Darkwalker of the Sky World

Chapter 49

The assassination of Marian, on the surface, is a very simple case.

The murderer failed to chase love, killed Marian and then committed suicide.

Even the police did not devote much energy to the case.

Zhou Zhen plays a grieving husband, who is reluctant to bury his wife and is drunk every day.

The procuratorate gave him a long holiday to relax.

During this time, he also changed hands of the cafe and took back $30000.

If it hadn\'t been for human life, the rental contract and the performance of the cafe, the cafe wouldn\'t have won $50000.

Zhou Zhen doesn\'t care about the money. He has been planning how to spend the next year and a half safely.

In addition to the coffee shop, the house they lived in was cleaned up by Zhou Zhen and listed for sale.

This house is located in the rich area. It has a beautiful environment and is a new house. After listing for three days, someone came to inquire.

Zhou Zhen didn\'t ask for a high price. She sold the house for $160000.

He burned everything that belonged to Marian and sold the car.

Now Zhou Zhen only left her own car and moved into the hotel.

Many people asked him what he wanted to do, and he said: he wanted to leave this sad place.

No one doubts this reason. In the originally happy family, the mother has just died for more than three months, and the wife has died again.

Now Zhou Zhen is a loner and can go there.

Marian\'s death, coupled with the fact that she had to be splashed with sewage, had only one purpose, forcing Zhou Zhen to leave the small town.

Now he has fulfilled their wishes.

After handling these affairs, Zhou Zhen sent an invitation to herself and Marian\'s friends to hold a funeral for Marian before Christmas on December 17.

Even on this day, Zhou Zhen was still drunk and disheveled.

The funeral was held in the town, and Marian\'s grave was next to Angela.

They didn\'t have many friends and the funeral was small, but most of the invited friends came.

This includes Professor Lomax.

When the funeral ceremony was over and the guests were ready to say goodbye, Zhou Zhen came to Lomax.

This woman is as elegant as ever. No one knows that her heart is snake and scorpion.

She is not Satan, but a servant of Satan\'s temptation. Satan is immortal. Zhou Zhen doesn\'t believe that she is also immortal.

"Professor Lomax, there\'s a question I\'ve always wanted to ask you."

"Kevin, I\'m sorry for such a tragedy in Marian." She pretended to be sad and said, "I know all the problems."

"What on earth do you want to harm Marianne? After her death, you have to publicize those gossip and insult her reputation."

"No, I didn\'t. Kevin, I didn\'t think of Horford... Ah..."

Zhou Zhen didn\'t want to hear her explain at all. He asked this sentence to make her understand.

While she was talking, he took out his pistol, fired seven shots at the woman, and shot all the bullets in the magazine.

Zhou Zhenchang sighed with relief as she lay powerlessly on the ground, bleeding from her mouth and nose and never regaining her former elegance.

He should have let it out long ago.

However, when he looked up, his cold eyes became peaceful.

Today\'s guests have three sheriffs. They look at Zhou Zhen in surprise and forget to arrest Zhou Zhen.

Zhou Zhen lost her pistol and stretched out her hands to Hanks. "Hanks, I\'m sorry to let you take me back to town now."


"Because she killed Marianne! Now, my wish has come."

John Milton forces Zhou Zhen to leave the town, but Zhou Zhen will not fulfill their wishes.

It\'s not in his character to give in directly. Now it\'s up to John Milton to take it.

Using national laws and prisons to delay John Milton\'s persecution is a strategy Zhou Zhen has considered for a long time.

In the past, Zhou Zhen did not enter the oil and salt, but now Zhou Zhen began to degenerate.

However, John Milton could not make use of his depravity in a short time. Even if he paid more attention to Zhou Zhen, he could not ignore the law.

Law is also a kind of rule.

Zhou Zhen with weakness will be more valued by John Milton. As long as he behaves more degenerately, John Milton will certainly rescue him.

For homicide, even if Zhou Zhen has a good resume, even if he finds the best lawyer and kills in front of three sheriffs, prosecutors and judges, he will have to spend at least a few years in prison.

Even for three years, we can avoid the coercion of John Milton and survive the remaining year and a half.

While Zhou Zhen killed Professor Lomax, John Milton, as far away as Montgomery, Alabama, felt that one of his followers had died.

In a short moment, he came to the scene of the murder and saw the scene in front of him.

The death of Lomax is nothing to him. He can develop a large number of believers at any time.

In this world, there are too many people with all kinds of defects or weaknesses.

