Daoist Changes the World

Chapter 265

"with this strength, we should forge ahead bravely. In the future, our defense of the southwest theater will surely attract the world\'s attention again. This time, Yimen will win." Yan Changkong roared.

But in any case, it was impossible to mobilize the morale of the people. Everyone was staring at him, but no one began to speak.

At the beginning of the foundation construction, some elders wanted to shout, but only weakly called out twice. Then they found that the crowd did not make a sound, so they stopped, embarrassed.

As for Luo Weiji, Wu Nan and others, they are even more embarrassed to shout.

Yan Changkong saw this, his face was a little gloomy, but he had no choice but to start to arrange the battle. From here, it can be seen that the Zerg, 40 or 50 miles away, are densely covered with bottomless caves, but it seems that they are still pouring out.

Since a few months ago, the Zerg seem to have wisdom. Instead of rushing alone, they concentrate at the cave entrance and finally attack together.

"This time, I think our luck will not be as bad as last time. There are late stage and several mid-term Zerg. Even if there are, we need not be afraid."

After a little pause, he continued: "therefore, elder Wu and other middle and later elders first scattered the Zerg in the air. In the early stage, the friars led the monks in the Qi refining period to give the scattered Zerg a head-on attack."

Yan Changkong learned a lesson this time and did not dare to advance all the way as last time. After all, the threat of the sect leader Lin Wufeng was still in his ears.

"As for elder Yi Hengyi, elder Zeng Yushu and elder Zeng, they were too tired last time. This time, they will rest on the sidelines for a while, but please be ready to help everywhere." He knew that if they were not arranged, the others would not set out.

"Let\'s go." Yan Changkong finished the arrangement and roared. He took the lead in leading Luo Weiji and Wu nan to fly toward the Zerg, leaving behind all the voices of discussion.

No need to listen carefully, he can know that the people are certainly discussing why they arranged Yi Heng\'s affairs in this way, but even if they are dissatisfied, what\'s the matter?

These two people must cool a cool, want to come to this two people certainly guess their own mind, dare not openly oppose.

People were still talking about it a moment ago, but when they turned around, they stopped talking when they saw that the dense Zerg had gathered and began to climb towards them.

For the coming battle, what can be compared with this one?

What can be compared with one\'s own life if he is likely to lose his life?

Those above the eighth floor were flying in the air, those below the eighth floor were flying on the treetops. Their eyes were killing and their faces were cold. They rushed toward the Zerg people more than 40 miles away.

Zeng Yushu turned his head and looked at Yi Heng, and his heart was filled with admiration again.

Yi Heng saw that he turned his head and did not wait for him to speak. He said: "if you admire him, don\'t open your mouth. Remember that your task is to save people. More importantly, you should deceive him after saving people." With that, he ran after them in the air.

Zeng Yushu was eager to open his mouth and almost cried out: "this is not a hoax." But thought that the crowd did not go far away, will be heard, this quickly shut up, a bitter smile, this just chase.

In the heart thought, this time, kill a happy idea, and failed.

Yan Changkong is in the middle, Luo Weiji is on the left, Huang Deming is on the right, and the three of them are flying ahead.

Qiu Xiyin and others followed the three men about a mile at the beginning of the foundation construction, and then there were more than 300 disciples who were more than eight layers of Qi refining.

On the top of the treetop, the disciple leaped to the last.

Yi Heng and Zeng Yushu are like pressing the array, and they follow them far away.

In the front, in the back, up and down a few roads toward the black Zerg to meet.

"Master, there\'s only one middle stage on the left side of Master Wu Nan\'s right side. I\'ll take the middle level one middle stage. After a full blow, I\'ll immediately drop down to disperse the dense Zerg on the ground. Then I\'ll come up and kill one of them."

"Changkong? You... " Luo Weiji was just in the late stage of promotion and wanted to show his skills. Naturally, he would not be afraid and was very confident.

Yi Heng and Zeng Yushu have been suppressing Yan Changkong for a long time, but there is no hope. Now, we can finally raise our eyebrows. We believe that with one strike, we will be able to beat back the middle stage of this stage. However, Yan Changkong is only in the middle stage of foundation construction, so is he not worried?

