archer with a bow on his back and a hood. Above the jade colonnade is an irregular cloud, but there is a vague scene of wind, lightning and rainstorm inside the cloud, as if a huge storm is brewing.

This huge bell tower is the headquarters of chaos alliance in devil's corner. At its door stood two iron and steel demons three meters away. This kind of iron and steel demons had some artificial intelligence. Although the pace was slow, the defense was strong. If the two of you block the door of the headquarters together, even if the high-ranking apostles attack, they will not rush in for a moment.

From the door to the inside of the bell tower, you can see the spacious hall inside. There are several windows on both sides of the hall, behind which is a stone step leading to the upper floor of the building.

However, Qin Lun's attention is now focused on an orange transmission gate in the center of the hall. This oval transmission gate is one of the portals leading to the chaos alliance potential trading ground.

Two days ago, Qin Lun summoned all the murderers except fireworks Rand to the villa and sold them the news of the urban hegemony war. After receiving this information, the other three killers have different choices.

Hill, the shepherd, regretted that he would not take part in the battle of urban hegemony. He didn't have time to change his job, but he was the prayer priest in the early stage of his career. His attack power was too poor, and most of his gain skills were aimed at the team, which was very mana consuming. He was really not suitable for urban hegemony.

Hansen, the disciple, was adamant that he would take part in the urban hegemony war, and paid Qin Lun 10000 pieces of information fee. However, he doesn't need the inner card invitation of the elves, but says he will find a way to get a foreign card invitation.

Hansen has now completed his duties and transferred to work as a Viking warrior. He plans to take advantage of the invitation letter of foreign card to familiarize himself with the fighting profession during the trial. Viking soldiers belong to all weapon soldiers. If they want to play their full abilities, they must fight constantly and master all kinds of attack and defense equipment.

Finally, grant took the invitation letter from the elves. In addition to the information fee of 10000 broken crystals, the clown promised that if he could survive, he would return 500 city points to the elves, just offsetting Qin Lun's 50000 broken crystal debt.

Grant is not unable to produce 50000 broken crystals at present, but he has to be fully prepared to participate in the urban hegemony war. It doesn't matter the information fee of ten thousand broken crystals, plus the invitation letter of fifty thousand broken crystals, it's a bit broken. Of course, we owe it first.

He didn't want to get a foreign card, but he was different from Hansen. The disciple is a hired killer. He has accumulated a lot of points in the city mercenary. Moreover, the Viking warrior occupation needs combat experience.

And the fighting profession that clown grant currently works in tends to MT, which is called the breeder. It can make use of its own parasitic virus to form an outer colonization pack, with more battles and slow physical recovery. Before the war of hegemony, the less the number of battles, the better the state can be maintained.

If he owes, he owes. Qin Lun is satisfied to receive a total of 20000 broken crystal information fees. What's more, he doesn't think the clown will die in the war of hegemony. His mask skill is too abnormal and doesn't consume mana. In some ways, clown's ability is more suitable for this kind of urban hegemony.

After watching at the gate of chaos alliance's headquarters for a while, Qin Lun stepped inside.

"This is chaos alliance headquarters. Please show me your ID card!" When he got to the door, he was blocked by one of the iron demons. The statue extended a strong steel arm to him, with a small groove in the arm, which could let the Apostle insert the identity card into it.

Qin Lun's eyes flash. He is not the apostle of chaos alliance. The ID card number is not registered in the alliance. However, before he came here, he had asked beirousses how to enter the chaos alliance.

Qin Lun took out the invitation letter of demons with the burning plain on the front and handed it to the iron demons. The iron devil twinkled slightly like the soul fire in his eyes. A red light swept the invitation like a scanner. Then he bowed half respectfully and returned to his original post.

"What a good puppet!" Qin Lun's eyes were full of admiration. Of course, he did not praise the iron devil, but the man who made it.

The three alliance of apostles in devil's corner have the same scale. Chaos alliance has more than 2000 professional apostles and hundreds of teams, large and small. Although the structure of the alliance is relatively loose and the binding force on its members is very low, such a large stall usually involves many trivial matters.

At this time, the hall is bustling with people.

When Qin Lun entered the hall, he walked straight to the half face transmission door. Anyone who can enter the headquarters of chaos alliance can naturally enter the half level trading ground, but there is no one to stop Qin Lun.The half face portal is about five meters high and two-and-a-half meters wide. No matter what the size of the racial apostles, such a large portal is basically enough. Step into the transmission gate, the scene in front of Qin Lun is a change, a huge square appears in front of him.