Kevin is finally angry. He killed someone, which is a happy thing for John Milton.

As long as Kevin commits seven sins, he has a weakness and he can take advantage of it.

As for Kevin\'s going to jail, it\'s nothing in his eyes. It\'s just a delay of a few years.

However, he needs to understand the deep reasons in this case. He needs to know what Kevin killed Lomax for.

He wants to know whether Kevin knows him or not.

Talahasi\'s most promising prosecutor shot and killed Lomax, a university professor who had a close relationship with his wife, and surrendered on his own initiative at his wife\'s funeral because of his wife\'s death.

The case caused a strong response in the small town of Tallahassee, and the happy and stable Romes family broke down and died in less than half a year, leaving only Kevin Romes alive.

People sympathize with Kevin Romes. Everyone thinks Kevin is too miserable.

At the police station, Zhou Zhen described his investigation into his wife\'s death.

As a prosecutor, he discovered some doubtful points in the process of his wife\'s death after a thorough investigation. The death of his wife is accidental, but more inevitable.

Professor Lomax used his knowledge and ability to set up the psychological society. Although it was not for profit, it became an organization playing with people\'s hearts.

Hofford\'s infatuation with Marian, even if there is no direct evidence that he is hinted by psychology, has great rationality.

Subsequently, the police found psychology professors from many American universities to investigate and analyze some psychological mind control.

A week later, Zhou Zhen was sent from the police station to the Florida local detention center.

Tarahasi local detention center, local prison, federal punishment prison (heavy sentence prison), death penalty prison and open prison are all together, just in the middle of tarahasi city.

This is one of the largest prisons in the United States, with 37 factories, more than 10000 prisoners and more than 1000 prison guards.

Zhou Zhen, who used to send prisoners, became a member of the prison this time.

"Kevin, I sympathize with you very much. Although I can\'t exonerate you, you can enjoy VIP treatment in this prison."

This is what Soren, the warden of the detention center, said when welcoming Zhou Zhen. Zhou Zhen also enjoyed VIP treatment all the way and went through the check-in formalities.

His luggage was brought in by the police and locked in the personal safe in the hall.

A prison coat was put on his clothes. He was sent to the light punishment area by two prison guards he knew.

In the local detention center, there are untried prisoners, and heavy criminals and light criminals are held separately.

Zhou Zhen\'s murder is a felony, but thanks to his original resume, the care of the police, including the preferential treatment of the prison, he was locked up in the light penalty prison.

The conditions here are much better than those in the severe punishment area. There are 16 people in a cell and three times a day. In addition to no freedom, they can enjoy everything they can enjoy outside.

There are also shops in the prison, which can buy all kinds of goods.

As long as you have money, you can even let the prison guard arrange women to come in and enjoy it in the reception room.

Of course, Zhou Zhen is rich, even very rich.

More than 800000 dollars in cash lay in his account, which was enough for him to enjoy a drunken life in prison.

He had already prepared himself for everything in front of him.

"Ha ha, isn\'t this our prosecutor Romes? Why have you been sent to this damn place?"

Zhou Zhen looked at the past. He was a street gangster. Zhou Zhen once sent him in for theft. I don\'t know what he committed this time.

The prison guard who escorted Zhou Zhen in knocked on the iron fence with his baton. "Mark, if I were you, I\'d shut up. Even if Kevin came here, he\'s still not a big man you can bully."

Mark smiled and shrugged. "Who knows? It\'s just my honor to be in the same cell with a big man."

The prison guard said to Zhou Zhen, "Kevin, don\'t care about these little people. Here, your crime is the biggest. They worship the strong."

Here are petty thieves, fights and some economic criminals.

The real gang boss, the murderer, is in the heavy penalty area.

Zhou Zhen said with a smile, "I may not know much about the interior of the state prison, but I\'m also familiar with it. Maybe I can buy you a drink at dinner."

"Of course, you are a millionaire!"

The current per capita wage in the United States is almost 16 to 18, and many of them are averaged.

The salary of these prison guards is at most this level. Zhou Zhen\'s deposit of 800000 is money they can\'t earn in their whole life.

The money is now entrusted by Zhou Zhen to the bar association. 10000 shares will be transferred to Zhou Zhen\'s prison account every month. Now Zhou Zhen is a fat sheep.

When they came to Zhou Zhen\'s prison, the prison guard took Zhou Zhen into the big prison with 16 prisoners. The first sentence was: "from today on, Kevin Romes is your boss until the day he was sent to prison."