Dark Matter Museum

Chapter 1

\'dark matter Monster: angler. Grade: chicken one. Hazard level: very low. Because your level is too low, the death threat of the angler to you is 100%, and it will wrap your neck around you.

The visualization of the Museum of dark objects is 20 percent. "

Tang Guo, Chuncheng first hospital.

Yenuo stared straight at the ceiling.

It didn\'t move, and the thing didn\'t disappear, but the sudden line of words flashed away.

What the hell are these special things?

Grandma, before yesterday, yenuo was an atheist with roots and Miao Hong.

But what\'s going on now.

There\'s something wrong with the painting style. Hello.

Yenuo, just a sophomore in this city this year. He didn\'t expect to kill him. As soon as he opened his eyes, he could see an old man floating on the ceiling on his hospital bed.

Moreover, he was smiling at him with kind eyes.

Later, yenuo noticed that there were more unreasonable places in the hospital.

For example, the old man who smiles at himself and occupies the ceiling never disappears. Another example is the next hospital bed. In the compartment separated by a curtain, there is often a crackling sound of glass marbles falling to the ground.

And the creepy laughter of the little girl.

God, there are only three beds in this ward, and he is the only one. Where did the little girl\'s laughter come from, and where did the old man float with magnetic levitation skills to resist gravity.

Is it difficult that you really have a problem with your head?

The most terrible thing is that every more day in this ward, the more depressed yenuo\'s spirit is.

We should start from yesterday.

Yenuo went to clean up his parents\' room for the first time yesterday.

He has never entered this bedroom since his parents died five years ago. Unexpectedly, he found an old and mottled bronze box with nine black chains, but all those chains were opened.

The top of the box was written in black with an oily pen:

"Yenuo, don\'t open it."

It\'s dad\'s handwriting.

"Play tricks. This is definitely where Dad hides his private money." Yenuo can\'t listen to his father who died without permission. He lifted the lid and was disappointed.

There was only a strange and heavy bronze key in the copper box.

"What are these keys? Why are there so many? I don\'t have so many doors! " He squatted down and subconsciously picked up the key from the box.

Just then, the earth shook. The house left by your parents collapsed


Your sister\'s Fairy board.

Who knows dad dug out the load-bearing wall in order to hide private money. As long as the bronze box is pulled out, the whole wall will fall down.

Do you need to do this? Dad, you dead money fan!

When yenuo woke up, he had been sent to the hospital by his enthusiastic neighbor.

Then in the ward, his eyes could see the old man and the smiling little girl.

At night, the little girl\'s smile became more and more harsh. The gloomy smile seemed to get into his bones.

What\'s more terrible is the old man on the ceiling. He actually began to play acrobatics. His limbs hung upside down on the ceiling and his head turned 180 degrees back. He still stared at yenuo with a kind and fierce light. And often idle, walking around on the ceiling with hands and feet.

Just then, beside the maglev old man, the line of words suddenly appeared again:

\'dark matter Monster: angler. Grade: chicken one. Hazard level: very low. Because your level is too low, the death threat of the angler to you is 100%, and it will wrap your neck around you.

The visualization of the Museum of hidden objects is 30 percent. "

The string of words flashed again.

Yenuo shook his head. It\'s over. You see, his brain was smashed.

Yenuo felt that if he stayed any longer, he would die in this ward.

But after he told the nurses and doctors that he strongly wanted to change the ward, no one paid attention to it. The nurse threw him a dry sentence. After all the wards were full and there were no empty beds, she muttered behind his back.

After yenuo was sent in, none of his relatives came to see him.

Yenuo still owes the hospital money. If he doesn\'t find someone to pay, the hospital will stop taking medicine and drive him out.

"This money society." Yenuo can only laugh bitterly. He is now so poor that he can\'t get the money to pay.

He can\'t change the ward. He\'s in a hurry.

When ordinary people encounter such a supernatural event, it is estimated that they will be frightened into heart infarction. It would be crazy to meet timid people. Yenuo was not afraid. He was brave, but he was poor and brave.

This guy and the old man on the ceiling are wide eyed, hoping to analyze specific problems and try to rationalize the phenomenon in front of him.

At last he came to a conclusion——

Maybe it\'s not your brain that\'s broken.

Perhaps the smile of the old maglev man and the gloomy little girl in the right bed are objective.

They all have a material basis.

The evidence is that the little girl\'s scary smile is really drilling into his bones.

In the early morning of the seventh day, yenuo was awakened by the sound of the tormenting marble landing.

Just bear it for two more days. He can be discharged in two more days.

He thought.

But the one in the ward didn\'t want to let him go.

In the dark ward, blood red marbles slowly rolled under his bed from the gap at the bottom of the compartment on the right. The marbles are like flowing blood, and each reflects yenuo\'s twisted face.

Suddenly, another string of words popped out:

"Dark matter Monster: a girl playing marbles. Grade: chicken one. Hazard level: very low. Because your level is too low, the girl playing marbles has a 100% death threat to you. It will kill you with marbles.

70% of the museum\'s progress has been achieved. "

Strange, how did this string of words appear again.

What exactly does this line mean?

Nocturnal is puzzled.