"Master, it doesn\'t matter. If I want to come, I should show my edge." Yan Changkong bit his teeth and said, although not sure, but desperate, should also be able to repel this insect.

There are countless eyes staring at him behind him, including Yi Heng and Zeng Yushu. As the commander-in-chief of this time, if they can\'t do it themselves, will they not despise him?

"Fellow members, after the three of me hit, you will all land and try your best to kill the Zerg."

At the same time, a flying sword appeared in front of the body, one by one Xun characters were involuntarily integrated into it. The flying sword instantly became illusory and ethereal, as if to drift away with the wind.

At the beginning of the foundation building behind them, the monks didn\'t answer, because they only had three first-order middle Zerg from two miles away.With the distance closer, three or four Zhang size of the body has gradually become clear, belly that cold ugly face, flashing white teeth seem to drip saliva, blue eyes exude greedy eyes.

"Dead." Although he knew that he could not kill the insect, Yan Changkong still sent out a shocking roar. This roar opened the prelude to the battle, and also opened the prelude to the simultaneous fighting of four war zones.

I saw the flying sword in front of him with all his strength to cut the middle level Zerg in the middle. Even if he could not be hurt, he must also cut back the tusk to pave the way for the strategy of this war and make the strategy successful.

"Disease." "Disease." Two times, Luo Weiji and Wu An didn\'t roar like him, but judging from their red faces, they certainly did their best.

Yan Changkong flying sword in front, Luo Weiji and Wu An flying swords in the back, like three Changhong, cut off to their respective targets.

Before waiting for the result, the three men immediately descended. They read the formula in their mouth and waved their hands in a hurry. One by one, Xun characters were transformed into various kinds of magic weapons, and they hit the dense Zerg on the ground.

If you don\'t quickly break up the Zerg that follow on the ground, they will immediately fall into the insect sea after they fall behind. Then this war will be like the last time, and this time, there is no need for those two people to fight.

"Qiang, Qiang, Qiang." Three times sound, the three first level middle Zerg in the sky are as expected by Yan Changkong. They are chopped on top of the double crabs by flying swords. Although they are not injured, how easy is it to hit them with all their strength? He was beaten back twenty or thirty feet in an instant.

"Bang, Ba, ba..." Yan Changkong did not look at the results of the battle in the sky. The magic skills condensed in their hands fell like a torrent of rain in the dense swarm of insects. They didn\'t need to be locked by the spirit, so they could fight where they were.

At the most, the first level of Zerg on the ground, where can they stand the magic power played by three people in a few breath? In an instant, the dead, the wounded and the living were beaten back and scattered.

"Three in a team, five in a group, against the ground Zerg." Yan Changkong was just a monk in the middle of foundation construction. He played so many magic arts between his breath. Naturally, he felt extremely weak. But he knew that this was the critical moment. How dare he delay it?

The three first-order Zerg in the sky have already responded. At this time, they are facing with anger and screaming. If they can\'t meet and stop them immediately, the disciples at the early stage of foundation building and Qi refining will surely suffer death and injury.

"Master, elder Wu, we will welcome you." With a big roar, Yan Changkong flew up again and went to meet the Zerg.

"Younger martial brother Wu, take care of Changkong." Luo Weiji knew that his accomplishments were not as good as Wu\'an, so he could not distract himself from looking after Yan Changkong, who was rushing forward blindly. He had to shout to Wu\'an.

"Don\'t worry, elder martial brother. We can\'t do anything about these three first-order. Let me go and fight happily. Ha ha." Wu An boldly laughs, body shape flash, disappear in place.

Luo Weiji fixed his eyes and saw that although he was bold and forthright, but also close to Yan Changkong, he knew that he would certainly be distracted, so he put down his mind.

When you run the spirit liquid in your body, you feel your whole body is full of strength. Just after promotion, you know that the spirit liquid in the later stage is much more than that in the middle stage. Therefore, you are confident that the spirit liquid in the later stage is 100 times higher than that in the middle stage. You will rush to the Zerg in a hurry.

"The strategy seems to have worked." Looking at this scene, Zeng Yushu in the rear secretly praised it. Yan Changkong must have sent someone to check on the Zerg attacked. Only three of them were in the middle of the first stage, which made them unnecessary to attack.