Death Notice

Chapter 204

"Qin Lun, Qin Lun..." The team, led by grand druyvema, had just walked out a short distance when Michelle came panting from behind.

"Michelle?" Qin Lun was surprised. Did the Centaur girl change her mind temporarily and refuse to be an apprentice to holk?

"This Master holk asked me to give this to you! " Michelle blushed and thrust a magic scroll inlaid with gold runes into Qin Lun's hands. Then she swung her horse tail and ran away.

"That's fine!" Several of the apostles in the group were stunned.

"This is obviously not in line with the principle of equivalent exchange!" Hanson said, expressionless, "a little white face is popular. Next world, I will change my face!"

"Come on, don't envy me. You are of monkey blood. You don't have the spirit temperament to change your face!" Hill sarcastically.

"Ha ha, Qin Lun, do you want me to say hello to holk and let you stay!" Weima, who is also an elf, asked with a smile.

"No, no!" Qin Lun looks at Michelle's back, his eyes twinkle slightly, and puts the scroll in his arms.

"Let's have a rest here for one night and go on the road tomorrow!" Druid jumped out of the carriage and said with a smile.

The "carriage" they took was a kind of van drawn by forest reindeer. Compared with the main world of NARS, there is no modern and technological means of transportation in the world, and their daily life is relatively simple.

Qin Lun looked up at the wooden house in front of him. It was a post station set up by various forces to facilitate communication and trade. Every force in the inner world is actually a living area. Apart from the animals and plants in the inner world, there are not many intelligent lives.

Thousands of people in a settlement have become a great force. This is because there has not been a great war in the world in the past hundred years. There are abundant Magic Elements in the world. Most creatures, including non intelligent creatures, have strong vitality. Even the lowest horned rabbit and hamster have certain magic ability.

Living in the inner world, if you don't have the ability to protect yourself, it will be very dangerous. As a result, new life born in the inner world is often sent to the outer world to be raised by specialized institutions. When they grow up, if their parents are still alive, then they will be brought back to the world, or let them live independently in the main world.

"Welcome to the Unicorn Hotel!" As soon as they arrived at the post house, the wooden door opened automatically. Originally, there was orange light in a dark room. Suddenly, we saw a strange creature standing behind the door.

This creature's body is made up of head and tentacles, a bit like the legendary evil eye monster. The head is like a huge light bulb, with a huge eyeball in the center and eight thick and flexible tentacles connected below. Four tentacles support the body, and four tentacles hold cloth, broom and other things, which is very surprising.

"It's called the finks. It's the plain devil eye monster. It's hired by the shelter camp to take care of the Posthouse here!" Weima smiled and introduced to the crowd, "finks is very capable. Tell him if you need anything!"

"Master Weima, are they the visitors from the watch world you received this time?" The huge mouth under the eyeball of finks, a big mouth full of serrations, looks to the public.

"Hello, finks!" All the people, who were a little hairy, went into the post station sideways and sat around the big round table in the center of the hall.

There are no guests at the post station except for finks. There are many places and few people in the world. This kind of post station can come once a month, which is quite busy.

"Finks, I'll go upstairs and have a rest. You'll entertain them!" Vemma yawned lazily and walked up the stairs.

"What do you want to eat, guys?" Finks turned around the back of the bar, took a board and put it on the dining table. It was full of food and drink.

People looked at the names of the food they had never seen before. Some of them were big.

"Finks Do you have any suggestions, sir? " Sass asked carefully. This time, he decided to ask clearly before eating, so as to avoid eating anything strange.

"Jie Jie, if you want me to say something, the meat of the giant mite in the plain is good, fresh and juicy. It's OK to fry the grasshopper, and then match it with a cup of fluorescent bat's urine..." Finks tilted the giant and grinned at the crowd with a big toothed mouth.

"Hey, finks, don't bully new people. Show them the world's menu!" Vemma peeped out her head from the stairs, smiling and warning.

"Yes, master Vemma!" Finks turned a big white eye, showed a boring expression, lazily took back the menu, turned back to the bar.

When it turned back again, several big wooden plates were put down in front of the public table. The food in it is familiar to everyone. Mashed potatoes, some roast chicken, a large plate of beef, some cakes and a small barrel of black beer.

"Well, gentlemen, I've only prepared these world food here. You can make do with it!"

"I see. In holk's house, those prairie elves must have fooled us!" When finks turned to leave, Hansen suddenly changed his face and said, gnashing his teeth.Master holk is also a human born man. Even if he often eats some rare food full of magic, it is impossible to completely cut off human food. When the prairie elves received the people, they obviously intended to tease them with the eggs and other foods of the hawk banshees.

