Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 983

Zhao theorem had no choice but to explain coldly: "this is to avoid causing trouble to Li Xiaoyun. But since she is a good friend, why do you want to be cheap to others? "

"But if I contact him directly, others will surely say that Li Xiaoyun is brought by his relationship, especially by my relationship, which is even more different." Zhao said.

"I know that Li Xiaoyun's next cooperation will have some gossip, but if she doesn't take it, she will lose more, so I'd rather let her go." Zhao said.

"There is no way to do that." Zhao theorem said, "but as for the relationship between me and her, if we can keep it secret temporarily, avoid her being attacked by others, and avoid it, wouldn't it be better?"

Rui Changhuai nodded and thought that Zhao's explanation was very reasonable.

"The president, if it's OK, I'll go out first." Rui Changhuai said.

"Get out." Zhao waved his hand to show that Rui Changhuai was not needed for the time being.

Rui Changhuai just left Zhao's office.

But just sit back to his seat, Rui Changhuai suddenly feel like not quite right.

Even if Zhao theorem wants to keep a low profile, he doesn't want others, especially sharp potential people, to know his relationship with Li Xiaoyun.

It's always OK to contact Li Xiaoyun in private.

How can friends not be connected in private.

But Zhao theorem seems to have no such meaning at all?

Rui Changhuai slowly took a long breath and squinted.

He felt that Zhao's words were deceitful!

Of course, he didn't expect to be killed, because he didn't have the contact information of Li Xiaoyun, and he couldn't get in touch in private.

Zhao Xiaoyun is still sitting at the table with Li Xiaoyun's business card on the table.

Zhao Xiaoyun looks at Li Xiaoyun's card, but he doesn't know what he is thinking about.

After about ten minutes, Zhao decided to dial out according to the string of mobile phone numbers on his business card.

After lunch with Zhou yunyun and Lin Lingli, Li Xiaoyun goes back to the company.

Zhou yunyun and Lin Lingli go back to the office first. Li Xiaoyun wants to go to the bathroom first, so he is separated from them temporarily.

After Li Xiaoyun came out of the bathroom, he just walked back to the office door.

The arm was suddenly grabbed.

Li Xiaoyun looked back and found that it was Zheng Xuelin.

"Zheng Xuelin, what are you doing..." Li Xiaoyun had not finished her words when Zheng Xuelin grabbed her arm and left for Zhu AI.

Zheng Xuelin strides forward, and doesn't mean to worry about Li Xiaoyun's pace at all.

"Zheng Xuelin, what are you doing?" Li Xiaoyun wants to shake off his hand, but Zheng Xuelin holds it tightly. Li Xiaoyun can't shake it off at all.

Zheng Xuelin holds her arm with great strength. Li Xiaoyun even feels that his arm hurts from the flesh and bone.

Finally, Zheng Xuelin pulled Li Xiaoyun to the stairwell outside the emergency exit, and then let go.

When I let go, I even gave it a shake.

Li Xiaoyun of harm still faltered a few times.

Fortunately, the high heels she wore were not high, which was good for walking.

Otherwise, you'll be thrown to the ground.

Li Xiaoyun is aware of his current environment.

His left hand was holding his right arm, just where Zheng Xuelin had just held it.

Now it's loose, but the arm still hurts.

Li Xiaoyun frowned, squeezed his arm and said, "Zheng Xuelin, what do you want to do?"

The movement of Li Xiaoyun's left hand is just to distract Zheng Xuelin's attention.

In fact, her right hand was already in her pants pocket.

Her pants pocket is very shallow, the mobile phone just casually put on the back of the pants, fart. The pocket on the thigh.

A small part of the mobile phone is exposed outside the pocket.

Li Xiaoyun carries his right hand behind him and takes out his mobile phone.

But cell phones are still hidden behind them.

It's a pity that the mobile phone is for face recognition. Now she can only find a chance to look back and find a way to untie the screen.

Quickly dial out a phone call to anyone.

Li Xiaoyun thinks that the last call record just happened to be with Lin Lingli.

Call Lin Lingli and ask her to come with someone.

Now in the company, according to common sense, Zheng Xuelin should not do anything about her.

But who knows if Zheng Xuelin, who has suffered such a big loss and has no future, will lose his sense and do something to hurt her.

Especially now in this empty stairwell, it's hard to say.

Even if Zheng Xuelin didn't want to do anything to hurt her, now he looks like he is furious and angry.

What if Zheng Xuelin didn't control himself?

Li Xiaoyun thought it was very dangerous.And some of the brain was Zheng Xuelin pushed down the stairs and so on.

Li Xiaoyun cautious, but also specifically away from the stairs a few steps.

"I have something to tell you." Zheng Xuelin stares at Li Xiaoyun and does not relax at all.

More did not give Li Xiaoyun the opportunity to unlock his mobile phone.

Li Xiaoyun had to follow the memory, groping to see if he could enter the password by blindly touching the keyboard and unlock the phone.

At the same time, Li Xiaoyun also said: "if you have something to say, can you say it in the office? Why did you drag me here? "

And thinking of Zheng Xuelin's strength and pace, Li Xiaoyun thinks that Zheng Xuelin is very dangerous at this time.

"The office is crowded and inconvenient." Zheng Xuelin said.

Li Xiaoyun immediately said: "then we can go downstairs. We don't have to drag me here."

Zheng Xuelin sneered: "how? Are you afraid? "

"Of course I am." Li Xiaoyun said bluntly, "there is no one here. You are really angry and hurt me. What can I do?"

"You didn't do something bad. What am I afraid of hurting you?" Zheng Xuelin said coldly.

"Oh, you know, you robbed my business," he said

"Please make it clear that I didn't rob you, but the leader chose me." Li Xiaoyun said coldly, "what I said was not clear enough?"

"It's your business that's lost first, and then I'll take over. It's not that I'll take it from you." Li Xiaoyun said, "as for why you lost your business, you know it in your heart. Do you really want me to tell you?"

Zheng Xuelin's face was tight, and he grasped Li Xiaoyun's left wrist.

"Now no one, but you tell me clearly, what have I done? What do you know? Say it Zheng Xuelin gritted his teeth.

He wants to know if Li Xiaoyun is bluffing.

Li Xiaoyun looked at Zheng Xuelin and said, "let go first!"

"Zheng Xuelin, what's the skill of being a man to me?" Li Xiaoyun said coldly.