The half plane trading square of chaos alliance is round, covered with a layer of orange cover. The square is surrounded by a circle of low shops. There are three floors inside and outside, forming the three circle of shops ring area.

Most of these shops are made of wood and stone. They are low in shape, no more than three floors high. They have cornices and arches. They are quite different from the architectural style of devil's corner, but they have the ancient charm of Chinese architecture. Most of the shops have some unique wooden signs on the eaves, which let people know the type of shops at a glance.

For example, the wooden signboards of some shops are engraved with armor patterns, so that people can see that this is a shop selling armor. Shops with swords must be weapons shops, shops with bows and arrows and guns, which naturally sell long-range attack weapons In this way, it is very simple and clear.

Most of the shop assistants are enchanting demons and Luocha girls with professional smile, which makes people feel good at first sight.

Qin Lun approached a weapon shop curiously. The demon in the shop immediately came forward with a smile and asked through the counter, "what kind of weapon do you need, Apostle?"

"What kind of weapons do you have?" Qin Lun asked with interest.

The demon is slightly shocked. The professional apostles are different from the ordinary ones. The apostles who come to the shop usually have a clear purpose. Have a general idea of the weapons you need, and don't buy them blindly. Few professional apostles ask like Qin Lun.

However, most of the demons employed in the half face trading ground are strictly trained, and they will not directly ask for the exit even if they have any doubts. The demon turns around and takes out a picture book from the backstage and puts it in front of Qin Lun.

"Dear Sir, the goods in our shop are basically included in this atlas. You can have a look first!" "If your time is tight, please give me some general information, and I will choose the right products for you," said the succubus respectfully

Qin Lun nodded and opened the atlas. After a while, he pointed to one of the sword weapons in the atlas and asked, "the introduction of the atlas is too general. Can I have a specific look at this sword?"

"Sure, just a moment, please!" The demon turns around and enters the backstage of the shop. Soon, he takes out a sword box. There is the purple sword Qin Lun wants to buy.

Qin Lun's eyes flashed. As soon as he was about to take the sword, the demon immediately reached out to stop him. In his surprised eyes, he smiled and gave Qin Lun a pair of monocles, then handed the purple sword to him.

Qin Lun put on his monocles, and his eyes lit up. The lenses of the monocle show all the features of the purple sword, including skill introduction and additional physical attributes. Even if the purple sword can be used in Jin stage, the equipment and materials of Jin stage, as well as the success rate are described in detail.

These additional attribute data are similar to the attribute data set by Qin Lun in the death list. This monocle is actually a special item that can identify the Apostle's equipment.

At this time, Qin Lun understood why Kelly was so sure that the competitor's leather armour was the dark gold quality. He thought that it was the female Apostle who had rich experience in identification equipment, but now he thought it was the credit of this kind of identification glasses.

In the data of monocles, the last item is the price of purple sword, and there is also a mark of unsold goods. The red font above reminds the buyer that unsold goods cannot be included in the storage space or brought out of the half face trading square.

I see! Qin Lun smiled gently. No wonder the demon in front of him was not afraid of killing people or surpassing goods. This Law seal itself is the best means of protection, more secure than the high-tech of devil's corner auction house.

Seeing this, Qin Lun basically understood the operation mode of the half plane trading market. He put the purple sword back in the sword box, instead pointed to the single glasses on his face and asked, "what's the price of this thing?"

"Dear apostle, the unit price of identification glasses is 3000 broken crystal. Just please note that it can't identify the items in the legend field! " At this time, the succubus has seen that the apostle in front of him is a rookie, but he still has a smile on his face and maintains a good professional quality.

"Well, as you can see, it's the first time that I've entered the half face trading ground, and I'm not here to buy long swords!" Qin Lun said with a smile, "can you tell me which shop here can provide gun upgrading service?"

"It doesn't matter. It's my pleasure to serve you!" The demon said with a smile, "if you want to upgrade your guns, please go to the Third Ring Road on the outermost layer of the trading square. I suggest you go to the third blacksmith's shop on the left of the third ring road. Master Francis is the most outstanding master of weapon forging in chaos alliance! "

"Well! In addition I want this pair of identification glasses! " Qin Lun nodded with satisfaction.

"Thank you for your patronage!" The demon takes Qin Lun a new pair of equipment identification glasses and a small instrument for payment.

Qin Lun takes out his identity card and inserts it into the payment instrument. However, when inputting money, he adds 100 broken crystals."Thank you for your generosity!" The charm is a bow, the smile on her face is more and more sweet, 100 broken crystal is equivalent to her rent for more than a month.