Daoist Changes the World

Chapter 181

"yes, it\'s normal that you can\'t beat the eldest brother. Other people, hum, let\'s start with your younger brother Zeng.

At that time, he didn\'t even look at me, and thought that the foundation building monk was great? And your younger martial sister. Well, forget it. She still got a lot of spirit stones in those years. "

The eagle was happy again, raised its head, gathered its wings, and became majestic again.

Yi Heng looks at it, and he is silent for him. If he meets Zeng, he will fight with him. I\'m afraid that it will always hurt him. But if he doesn\'t give him some training, how can he grow up?

"Let\'s go and see where they are." Looking back, Yi Heng remembers that there are a large number of Zerg, which is so serious that the whole sect has poured out, and his heart becomes heavy again.

"Go, fight." Where does the Mao hawk know these, all he wants to do is to find Zeng Yushu to fight. He has just entered the first level and at least wants to win a fight.

One man and one eagle flew up and flew to the mountains at a very fast speed.

The journey of thousands of miles is only two or three hours for Yi Heng, even if he doesn\'t need to use the magic weapon. Besides, the hairy eagle flies faster than the magic weapon.

At this time, a big eagle flew into the depths of 100000 mountains, with about seven or eight feet of open wings. With a gentle wave, it flew forward like an arrow. The wind blew its feathers, and a monk in green was standing on his back.

With his hands on his back and staring forward, he hangs a black storage bag and a pet bag around his waist. His Taoist clothes are flying in the wind. If it is not for the dignified look on his face, he is really like an immortal who does not eat fireworks among people.

But Yi Heng is very worried. It is his first time to come to the depths of the 100000 mountains. This is the first time he has come to defend against the Zerg. I don\'t know what the situation is now?

"Boss, it\'s almost here, but why aren\'t there any Zerg?" The voice of the Mao hawk rings in the mind, at the same time, the scene of 500 Li appears in the eyes.

Since Maomaoying was promoted to the first rank, he can now share the whole range of 500 Li with him, and if he spreads all his spiritual knowledge, he can only see more than 300 Li.

"Why is it so quiet?" As we got closer and closer, we could already see the line of defense stretching for two or three hundred miles. On the defense line, there were some small wooden houses.

It was not until the psychic sense could detect that there were disciples in the cabin.

Outside the line of defense, Lin Wufeng is sitting cross legged in a small wooden house. He has been sitting for many years since his foundation was built. He can no longer feel any improvement, nor any sign of promotion to the golden elixir. Although he is not in a state of despair, he has become a habit of meditating for more than 200 years.

At this time, he spread all his spiritual consciousness and carefully examined the range of activities of other creatures, but he was still. Although he felt that he was not right, he was not afraid of seeing any other creatures.

Shifu\'s cautious look at that time has often appeared in his mind, even if more than a hundred years have passed, it is also clear.

At this time, a big eagle suddenly broke into the spirit consciousness, and a big eagle came into the spirit consciousness edge of more than 400 Li. He did not think much about it, as long as it was not a strange creature.

He was about to take back his spiritual sense, but he was shocked. The eagle was a first-class monster?

"How can the first-class monster come from here?"

In surprise, the concentrated spirit consciousness swarmed toward the eagle, which was really a first-class monster.

It\'s just an alien invasion. No matter what kind of monster it is, it\'s hiding in the deep mountain. How can there be one here? And it seems to come from the direction of the mountain gate.

Looking at the eagle flying straight to the defense line, he could not help but stand up. The first-class monster is also extremely difficult to deal with. If it is really hostile, unless the medium-term or above, it will be difficult to kill it. Now, he is the only one who has been above the middle term.

Just as he was about to fly out of the wooden house, he was shocked and surprised. At this time, in his spiritual consciousness, he felt the spiritual consciousness of a monk, and the spiritual consciousness of this monk came from the eagle\'s back.

When he looked carefully at the eagle\'s back again, the shock on his face turned into a surprise, a smile on his face, and then he was so shocked that he disappeared into the cabin.

Yi Heng, did you finally come out? Now that we can come out, the foundation must have been built, and the speculation at that time has now become a reality.

Although I don\'t know what the strength is, the spirit consciousness has reached more than 300 Li, which is obviously the scope only existed in the middle period of foundation construction, isn\'t it?

Shocked in my heart, I gazed at him with my eyes, and I felt as if I wanted to see clearly from a distance of more than 300 Li.

At this time, Yi Heng, who is more than 300 miles away, seems to feel something. He also looks up at him with a faint smile on his face.

"Master? What does he want to do? " Yi Heng on the eagle\'s back has long found Lin Wufeng from the eagle\'s eye, but now I see him galloping toward himself, and I\'m puzzled.

As he got closer and closer, he could feel the great and full momentum in the later stage of foundation construction. He could not help being nervous.

"Boss, run?" The eagle hesitated a little, and his voice trembled a little. Could it bear the big round man in the later period of foundation construction?"There is no need to worry about fighting and invincibility. Do you want to try my strength? It\'s just that you can get in and out of the forbidden area at any time by seeking high position and trust. Now is the time. "

Yi Heng felt Lin Wufeng\'s war intention, and roughly guessed the meaning of his move, but he was not afraid, even slightly happy.

