Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 975

"Lest you go out and be asked again. It's not settled yet. Let's keep a low profile. " Manager Tang said.

Li Xiaoyun gratefully agreed.

As they sat down, Li Xiaoyun couldn't help asking manager Tang: "manager Tang, why did Changlin send Mr. Rui to come here in person this time? Is the cooperation between our two families so important? I mean, this cooperation may be important to us, but Changlin doesn't like it. "

"What's more, we have to decide on a person in charge today." Li Xiaoyun felt very strange.

How do you feel? Rui Changhuai attaches great importance to it.

I feel that they attach more importance to it than their company.

Manager Tang was puzzled and shook his head: "I don't know."

Besides, there is one thing that manager Tang didn't say.

Now calm down, no Rui Changhuai in the side of covetous.

Manager Tang can also calm down and think about it carefully.

Looking back on the details of Lin's office, manager Tang found that Rui Changhuai wanted Li Xiaoyun to be in charge of it from the beginning.

Judging from the conditions put forward by Rui Changhuai, it seems to be specially prepared for Li Xiaoyun.

In fact, if you really want a stable cooperation, you can directly let President Lin be responsible for it.

With the cooperation of Gen Changlin, it will not be improper for President Lin to be in charge.

When Zheng Xuelin was in charge of the cooperation, President Lin was in charge of it.

Moreover, the position of President Lin is quite stable.

But this time, we just left Mr. Lin alone.

Let Li Xiaoyun be in charge directly, don't let manager Lin mean.

That's strange.

Manager Tang looks at Li Xiaoyun suspiciously.

Li Yun touched the manager's face and said, "why don't I know?"

After thinking about it, the Tang classic asked, "Xiaoyun, do you know Rui Changhuai?"

"I don't know. I've never seen it before." Li Xiaoyun said.

Do you know his boss?

Can also get along with so short a time, can only be regarded as understanding.

I'll see you next time. I don't know if I remember her or not.

But somehow, Li Xiaoyun couldn't stop thinking about Zhao.

"What's the matter?" Li Xiaoyun asks manager Tang.

"Nothing." Manager Tang said nothing more. "Don't think so much about it. In a word, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages for you this time."

Manager Tang Xiaoxiao: "originally thought that my position must be for Zheng Xuelin, did not expect that now there is such an opportunity, you good grasp."

"Yes." Li Xiaoyun nodded.

At this time, Lin Lingli came back with Rui Changhuai.

Lin Lingli did not come into the office, only Rui Changhuai himself came in.

As soon as Lin Lingli returned to her seat, she immediately received many wechat messages.

Zhou yunyun: "Lingli, who was that just now?"

Zhou Chuanwu: "Lingli, who is the new comer?"

Zheng Xuelin: "Lingli, is it Rui Changhuai of Changlin who just came here? What's the matter with him? "

Lin Lingli didn't return to them. She pretended to be invisible and directly called out her working papers to deal with them.

For fear of arousing Zheng Xuelin's suspicion, she didn't even dare to reply to Zhou yunyun's news.

After Rui Changhuai came into the office, manager Tang asked with a smile, "Mr. Rui, what do you think of our products?"

"Not bad." Rui Changhuai nodded, "we agreed to cooperate. Originally, we did research on Ruishi's products. This time, I feel it more intuitively. "

Then, Rui Changhuai immediately turned to the topic: "I don't know how Miss Li is thinking about it?"

"I have discussed with Xiaoyun. In the future, Li Xiaoyun will be responsible for the cooperation between us." Manager Tang said with a smile.

"That's great." Rui Changhuai said with a smile, "has manager Tang ever said that you can contact me directly for future cooperation?"

Manager Tang hasn't had time to tell Li Xiaoyun about this.

Li Xiaoyun was stunned for two seconds.

Because no matter how she will be promoted in the future, she is still an ordinary employee.

She thought she was connected with at least the same staff.

How also did not expect, unexpectedly is Rui Changhuai direct docking with her.

This is the same as the ordinary staff of Changlin directly connecting with their manager Lin.

It's too bad to wait.

But also just Leng for two seconds, Li Xiaoyun immediately responded.

He reached out to Rui Changhuai and said, "Mr. Rui, please give me more advice in the future."

Rui Changhuai looks hard at Li Xiaoyun's white hand.

I dare not hold it!

Take another look at Li Xiaoyun. She still holds out her hand, but her expression is a little embarrassed.

Li Xiaoyun heart said, Rui Changhuai is to her opinion?Why don't you shake hands all of a sudden?

Mingming also shook it at the beginning, which shows that Rui Changhuai has no strange habit of shaking hands with others.

Li Xiaoyun is about to withdraw his hand embarrassed, and his hand is grasped by Rui Changhuai.

But only one second, Rui Changhuai immediately released his hand.

Almost to Li Xiaoyun dare not imagine, has not responded.

Li Xiaoyun looks at Rui Changhuai in amazement.

I don't know if I'm dizzy. I always feel sorry and uneasy in Rui Changhuai's eyes.

Li Xiaoyun

It must be her eyes.

Rui Changhuai is sorry for her.

Rui Changhuai thought in his heart that he had held his little hand twice.

He was afraid that his year-end bonus would be gone.

On one side, manager Tang sees clearly.

I really don't think Rui Changhuai's attitude is right.

Li Xiaoyun with some careful meaning.

Do they really don't know each other?

Manager Tang thought strangely, and his eyes fell on Li Xiaoyun's face.

The little girl is very beautiful, especially beautiful.

Rui Changhuai is also a young man.

Having seen Li Xiaoyun, it's not necessary to have a good impression on him.

Manager Tang thinks that only in this way can we explain the different attitudes of Tong Rui Changhuai towards Li Xiaoyun.

Rui Changhuai took out his business card and handed it to Li Xiaoyun: "Miss Li, you can contact me directly."

Li Xiaoyun said, "OK."

Manager Tang looked at it and said to Li Xiaoyun, "Xiaoyun, go and see Mr. Rui off."

Rui Changhuai

How dare you!

Looking back, if Li Xiaoyun tells Zhao theorem, will his assistant continue to work!

"No, No." Rui Changhuai quickly waved, "Miss Li, you are busy, don't send me."

Rui Changhuai is a big customer in Li Xiaoyun's eyes.

Li Xiaoyun did not think much and said, "Mr. Rui, let me take you out."

Hearing the word "you", Rui Changhuai stirred up her energy.

See refuse, however, can only follow Li Xiaoyun to leave together.

In the presence of manager Tang, it's hard for him to say.

As soon as he left the business department, Rui Changhuai said to Li Xiaoyun, "Miss Li, you don't have to be so polite to me by honorific. I'm an assistant."