Death Notice

Chapter 152

"What's the matter, is it an earthquake?"

Two blocks away from the Casablanca bank building, a street suddenly vibrated slightly. A US soldier fell down and listened closely to him.

"No, it's not an earthquake. It sounds like Bigger! " As soon as the soldier's face changed, he suddenly jumped up from the ground and waved wildly to his comrades around him Get out of here. Something needs to come out from below! "

"Bang!" As the crowd fled, the ground in the middle of the street rose sharply, a huge piece of cement seemed to spray on the air like a bottle stopper of champagne, and dust and gravel erupted from the ground like a volcano.

"Cough, what is that?"

After the Allied forces cleaned up the German commandos in the center of the city, the U.S. paratroopers 101 division began to rearm in the central area. They used the ruins and sandbags to set up a circular fortification centered on the museum, but the muzzle of the gun was not external, but internal.

In this area, the underground entrances and exits of the museum are the key prevention areas. In addition, the bank building and the police station are closely guarded. Almost every inch of land is under the cross fire of machine guns and mortars.

The street is just outside the fortification. The 101st division only piled up a machine gun fortification with sandbags at the street entrance, which is not guarded by many soldiers. The Allied staff could not foresee that the "gentlemen's Union" would go out of the ordinary way and break through the earth directly.

In the diffuse smoke, the dust recombined into a beautiful young woman with a little umbrella.

"Fire, fire!" The paratroopers of the 101st division experienced many battles. After Mrs. Monica appeared, they also reacted. A lieutenant of the US Army shouted nervously at his subordinates.

"Dada!" The unique typewriter sound of Thomson submachine gun and M2 browning heavy machine gun sound like Concerto.

The paratroopers were good at shooting, and Mrs. Monica was shot into a honeycomb in an instant.

"Bang!" A 12.7mm heavy machine gun bullet just hit the queen of the sandstorm on the cheek. Mrs. Monica's head was like a rotten apple with a bite. The left eye socket disappeared completely, and the sand fell in the gap.

"Rude man!" Monica's right face, still intact, was a little chilly.

She was regarded as an experimental white mouse and shut up in the water tank for a night. Although she was rescued by Joey at last, it was more difficult for her self-esteem queen to let her companion see this ugly look than to kill her directly. Now the anger in my heart can be imagined.

The right hand of the sandstorm queen blocks the little parasol in front of her and slowly raises her left hand. The bullet hit the umbrella and sparked. The umbrella, which looks like gauze, is like a diamond shield, blocking most of the bullets.

With the left hand raised, the gravel on the ground seems to have self-consciousness, floating around the queen of the sandstorm.

"Go!" The beautiful young woman with complete facial restoration drinks lightly, and the rubble and gravel all over the sky shoot at the opposite fortification like a storm.

"Lie down!" The U.S. Lieutenant shouted at the top of his voice, but his warning came too late. Nearly half of the soldiers burst into beautiful blood and fell on sandbags with their wounds covered.

"Damn, you Run to the division's staff and tell them that there are German superhumans in area 3. Let them send 52 tank battalions. We can't hold them for long! " The lieutenant responded, holding on to a soldier by his side.

"Yes, Lieutenant!" The soldier promised loudly and ran back with a bow.

"Pa!" The soldier's helmet was suddenly shot to fly, and blood mixed with brains gushed from the back of the brain, splashing the Lieutenant's face.

"Why, he didn't show his body!" The U.S. Lieutenant's eyes widened in amazement, but he didn't notice that a stone was floating around the fortification on his left side.

"Poof!" A blood arrow was marked on the Lieutenant's temple. He fell to the ground with his face full of blunders. The voice in his ear became unreal, as if the world was moving away.

"Mrs. Monica, what's going on outside oh It's as if you've helped us out! " Skorzny jumped onto the ground nimbly, and looked at the front where there was no defense for living people, and raised his eyebrows.

