Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 966

"If you want me to tell you, what else are you dissatisfied with our son? Not long after I joined the company, I became the president's special assistant. This position sounds like a disgrace, but I've gained a lot of insight along with it! " Said Rui's mother.

"If you don't talk about anything else, don't you think you've learned all these years from their CEO? It's already good. " Rui's mother couldn't close her mouth.

Can she not be happy?

Now the neighbors say that his son is the most promising.

Mother Rui thinks so.

If his son can seize the time to get married and have a baby, regardless of boys and girls, it will be perfect.

"By the way, when it comes to your president, he is still single now?" Asked Rui's mother.

"Yes." Rui Changhuai nodded his head at will and thought of Li Xiaoyun.

But it's still a matter of speculation.

So, it's not easy to talk to my family.

Although there is no intersection between the family and the Zhao family.

But the uncertain things, Rui Changhuai has not yet said the habit.

"Hey, mom," he said Is he... "

"What?" Rui Changhuai eats a mouthful of rice and turns to look at Rui's mother in doubt.

Is it something?

"Is it gay?" Asked Rui's mother.

Rui Changhuai choked on the rice: "cough! Cough! Mom, why do you think so? "

"Well, listen to me and analyze with you." Rui's mother said, "your CEO is 37 this year, and still single. Of course, it's OK. I'm not discriminating against him

Rui Changhuai

Look at this description. Is it discrimination?

"But if your president is a playboy and wants to play in the world, he doesn't want to settle down so soon, so he doesn't want to get married. Although I can't understand it, it's always a reasonable reason." Said Rui's mother.

"But none of your chief executive's girlfriends have talked about it yet!" "It's not normal," said Rui

"He's not ugly, on the contrary, he's so good-looking! There's nothing wrong with your body. " Said Rui's mother.

Rui Changhuai feel to give Zhao theorem to clarify: "not look no problem, his body is really no problem."

Rui mother waved, said that such details do not need to care.

"As you say, people are good-looking, healthy and have a good family background. It's not normal for him to have so many good conditions to break the sky. He has no girlfriend

"There must be a lot of girls who like him, and there are many people he usually contacts, so his family certainly didn't stop to introduce him. But he has no girlfriend up to now. Unless he likes men! " Mother Rui said excitedly.

Rui Changhuai

"No I can't Rui Changhuai heart said there is a Li Xiaoyun, their president must not be gay.

Even for a while, he doubted.

But now, Rui Changhuai can be sure.

"Why not?" Rui's mother firmly believes in her own point of view, "so many things together, it's very telling."

Rui's mother suddenly looks at Rui Changhuai in horror.

Rui Changhuai

He thinks his mother's eyes are wrong.

"Chang Huai, tell me the truth." Rui's mother suddenly became serious.

Rui Changhuai

"What's the matter, Ma?" Rui Changhuai asked carefully.

"You say, has your president ever had an idea for you?" Asked Rui's mother.

"What what? Mom, what are you talking about? " Rui almost spurted out the rice.

Who knows, see Rui Changhuai this reaction, Rui mother is more suspicious.

"Changhuai, you won't I don't like men, do I? " Rui's mother looked at Rui Changhuai in horror, and she was about to cry.

Rui Changhuai was wronged to death: "what

"Why don't you say you don't fall in love? Every day I'm with your president. " Said Rui's mother.

"You two are so good-looking men. They are together every day, and they are not in love. What good things can you do?"

"Mom doesn't discriminate against homosexuals. She also supports the pursuit of true love. Let's not talk to your mother for a long time Said Rui's mother.

Rui Changhuai has a "lying trough" in his heart.

Heart said he. Mom now is to pick up the Huairou policy?

Ready to relax his guard, let him tell the truth, and then think about how to deal with him?

Ah, Pooh!

What the truth!

He doesn't like men!

He didn't hide his orientation!"Ma, what are you talking about! I like girls, I like girls! " Rui Changhuai felt that he had been wronged to death.

But Rui's mother didn't believe it: "Changhuai, OK, even if you like men."

Rui Changhuai


"Bah!" Mother Rui slapped, "I said. I mean, even if you like women. But what if your president isn't? "

Finally, Rui's father couldn't listen: "OK, OK, you still say that I'm here, don't you think about it? You see, you're scared. "

"Changhuai, think about it. Is there anything strange about your president's usual attitude towards you?" Said Rui's mother.

Rui Changhuai

"Don't think about it, Ma. I didn't fall in love because I was too busy and always worked overtime. I don't mean to work overtime on weekdays, even on holidays. You know that. " Rui Changhuai said helplessly.

"I'm so busy, how can I get to know girls and expand my social circle? Not to mention falling in love. Even if I know a good girl and want to fall in love. But I'm too busy to talk about it! I'm afraid other girls still want to abandon me and break up with me. "

Rui Changhuai's words remind Rui's mother again.

"Your president always asks you to work overtime. Is it all his conspiracy that you are so busy with your work?" Said Rui's mother.

Rui Changhuai

It's not clear, is it?

"Does he mean to give you so many jobs, make you work overtime, have no time to meet girls, have no time to fall in love? In this way, you two face each other day and night, and you can only follow him. " Mother Rui's brain is full of holes.

Rui Changhuai

"I still remember that there was a time when your president told you to work overtime very hard. You were almost living in the company at that time! " Rui's mother has a very good memory.

"Ma!" Rui Changhuai thinks that it's no good not to talk about Li Xiaoyun.

Heart silently to Zhao theorem and Li Xiaoyun said sorry.

If I don't give you up, I'll die.

"Ma! Our president has someone he likes now. " Rui Changhuai said.