Darkwalker of the Sky World

Chapter 11

Compared with money, what he lacks now is a career that can match. If he wants to make money and invest in those bull stocks, his life can be carefree.

However, this career can\'t be too time-consuming. He can\'t be tied down. He doesn\'t even have his own time.

The compensation was given to Zhou Mo and bought shares. He paid another 100000 for the car here, starting with 600000, leaving 400000, but he couldn\'t find an investment channel.

This is his life experience and Ma Haohan\'s life experience are too few. Therefore, from the beginning, he disliked entering the world. Now he is happy.

In addition to the value of force, a person\'s inside information is more determined by his knowledge, experience and demeanor.

He still needs to enrich himself.

With this idea, Zhou Zhen soon had a plan to open a cafe near the film and television city where she could read books.

Coffee shops don\'t want to make money, as long as they don\'t lose money.

To tell others, the owner of a bookstore is also very stylish.

Zhou Mo approved the plan with both hands and feet, because they don\'t have to separate because they drive near the film and television city.

Moreover, as long as the coffee shop business is OK, her future focus can be transferred to managing the coffee shop.

However, as soon as they knew the situation, their enthusiasm was immediately discouraged.

Mordor is worthy of being the magic capital. The transfer fee of hundreds of thousands of stores with a slightly better location is low.

Zhou Zhen took a fancy to the decoration of a cafe and wanted to talk to her boss about the transfer. She asked for $8 million.

Thinking of the 400000 yuan in her pocket, Zhou Zhen could only pull Zhou Mo away. She was embarrassed to talk about the price.

Zhou Mo takes on another small role and needs to join the group for shooting. Zhou Zhen is idle alone.

That day, watching TV in Zhou Mo\'s rented house was a calligraphy and painting program on TV, which introduced Qi Baishi, a master of traditional Chinese painting.

Zhou Zhen also admires this old and strong ox man very much. Just because he has to marry a little girl at the age of 93, 99% of men can\'t do it.

Not to mention that there can be demand at the age of 93, first of all, you should live to the age of 93!

While watching TV, one of them appeared in the program and was Qi Baishi\'s disciple. Hearing the man\'s name, Zhou Zhen moved in her heart and turned on the computer.

After searching the information of this 95 year old man, he thought of what projects he should invest in in the short term and was ready to go to Beijing.

The old man has not died yet, but he will die soon. After his death, his 72 paintings and calligraphy collection alone was valued at $2 billion, which shocked the whole country at that time.

Zhou Zhen certainly didn\'t want to buy these paintings, and he couldn\'t afford them.

What he wanted to buy was the work of the old man. The price of calligraphy and painting when an artist lived was very different from that of later generations.

Moreover, the old man\'s calligraphy and painting is not difficult to buy, because he has a shop specializing in calligraphy and painting, including his own calligraphy and painting.

Zhou Zhen has 400000 in his hand. According to the information searched on the Internet, his paintings are more than 100000 cheap and millions expensive.

He still has a chance to buy one or two of those cheap ones.

His purpose is not to make money, but to show his "progress" in front of Zhou mo. in order to show his style in front of others, investing in calligraphy and painting is also a career, which is much more stylish than investors.

The next day, Zhou Zhen came to the capital and successfully found the peace painting shop in Dongcheng.

When she entered the door, Zhou Zhen had a deposit of more than 400000, but when she came out, there was only 30000 left.

But in his hand, there are two more pictures of the old man.

After returning to the magic capital, Zhou Zhen spent another 6000, rented a safe in the bank for a year, took pictures of the two paintings and put them in.

Back to the rented house, Zhou Zhen told Zhou Mo that the money had been spent, and Zhou Mo bit him hard. Then she felt distressed that he had no money and transferred 20000 yuan to him.

For the 20000 yuan, Zhou Zhen worked hard for a few days, couldn\'t stand Zhou Mo\'s service, and then was driven out of the house.

He returned to the island and sent the letter he had already written.

In the letter, he told Liu Yingying\'s little sister that he had completed the transformation from a taxi driver to an art dealer with years of savings.

He did not tell his little sister about the demolition of Dongji Island, nor did he tell his little sister that he is now a married man.

He admitted that he was scum, but it was also to complete the task of the system.

If he dares to tell his little sister that he is married, he will definitely be kicked out if he goes to find his little sister.

How can he reverse the fate of being cheated?

Yes, everything is for the task.

He sent the letter, and then he cultivated friendship with Jiang Hao for a few days at home. Only then did he find that he had forgotten another thing.

He spent all his money, and then he doesn\'t have a car yet

This is a road movie. The plot takes place on the road. How can it be done without a car?