"Little eagle, stop." With a light touch on the eagle\'s back at his feet, he soared up into the air, and his spirit fluid was running rapidly in his body, and his hands were secretly pinched.

The eagle felt the familiar and terrible momentum, and then flew slowly. In the blink of an eye, he fell behind Yi Heng. Watching him fly farther and farther, the Maomao eagle would never dare to catch up with him.

It knows that the fighting method of the two people in front of him can not bear even the residual power, and only dares to watch from afar.

A hundred Li, Lin Wufeng\'s eyes radiated light, and finally reluctantly saw Yi Heng flying in front of him. But how could that momentum be so strong and domineering? Do you?

The spirit liquid in the body speeds up again, the battle spirit becomes more prosperous, the interest in the eyes is more intense, and the shadow of a flying sword in front of me floats silently.

"How can it inspire me to fight so strongly? Then let\'s take a sword and see if Zeng Yushu can shoulder the heavy responsibility with your support. " Lin Wufeng did not care where Yi Heng Xiuwei came from.

Now, he only thinks of one sword.

Fifty Li, Yi Heng sees the color of curiosity in Lin Wufeng\'s eyes and the shadow of flying sword in front of him, which makes him more determined.

Just, can you catch this sword?

After that, the six cold needles whirled rapidly, and the right hand quickly pinched the finger. Six consecutive Xun characters were integrated into the cold needle. The cold needle was blessed by six Xun characters, and suddenly turned into a breeze and disappeared.

Is it his style of work to accept but not attack?

With one stroke of the left hand, a hill appears in front of the body. The left hand pinches the finger again, and one Gen word flashes away. It quickly merges into the hill. With the movement of the spirit fluid, the hill slowly gets the size of its head, which makes it extremely smart in front of the fast-moving body.

"Ha ha, that\'s good. I even want to attack." Lin Wufeng can\'t help laughing when he sees Yi Heng take out the magic weapon of Xiaoshan and display the secret formula of Gen. now he is sure that he must have entered the middle stage. With all the preparation, he will take out half of his strength.

Then he stretched out his right hand behind him. In a blink of an eye, the three Xun characters were integrated into the shadow of the flying sword, which disappeared in the air in an instant.

Thirty Li, Yi Heng\'s face is dignified.

Where will this sword come from?

With the rapid movement of the left hand, the three Gen characters merge into the hill again. The hill is more than twice as large again, and almost all the spirit liquid in the body is output.

"Is it possible that one blow will almost exhaust the spirit liquid?" Although he was shocked, his feeling told him that if he did not, he would not be able to resist the power of the sword.

Twenty Li, Lin Wufeng\'s right hand pointed at him, and a hole appeared in the void in front of him, as if something had pierced the void.

Before Yi Heng blinked his eyes, he felt a sharp pain in his chest. He did not have time to think. With a wave of his left hand, he blocked the hill in front of his chest and ran straight into it in the direction of the pain.

Heart read a move, after death has already turned into six cold needles, across the body, to more than ten miles away Lin Wufeng thorn.

Two Dantian, two hearts, two eyebrows.

The fast galloping figure gradually slowed down, a breath past, the hill did not even hit the flying sword, which made him solid surprise.

If the sword did not stab in this direction, where would it be?

In the later period of foundation construction, Da Yuanman was really unfathomable. If the flying sword could change its direction at such a speed, how amazing would it be to control the flying sword by spirit liquid.

All of a sudden, his body was shocked, and there was a loud bang. The hill seemed to encounter some huge force and was knocked back to fly back. The speed was even faster than just a few minutes.

Even the mind has no time to move, can only block the left hand in front of the body, at the same time the only remaining spirit liquid gathered on the left hand.

As soon as he was ready, the hill bumped into his left hand. He only felt a strong push like the collapse of a mountain. In an instant, he was pushed two or three miles away in the air. The Hill pushed his left hand upside down on his chest. His face turned red and a mouthful of blood gushed out.

"Fewer eagles, quick." When the spirit liquid was exhausted, his body fell down from the air. He had to call Maomao eagle to fall from the air. He was afraid that he would become the first foundation builder to be killed.

"Gee..." a high hawk, a black shadow like an arrow came through the sky, just to connect Yi Heng, who had fallen more than ten feet on his back.

The small yellow eyes of the Mao hawk, sending out a strong sense of ruthlessness, fixed on the slowly approaching Lin Wufeng.

He is tall and thin, with white hair and beard. His sword eyebrow is soaring into the sky with a smile on his face. His eyes are shining and staring at him and his boss on his back.

If it wasn\'t for the pressure of great prosperity in the later period of foundation construction, I\'m afraid it would rush to fight immediately.

But now just want to escape, far away from this seemingly kind-hearted old man, the thick and vigorous energy in his body makes him very afraid.

"Don\'t be afraid." Yi Heng\'s voice remembered in his mind, and he stopped in the air and looked at the friars five or six feet away with a slight fear and hatred."See the master." Yi Heng kept up his spirits and stood upright on the eagle\'s back as far as he could. When Lin Wufeng got outside, he bowed slightly. From the beginning to the end, he didn\'t even see the flying sword. How strong should Da Yuanman be in the later stage of foundation construction?

"Ha ha, good, good." Lin Wufeng didn\'t hold back his smile. He laughed twice, "do you know what these two sentences mean?"