Daoist Changes the World

Chapter 943

"Cold ~..."

"Heat ~..."

Yi Heng\'s skin is divided into two parts evenly.

Half frozen, half burnt.

When space is broken, everything in space turns into ashes.

The word "gen" wrapped around him just exhausted the mysterious phase. At the moment of his coma, he disappeared.

He fell from the void.

Beneath me is an abyss, an endless void.

In the abyss, two mysterious clouds, one red and one white, are intertwined.

The red is like fire and the white is like snow. They are clearly distinguished but intertwined. They are like two red and white ribbons, tightly intertwined.

His unconscious body happened to fall at the junction of the two ribbons.

With the eyebrow center as the boundary, the left body is pressed on the white ribbon and the right body is pressed on the red ribbon.

But far away, there are ribbons. In fact, there are two huge breath.

The two breaths did not lift his body.

He was still falling rapidly in the smell of red and white.

Cold on the left and hot on the right.

His body seems to be a medium for the mutual transmission of two breaths.

Cold and heat constantly alternate and fuse in the body.

Take the center of the eyebrow as the boundary.

The left face is like white frost and the right face is like charcoal.

In a coma, I can\'t bear the pain of indistinguishable heat and cold.

The mouth can\'t help repeating: "cold ~, hot ~..."

The body is still falling in the abyss.

The two huge breaths are like winding dragons.

He fell quickly between the two dragons.

With the fall of the body, cold and heat are no longer limited to the flesh.

Has been deep into the bone marrow, into the purple house, enveloping the soul.


The eyes of the soul giant in the purple mansion opened violently.

The soul giant was unconscious and couldn\'t move.

But the heat and cold that went deep into the soul woke it up.

However, at this time, it does not focus on hot and cold issues.

In the chaos of the purple mansion, the cold and hot breath intertwined with each other.

In an instant, even from scratch, a dazzling point was formed and hung in the chaos.

The dazzling light makes it have to squint.

The huge face showed a look of extreme doubt.

The dazzling light faded slowly.

At this time, it can see the point of light.

A stone the size of a needle tip.

It opened its eyes wide.

Yi Heng also opened his eyes.

When the soul wakes up, he naturally wakes up immediately.

But he was so surprised that he forgot to use mana to stop the falling body.

In the purple mansion, as the two smells alternated on the stone, the stone the size of the needle tip grew slowly.

It seems that the extremely mysterious energy comes from the depths of the abyss, finds a suitable place in the chaos and derives this stone.

The size of the tip of a needle, to the size of a nail, takes only two breaths.

The more the fall, the more unbearable the feeling of cold and heat.

Only then was he aware that he was still falling.

But the mana in the body cannot work, and the power of the soul is also imprisoned.

Trying to resist the sky and stop the falling body, I can\'t do it.

In the purple mansion, the stones the size of nails continue to increase.

Strange light emanated from the stone.

"Star, star stone...!"

The body of the soul giant suddenly shook, and the power of the soul began to loosen.

Yi Heng\'s face changed dramatically.

"The alternation of cold and heat, yin and Yang, death and life, whether or not to follow..."

He couldn\'t help whispering an obscure formula.

What the body or soul feels is by no means as simple as cold and heat.

This is Yin and Yang, this is Liangyi, this is from scratch, endless.

Dry is heaven, and heaven is vigorous, eternal and living.

The four virtues of Qianzhi: yuan henglizhen is the essence of the way of heaven, and its core is the word "Sheng".

Yuan is the beginning of all things, Heng is the growth of all things, profit is the pursuit of all things, and chastity is the formation of all things.

Yuan is born in spring, Heng is long in summer, benefit is autumn harvest, and Zhen is winter storage.

Zhenxia Qiyuan, winter goes and spring comes, and another cycle begins.

As a result, it will continue to grow, change day by day, and always maintain its vitality.

"It turns out that heaven is healthy, and a gentleman keeps improving himself..."

The expression on Yi Heng\'s face became more and more relaxed.

All wounds healed and fused to perfection at the speed visible to the naked eye in the intersection of yin and Yang.

Like a newborn baby, she gradually gets a new life.

The eyes of the soul giant became more and more serene.

On the huge body, the power of the slowly flowing soul is as real as the essence, mysterious and solid.

When his mind moved, his rapidly falling body floated steadily in the air.

He is still lying on his back in the center of the two breath, allowing Yin and yang to alternate, connect, grow and breed in his body.

At this time, you can no longer feel cold and hot.

Like the rocks on the dry star, it gradually integrates with the whole heaven and earth.

In the purple mansion, the hanging star stone is half the size of a fist.

The strange light illuminates the whole body of the soul giant.

Like the formation of hundreds of millions of star stones on the dry star stone, the star stone, from scratch, from green to mature.

An hour passed.

Ten days passed.

In the purple mansion, the light emitted by the star stone has been ten feet long.

Another ten days passed.

The light gradually shrinks until it is one foot two feet.

The light is no longer changing, and the yin-yang breath, which is constantly crisscross on the star stone, exits the purple mansion like water.

Yi Heng couldn\'t help showing a moving color in his eyes.

Under heaven, all are mole ants.

The last time I got the Enlightenment of heaven inherited by Hongjun\'s ancestors on earth, I haven\'t had time to sort it out.

What Hongjun\'s ancestors realized was the Enlightenment of the birth of the earth.

But looking at the earth with one person is just a glimpse of the leopard and a drop in the ocean. How can he personally witness that a star stone has never been there at this time?

What kind of luck is it to feel the endless way of heaven again and experience it in your own purple house?

So he couldn\'t help being moved.

Although I don\'t know what the function of this star stone is, he has gained a lot from being able to interpret the way of heaven so closely.

It turns out that this is the secret of dry star.

It suddenly occurred to him.

Everyone thought that the dry star could only rely on the star stone, or because the star stone could enhance its strength as quickly as possible, no one was willing to risk entering here to understand the way of heaven.

It turns out that mortals and friars only care about their immediate interests.

In the purple mansion, the breath of yin and Yang retreating like water gradually weakened.

Suddenly, he was startled and stood upright.

In the purple mansion, there are still two breaths on the star stone.

Like guarding the star stone, he didn\'t withdraw from the purple mansion with other yin-yang breath.

He didn\'t stay on dry star long.

But it is no exaggeration to say that he has seen enough starstones.

But he has never seen such a situation on any star stone, no matter how precious it is.

Is it.

Just as he was trying to figure it out, he stared straight at the wall in front of him.

This is a bottomless abyss, he already knew.

This is the depths of the dry star planet, and he knows it.

But he didn\'t know that there would be such a frightening scene on the wall in the abyss deep in the dry star.