Entering the first world, he made too many mistakes, and his life experience was not enough for him to calmly deal with the unknown.

That night, he asked Jiang He and Hu Sheng to watch TV downstairs, and then reflect on themselves in the bedroom upstairs.

From entering the world to now more than three months, the main task has changed substantially.

The first branch line task has also been completed well. Zhou Mo is infatuated with him now and is full of longing for his future life.

The second branch task is in preparation, and the third task is the simplest, but it can\'t be implemented until the end of the film.

In other words, the completion of the task is still good.

However, he made more mistakes or detours.

The first step of selling masks was right, but then, except for the smooth development of the relationship with Zhou Mo, all the subsequent actions were very passive and had no initiative.

Because of the lack of life experience, he is often confused and lacks solutions to accidents.

Fortunately, it is a safe world. If you enter a dangerous world, you may die!

Not to mention the mistakes beyond his ability, which is not a problem he can solve now, but the mistakes within his ability must not be made again in the future.

It\'s July 11 now. The film should start in autumn and winter 13 years, because at that time, they began to wear thick clothes.

When the protagonists set out, they went to see Zhou Mo, who was still holding a warm hand treasure in the film and television city.

In other words, there are still two years for him to learn and make progress.

The best teacher is actually right beside him, that is Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hao is a nerd. He is immersed in his own world. At the same time, he reads widely and has a very rich knowledge reserve.

However, there are too few books on the island for him to systematically learn knowledge.

He made an appointment with Jiang Hao and asked him to help make a list of books. He decided to go to magic capital and find a library to study hard.

Why is school so important? Although many people criticize cramming education, in fact, the school has sorted and refined all the knowledge systems.

People\'s brain capacity is limited. After learning too much useless knowledge, they can\'t accept the really useful knowledge.

Those college courses can be found on the Internet, but there are tens of thousands of college tuition fees a year. That\'s why I have to go to college.

Jiang Hao is a nerd. In addition to his basic life, his salary is to borrow books and even buy books.

For "Ma Haohan", he is more eager to learn and make progress. He is happier than Ma Haohan, and even has a sense of satisfaction of being a teacher.

After knowing that Zhou Zhen wanted to learn Chinese and foreign history and geography first, after careful thinking, he helped Zhou Zhen list several sets of history books with public knowledge and not too many private goods.

As for geography, this knowledge can\'t be mixed with too many private goods. It only needs to be knowledgeable.

Jiang Hao is a person who stays in his comfort zone all his life. He is unwilling to accept change and never takes the initiative to change.

Ma Haohan is a weak man without direction. He rolls in the world of mortals and is willing to accept change. Every time he touches his head and blood, he gradually becomes timid.

So in the original film, such two people can become friends.

As for now, Zhou Zhen is completely accommodating him. In fact, he doesn\'t regard each other as good friends.

But he hid well and no one felt it.

Back in the magic capital, every day, Zhou Zhen takes the subway from the rental house to the library and becomes a soft rice man.

Zhou Zhen, who didn\'t like reading since childhood, never thought that one day she would take the initiative to learn.

But Zhou Mo is very happy. Zhou Zhen is willing to read and study. She is willing to support him.

In August, Zhou Zhen saw a news on TV that the author of the two paintings he bought had died.

Painters are always the saddest profession. Their value can only be maximized after death.

Although many painters can become famous when they are alive, they will never be their own peak.

Zhou Zhen spent 380000 on the two paintings, but when she went to the art market to inquire, the price of his paintings doubled the day after the old man died, and some famous works increased two or three times.

He came back and told Zhou mo the "good news". Zhou Mo, who had no support for Zhou Zhen\'s investment in calligraphy and painting, stopped saying anything and asked Zhou Zhen whether to sell some stocks and continue to invest.

"No, I need to know the market. After a few months, I will auction these two paintings, and I will continue to invest with this money."

Zhou Zhen stretched out her hand and asked for money openly. "It takes money to go out to investigate the market..."

Zhou Mo settled the accounts. "You still have 20000 paintings. I gave you 20000. It\'s only two months. Do you still have money..."

"I\'m going out for a big circle. Money is a man\'s backbone. If I don\'t have much money, I don\'t have enough confidence."

"Look at your performance..."

Zhou Zhen was immediately excited. "I\'ll drain the water. Today I promise to serve you comfortably."



The night was deep, and Zhou Mo didn\'t have any strength and couldn\'t say, "I\'ll transfer 20000 to you tomorrow, save some flowers..."

In the dark, Zhou Zhen smiled proudly. It\'s no shame to earn money by ability!

Just, with Zhou Mo\'s money, I\'m going to soak another little sister. It\'s a little scum