Dear Wife, The Divorce Is Invalid

Chapter 67

Ye Yufan sat in place and watched the man rush towards the three hooligans like a beast.

With a little effort, he beat the scum around, crying and Howling one by one. After getting up from the ground, he ran away with his tail between his legs, faster than a rabbit.

Chen Zifeng didn\'t catch up. He remembered the night Yufan behind him. His eyes were gloomy and turned back.

Yeyufan was powerless and leaned against the front of the car. His head hung down softly, as if he were asleep.

"Yu fan, what\'s the matter with you?"

Chen Zifeng\'s face changed greatly. He accelerated and ran to her. He squatted down and reached out to lift her chin. He noticed that she was short of breath and spewed out a burning breath. Her face was crimson like a pomegranate and her eyes were misty. In particular, the two pink lips were red and charming, like a blooming red rose, which exuded endless charm to men.

What happened to her?

She doesn\'t know!

Ye Yufan\'s brain was very dull and shook his head.

Looking at the cute appearance of her drunk cat, Chen Zifeng frowned, raised the volume and said, "have you been drinking? Who have you been drinking so much with?"

"Yes, I drank. How do you know?" Night Yufan was too drunk to recognize that the man who helped her run away was Chen Zifeng. He blinked his blurred eyes and cheered at him. "It\'s Zhen Zhen. I drank with her. She was in a bad mood, burp... She was in a bad mood. Like me, she met a top-grade big slag man, Chen Zifeng and Jia Zhengan. They are scum with human face and beast heart, bah!"

Drunk like this, she can curse him clearly, which shows how much she hates him in her heart.

Chen Zifeng\'s heart suddenly tingled and her eyebrows twisted into knots. When she was drunk, she didn\'t care about her and helped her up, "get in the car and take you home."

"Go home, go home where?" Night Yufan\'s legs are as soft as noodles, so he can\'t make any effort. He nests in chenzifeng\'s arms and exhales like LAN. "Dad doesn\'t want me. I\'m homeless! Do you know Ji Jingan? Please call me and ask him to pick me up."

She has been out of her mind, crying and laughing, and arguing all the time.

In Chen Zifeng\'s cognition, ye Yufan is dignified and generous, obedient to him, and rarely plays a small temper. Unexpectedly, she is drunk, coquettish and crazy, and has a charming posture of little children.

This night Yufan is so vivid and charming that it can turn every man\'s cold heart into soft fingers.

Holding her soft and delicate body tightly, Chen Zifeng was a little stiff and her heart became sour.

I haven\'t held her in such a peaceful way for too long, and I haven\'t taken a good look at her for too long.

After leaving him, she became more and more beautiful and charming. She even stood with Ji Jing\'an, which was a damn match.


Chen Zifeng bowed his head, and the bitter kiss was gently printed on ye Yufan\'s forehead.

If it were not for the hatred deeply embedded in his bones, if he could put down the accumulated hatred, he would have countless wonderful times to hug her like now.

Unfortunately, time can\'t go back.

After a series of actions, he will regret that he can\'t finish all day and night.

He was wrong. Did he have time to ask her for forgiveness?

Night Yufan was hot and uncomfortable. After being kissed by him, like a person in a long drought, he suddenly met the dew of sweet rain, raised his head and desperately arched on chenzifeng, "Oh... So comfortable, even more!"

She has to rub

Ye Yufan\'s soft and charming behavior, which had never happened before, stimulated Chen Zifeng to swallow the throat tube. With one hand, she held her soft and trembling body, and with the other hand, she felt a box of luxurious gift box from her pocket and put it in the palm of her hand. Her eyes said sadly, "Happy Birthday! After knowing you, I will send you one every year, which is the fourth."

Night Yufan narrowed his intoxicated eyes and didn\'t know what he thought. Chong Chen Zifeng smiled happily and proudly, "jijing\'an, hee hee, I\'m already very happy if you\'re willing to pick me up. What else do you give me as a gift?"

Chen Zifeng was frozen. He didn\'t expect that in more than two months, ye Yufan\'s feelings for Ji Jing\'an had reached such a deep level.

The eyes were suddenly cold as ice.

Ji Jing\'an eats people and doesn\'t vomit bones. He must take her back.

Even if it is locked, it can only be locked by his side.

Just as chenzifeng was about to pick her up and put her in the car, yeyufan suddenly stood on tiptoe, kissed him on his side face, looked at him softly and whispered, "jijing\'an, really, don\'t be too good to me, I\'m afraid I\'ll fall in love with you!"

She said with a sad face.

At that moment, chenzifeng felt a surging anger burning from his body, spreading all the way, almost burning all his reason and soul. He just wanted to swallow her into his abdomen, and no one would rob her.

I fell in love with her for two years, got married for one year, spent three years with her day and night, and spent more than 1000 days and nights, which could not equal the short two months between her and Ji Jing\'an.

He hated her fickleness and the man who tricked her away.

Hate\'s eyes are red, his fingers clench and pinch.

"Yeyufan, remember, only I will always be your husband!"

Chen Zifeng spoke gloomily. Jun\'s face swept up gloom and jealousy. He suddenly lowered his head, clasped the back of her head and kissed her beautiful lips like a beast.

"Well... Ji Jingan, you, you let me go!"

If ye Yufan resisted, all of them were swallowed by Chen Zifeng, who was filled with jealousy and hatred.

She was firmly clamped down by him and could not break free. She could only let his lips suck and kiss fiercely on her lips.

Her body was so hot that her throat was about to smoke.

Suddenly, a large piece of cold stuff was put into her mouth, which alleviated her dry mouth. Yeyufan couldn\'t figure out what it was. He opened two slender arms and unconsciously held Chenzi Maple pressed on her more tightly.

It\'s not hot at last.

It is really comfortable!

They kissed as if they were alone, which attracted many passers-by.

After jijing\'an answered the phone, he left a group of subordinates in the conference room and raced all the way to the magic night bar at a speed of 100000.

As soon as the man got out of the car and kissed his legs, he looked at the cold scene.

The figure as cold as a peak stood there motionless.

The cold and cold breath lingered all over the body. It was thick and low, like dark clouds. The onlookers trembled and made way for themselves.

Jijing\'an looked indifferent, and a cold and fierce smile like a knife hung on the engraved handsome face.


After ignoring him for more than half a month, he turned around and fell in love with his scum ex husband.


Ji Jing\'an slammed the door, opened his slender legs and walked past without haste or delay.