"Haha, the world's food is poor and nutritious. What's delicious! Since you have entered the inner world, you must learn to get used to the food here! " It seemed that finks had not used supper, and was eating a large plate at another table.

When they heard the words and looked at it, they could see what it was eating, but their faces were not ugly. It was a plate of big beetles. Each has the size of a fist and a ferocious shape. However, finks ate with great relish. He skillfully lifted the shell of the beetle with his tentacles and put it into the serrated mouth to suck. The green juice dripped slowly along the mouth.

"Oh!" KORA's face turned white and retched. He pushed the food plate away from him and couldn't eat it. Anyway, even if the Apostle didn't eat for a few days, his life value would drop a little and he would not die.

After using some food, Qin Lun went upstairs alone to rest. This post station is not very big. It can only have one guest room for two people. However, the room is clean and tidy, and the furnishings are neat, which makes him feel relaxed.

Qin Lun takes out the scroll that Michelle gave him before he left, and finds that it is a defensive consumable spell "white bone shield". This scroll can be activated by will. It will produce three white bone shields revolving around the body. It has a good defense ability against physical and spell attacks.

Holk will not look at Qin Lun in a different way, which is obviously Michelle's special self-defense for him.

One night without words, the next day Weima together, they urged people to continue on the road.

In fact, reindeer carriage is no slower than the car in the main world. On the vast plain, the speed is no less than 100 kmh. Moreover, there is a protective layer of magic crystal on the surface of the carriage, which has both the protective effect and the effect of cushioning and shock absorption. Basically, it doesn't make everyone in the carriage feel great turbulence.

After two days on their way, they saw a huge boundless forest on the horizon like a wave line in the evening of the next day. The silent forest finally arrived!

"Home at last!" Verma's voice was full of joy.

"Master Vemma, how long does it take to get to the camp from outside the forest?" Qin Lun leaned over to Weima and asked softly.

Along the way, because Qin Lun had elvish blood, the great Druid had the most gentle attitude towards him, basically asking questions. The rest of the team enjoyed themselves. In Hansen's words, it was the duty of little white face.

"Ha ha, silent forest covers an area of 40% of the Southern Hills. If it's walking, we can't get to the forest center for a week. However, there is a small transmission array outside the forest, which can let us directly enter the camp. It won't take much time! " She replied with a chuckle.

More than half an hour later, they came to a forest clearing. There is no one in the forest. In the center is a bluestone altar with a huge transmission array engraved on it. There are some empty tents and stumps around the altar, as well as a mud campfire that has been put out for a long time.

The great Druid looked up at the sky and said to the people, "at this time, the camp has limited the transmission. We'll stay here overnight, and we won't be able to deliver it to the camp until tomorrow morning! "

They took sleeping bags and food out of the carriage, cleaned the camp again, picked up some dry sticks from the nearby area and set up a campfire.

The warm flame dispelled the chill on everyone. Weima took a small package out of her arms and threw some dried mushrooms into the big pot. There are mutton and vegetables from the post station in the big pot. At night, they can only eat big pot rice.

"Master Vemma, what are you putting on Seeing Weima put some red and green powder into the big pot, koala asked in a hurry.

"Ha ha, don't worry, these are condiments made by myself. They are basically the powder of plant roots and fruits!" Weima threw the bag to Cora. "I'll give you the rest. When you arrive at the camp, there will be some inconveniences in your daily life. You need to adapt to the daily life in the camp as soon as possible!"

"Master Vemma, do you need to take turns at night?" Hill asked cautiously.

"No, it's outside the forest. There are no big beasts, and there's a warning array around. Animals don't cross the border!" Weima shook her head without any worry. "You can have a rest earlier, tomorrow..."

"Ow!" Weima's voice didn't fall. In the grass in front of the camp, suddenly a giant bear, nearly four meters tall, stood up and roared at them with both hands. The appearance of this giant bear is very similar to the bear in the public's mind, except that the body surface hair is very long, and the mane on the head is hanging down like the Beatles.

"That is..." The crowd rose nervously.

"Sit down. It's a long haired bear. It's attracted by the smell of food. Don't scare it!" Weima takes out a big wooden plate, shakes a few spoonfuls of mutton from the big pot, and goes to the hairy bear that is several times her size.

"She told us not to scare it!" Sass smiled bitterly at the back of the great Druid."She said there were no big beasts around the forest!" Hanson said, deadpan.

"Maybe in master Vemma's opinion, this guy is not a big animal!" Qin Lun cheeked, "I think when we get into the camp, we'd better find a biological map of silent forest first..."