"Hee hee, you can see me, right? Big brother. " As the marbles rolled down, the little girl, in addition to laughing, unexpectedly began to speak: "I\'m so cold, I\'m so tired. I can\'t find my mother. I\'m so lonely, sobbing... "

The voice was not as sweet as a child should be. The elongated and gloomy tone constantly reverberates in the narrow air and blends with each air particle.

Yenuo\'s hands and feet were cast, and only his right hand could move.

He felt his back cool and his heart pounding.

"Big brother, you\'re lonely too, aren\'t you. I\'ll stay with you. Wait for me. I\'ll be here soon. " The little girl\'s voice was still ringing: "I\'ll get into your bones. Then, we\'ll never be alone again."

The bed next door shook violently and made an unpleasant friction sound. It seemed that something really jumped from the empty hospital bed.

The maglev old man on the ceiling was unwilling to be outdone. Seeing that the little girl was coming, he quickly turned from the upside down posture on the roof.

Hang your head down and hang it down. The limbs were still fixed on the sky guard, but the old man\'s neck grew longer.

It tried to lean its neck from the ceiling to yenuo. The kind smile on the old man\'s face was like a terrible mask. The fierce light in his eyes was hard to hide.

"Special, this is unscientific." Yenuo yelled and didn\'t hesitate to press the call bell.

The call bell didn\'t light up.

Yenuo was alone in the ward, messy in the old man\'s kind and ferocious eyes.

The curtain of the compartment moved slightly, as if a breeze had blown by. The figure of a one meter two tall child protruded slowly on the curtain.

The curtain keeps getting closer and closer to yenuo. Finally, the whole curtain was overwhelmed and pulled down from the ceiling.

The curtain fell and was empty.

Yenuo opened his eyes and stared at the landing position of the curtain. Even if he didn\'t see anything, he didn\'t relax his vigilance at all. The old man on the ceiling was also desperately approaching him.

Its neck is like elongated dough, dragging its head down, and the scene is very strange.

"Big brother, hee hee. I\'m right behind you. " Suddenly, a cold wind blew by my ears. Like someone close to their ears, whispering.

Yenuo was creepy and still held back without looking back. His self-control is so strong that he constantly analyzes the current situation in his mind. The conclusion is that every word these mysterious monsters can say can never be believed.

They want to die by themselves.

This is certain. Yenuo understood it from the first time he saw them. If these monsters have the ability to kill him, why do they spend so much time scaring themselves?

This shows that they can\'t kill themselves for the time being. You can only reduce your resistance and desire for survival step by step.

"Big brother, why don\'t you look at me." The little girl\'s voice constantly wandered in yenuo\'s ears. The old man\'s face had fallen to the height of facing yenuo.

It wrinkled like an old walnut, and the kindness of the fake smile became more and more terrible. The old man kept winding his long neck and wanted to wrap yenuo with his long neck.

Suddenly, a cold little hand touched yenuo\'s neck.

"Big brother, you are warm. I\'ll get into your bones. It must be warmer. " The little girl said to him sweetly.

Then the little hands grabbed yenuo\'s throat. Climbing up bit by bit, yenuo could even feel the little girl\'s long wet hair wrapped around her arm.

Something\'s wrong. It\'s not that things can be solved by refraining from looking at each other and ignoring each other as much as possible.

Yenuo\'s heart beat wildly, and he kept thinking about countermeasures.

Stay in bed and you\'ll die!

He smashed the plaster on his hands and feet without hesitation. Get up and turn out of bed.

The old man\'s neck is empty. The kind smile became very scary, and she stared angrily at yenuo, who tried to avoid. Then he hung his neck in pain and chased yenuo with his head.

After yenuo rolled on the ground for a few times, he suddenly screamed in his heart.

Damn it, the old man dodged. But it fell into the trap of the little girl.

In front of him, a pair of small and dirty red leather shoes appeared in front of him.

"Big brother, you finally got out of bed. So happy, I\'m so happy. " A sad smile sounded, and a large number of red marbles fell from the owner of the shoes.

There was a crackling sound, and scarlet blood seemed to flow in each marble.

"Your sister." Yenuo was soon submerged in the sea of red marbles. The little girl grabbed him again with her cold piercing hand and tried her best to drill into his body.

Unwilling to be outdone, the old man\'s head wandered over. The old man opened his big mouth full of dark teeth. He spit out a slender tongue like a slug, trying to put his tongue into yenuo\'s ear hole and stab his brain.

"Why, what are these things. I\'m too bad. " Yenuo was unwilling. He desperately opened his brain hole and tried to find a way to solve the current supernatural crisis.

However, his experience in dealing with such crises was seriously insufficient. On the verge of death, there was a sound of metal key collision from his ear.

"The visualization of the Museum of dark objects is 100 percent."

I don\'t know when a bunch of keys appeared in his hand. This bunch of keys is clearly the one he took out from the bronze box a week ago.

But the next scene shocked him completely!

Yenuo suddenly felt that the world seemed to tremble, and his sight was retreating rapidly.

When he came back, yenuo found that he was still in the ward. He clearly came into a dark and desolate building.

Is this special? Where is it?

(like the previous book, this book is a relatively independent story with about 100000 words. You don\'t have to fatten up to read it again.

Seeking collection and recommendation.

All rewards must be paid more, and the alliance leader will pay more.)