"You all have serious injuries. I'll take care of them next." The mood of the queen of the sandstorm seems to be better when the American paratroopers slaughtered the fortifications. She sneers and says, "I will make the Americans feel that" war makes women go away ". It's just a joke!"

"Captain, we've cleared the way!"

Soon after skorzny and others left the underground laboratory, the blocked underground passage was finally opened by the justice alliance. A handsome blonde man walked into the laboratory on the gravel, holding a round shield with the American Star Spangled Banner as the pattern.

Behind him, dozens of super powers in different costumes also entered the already empty laboratory. After scanning the whole laboratory, their eyes soon focused on the toughened glass tank in the center of the field.

At this time, the water in this large tank is very clear because there is no longer Monica, the queen of sandstorm, and the mixing machine under it has stopped, so the water quality is very clear, and you can see the things inside."Miss Catlin!" Several screams of grief broke out in the crowd, and several figures rushed to the big water cabin.

In the middle of the cabin, Catlin's eyes are closed tightly, her face is peaceful, and her soft blonde hair is floating around, which makes her look very quiet and peaceful.

The head of the beautiful Professor floats and sinks in the water, and the whole water cabin is like crystal clear amber, which seems to span a long time and present this beauty to the public.

When katerin was killed, Joey didn't turn her into a skull angel, so he used such a way to give the superhuman justice alliance a unique "work of art".

"Miss Catlin!" Why are you here? Shouldn't you be on the east line Asked skotzny in surprise.

"I have received a written order from the Fuehrer asking me to come to Casablanca to support you. When you got here in the early morning, you were ready to start! " The middle-aged soldier touched his moustache, pointed to his deputy behind him and said, "this is my deputy, you Call him red skull! Now, Colonel, would you like to introduce me to the gentlemen's League? "

"Oh This is the former commander of Brandenburg, Baron wolfgan von stark, who now commands the Hydra special forces of the Empire! " Skotzny returned to his senses and gave a brief introduction to both sides.

"Colonel, when I arrived in Casablanca, it seemed that the Allies had set up traps for the Herakles plan. What did you gain this time?" The chief of the Hydra asked cautiously.

"Well, our assassination failed. The justice alliance has more than 30 superpowers!" However, in some ways, we are successful. We have access to most of the Allied research on the super warrior program. "

"You've got the super warrior program?" The red skeleton, who had been silent behind stark, suddenly cut in and asked, "I didn't expect that the Hydra had been striving for the goal, but it was first completed by the fort onen troops!"

"Shut up!" Stark frowned slightly, turned his head and shouted, "as long as it's good for the Empire, it doesn't matter which army is the first to finish the task!"

"Yes, Baron!" Red Skull replied respectfully, and pressed his lips again.

"With this set of research data, you can't be regarded as a failure this time!" After lecturing his deputy, stark could not help rubbing his hands and said happily, "it's worth hearing the good news even if he comes late and doesn't catch up with the action!"

"No, you are not late!" "We haven't finished yet!" said skorzny in a deep voice

At skotzny's words, stark and red skull looked at each other in surprise.

"Colonel, with all due respect, after your action this time, there will never be another chance for the assassination of the three heads of state. Justice alliance should have escorted them away." Stark frowned and said, "the Hydras are not without courage, but..."

"Our goal is not the three leaders!" At last, scortzny's serious face showed a smile, "one of our correspondents, in the battle just now, intercepted a secret allied telegram, and we confirmed this information in a document in the enemy laboratory!"

"Let him explain it to you!" Skotzny waved his hand to show Lin Feng to come forward.

After listening to Lin Feng's narration, stark and red skull's eyes showed a trace of surprise.

"Ha ha, Colonel, it seems that you really gave us a surprise!" Starkhoran stood up and walked up and down the room with his cane in his hand. "The gentlemen's league has done a great job, and most of you are seriously injured. You take the research materials of the super Warrior Project to the submarine overnight, and the next action will be handed to our Hydra! "