Dare Not Provoke My Lovely Mommy

Chapter 70

Yan Shu followed people into the elevator while listening.

She sternly asked, "how can there be such a mistake? Aren\'t the waiters in each private room fixed? How can they be delivered by mistake unless they are replaced by the turntable waiters?"

"Xiao Xu is in charge of two private rooms today." Waiter Xiao Jiang explained, "room 809 was originally in the charge of Mengxia, but her child had a fever today and asked for temporary leave. Then there were not enough waiters in charge of the VIP room. The VIP manager asked Xiao Xu to take care of both rooms."

Hearing this, Yan Shu glanced at Xiaojiang and wanted to say something, but when she looked at Xiaojiang, she held back her mouth again.

The elevator stopped on the eighth floor, and Yan Shu strode towards the private room.

Before the person arrived, he heard the angry scolding from the private room, "this matter is not negotiable! Although I\'m not bad for this money, today\'s wine is wrong, it\'s always your hotel\'s problem."

After walking to the door of the private room, Yan Shu saw a red faced and red necked man sitting at the table, talking and patting the table.

At a glance, I knew I had drunk a lot of wine.

"What is the situation now?" Yan Shu turned her head and asked the VIP room manager.

"Lafite in 82 is almost finished. I think I don\'t want to give a discount, but Mr. Chen told Mrs. Chen that I won\'t pay for this bottle of wine."

VIP room manager explained to Yan Shu, "in addition, there is no Lafite of 82 years in the inventory, and the 808 box is also in a hurry. He said that when talking about customers today, he wants Lafite of 82 years to fill the scene.".

"Now I gave the wrong wine and gave a bottle of other wine, which made Mr. Wan angry. He felt that he had lost face and made people think that he was fooling the other party\'s customers. Moreover, this bottle of wine was booked by Mr. Wan a month ago..."

"What is the situation of 808 now?" Yan Shu\'s first consideration was to talk about business on the 808th.

"Wan Zong\'s customers are still there, and the food is still eating, talking while eating, waiting for the 82 year old wine to come on." The manager of VIP private room said helplessly.

Yan Shu thought for a moment and told the manager of the private room, "let\'s order a few more dishes with President wan to delay the time. The more ordered dishes will be discounted at that time, and the wine can be delivered in about 15 minutes."

When the manager of the private room heard this, he looked at Yan Shu suspiciously, "but there are not many Lafite in Cloud City in 82. We bought this bottle from other channels."

"Leave it alone." Yan Shu urged the private room manager, "hurry to inform."

After that, Yan Shu went to the stairway outside the corridor and dialed Li xingruo\'s phone.

The phone rang for a long time before it was connected.

Yan Shu said quietly, "Xing Ruo, go to the wine cellar and help me get a bottle of 82 year old Lafite and send it to the Pearl Hotel. It should be fast, and the time should not exceed 15 minutes at the latest."

Li xingruo and Yan Xiaosui are chasing the drama with a bag of potato chips. They are puzzled and ask Yan Shu, "what\'s the situation?" "I\'ll explain to you when you arrive. There\'s no spare time now. Come here quickly." Yan Shu said, and hung up the phone before Li xingruo spoke.

"Mommy\'s phone?" Yan Xiaosui looks at Li xingruo.

Li xingruo nodded, put a large bag of potato chips in his hand on the tea table, stood up, "I\'m going to your mommy\'s Hotel, do you want to join me?"

Yan Xiaosui was stunned and didn\'t react immediately. After a long time, he asked, "is that bad uncle there?"

"I don\'t know. Your mother didn\'t say anything, so she let me deliver the wine." Li xingruo said as he walked towards the wine cellar.

Yan Xiaosui looked at Li xingruo\'s back and glanced at the housekeeping aunt in the back hall. She quietly took the potato chips on the tea table, grabbed several pieces, and quickly stuffed them into her mouth.

In the wine cellar, Li xingruo stood in front of the wine cabinet, looking for Raffi\'s shadow.

As a result, I didn\'t see it after looking around.