Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 954

Zhao Gushen's real purpose is just to get more benefits.

It's no use getting up early.

But Zhao Gushen just lacked a suitable reason.

And now, it is Lucas who personally handed the knife to Zhao Gushen.

Morklesford was even more depressed.

What a fool Lucas is!

He had only intended to suspend Lucas for a while.

But now, he's going to fire Lucas and his stupid secretary general!

"Mr. morklesford is very happy." Zhao gu deep lips hook, "in this case, I will not beat around the Bush, I said straight."

"Go ahead, please." Said morklesford.

The city of moresford is much deeper than Lucas.

Even at this time, I didn't see his real emotion show.

"I don't want much. The membership of the International Association of chefs has increased from 15% a year to 20%

The number of ordinary members who enter the International Association of chefs is not fixed every year, according to the number of applicants each year.

Gaul is 20 percent.

Star states account for 20 percent.

15% of them are in the state of DILI.

Tuqi accounted for 10%.

China accounts for 15%.

Five countries together account for 80 percent.

The remaining 20 percent will be allocated to other countries.

Originally, Tuqi was not a strong country, but it was one of the top three gourmet countries in the world, so it was given 10% of the quota.

Xingtiao has no culinary culture. It's all a hodgepodge. Because of its strong national strength and good relationship with them, it gets 20% of the quota.

However, only 15% of China's population, which made Zhao Gushen very unhappy.

It means more places.

If he surpasses Gaul, he will not be happy and will not agree.

Therefore, Zhao Gushen's demand is not high, just equal to that of Gaul.

Rao is so, Zhao Gushen also heard mooclesifor's breath on the other end of the phone.

Obviously, no matter how deep the city is, I can't help facing Zhao Gushen now.

"There should be no problem with that." Said mocklesford, stifling.

Zhao Gushen's tusks finally came out.

This boy's ambition to carve up the international market is gone!

"There's more." Zhao Gushen continued.

"What else?" Moclesford couldn't help but turn up the volume.

Aware of the problem, he coughed twice and asked, "what else?"

"You don't think that's all I want, do you? So what did we do with lesford before? We spent a lot of money on it. " Zhao Gushen's tone sounds quite aggrieved.

Mo clesford: "and..."

Who made you work so hard?

You don't have to work so hard!

Look, I've wronged you!

"What else do you want?" Asked morclesford, gritting his teeth.

"I only mentioned the proportion of members of the International Association of chefs. There is also a quota for cadres. I will ask the assistant to send you a detailed content. " Zhao Gushen said.

Mo clesford: "and..."

How many details do you want?

Need a separate document?

Mo klesford now regrets talking to Zhao Gushen.

"In addition, the position of vice president of the International Association of chefs will be replaced this year." Zhao Gushen said, "this matter, I will tell you directly."

Mo clesford: "and..."

He's going to swear!

You're looking at the position of vice president?

You're not a cook. Who can you give it to?

Through the phone, Zhao Gushen couldn't hear what Mo klesford was thinking.

But it was as if Clifford could have guessed what he thought.

"The vice-president position, of course, is not for me," he told mcclesford

What does he want a vice president for?

He can't tell so much.

Besides, if you can let others do more, why do you do more by yourself?

"But I have a special fit here." Zhao Gushen said.

"You said Said morklesford, tired.

Heart said you can be happy, finished in one breath.

Zhao Gushen said: "I have a younger brother, Zhao Guxian, who is also a very good cook and serves as the director of the international Chefs Association."

Moclesford is really impressive.

He can't remember the name of a member of the International Association of chefs.But some people at the top, he knows.

In particular, Zhao Guxian is Zhao Gushen's younger brother.

There is such a layer of relationship in the nature of morclesford more attention.

And also on guard, for fear of Zhao Gushen infiltrating something from the inside.

As a result, it was not prevented.

Now, Zhao Guxian will not be a director, he will be a vice president!

Back, the president must give it to him!

"My brother is very excellent, and he won the second place in the international cooking competition the year before last." Zhao Gushen said.

"I don't know if you remember how the second place came from? When the judges were judging, it wasn't very fair. Chinese netizens have been making trouble for a while. " Zhao Gushen said.

"It's not that I played tricks on you, but that I was really unwilling to lose at that time." Zhao Gushen said. "Because the player who won the first place is in your system."

China, of course, is a unique system.

Not only in international relations, we all guard against China.

Even in this kind of competition, it's also a defense.

Zhao Gushen thought it was ridiculous.

At the same time, we also realize that we are not strong enough.

Otherwise, can this make zhao gu Xian second because of unfair judgment?

"But even if it's not the first, with his strength, when he is a vice president, I don't feel aggrieved by your international Chefs Association, do I?" Zhao Gushen said.

Mo clesford: "and..."

What happened?

What do you mean, when you become a vice president, you still wronged your brother?

"I certainly recognize Zhao Guxian's strength, but he is still too young to have prestige. I'm afraid he can't convince the public. " Said morklesford.

"Prestige is given to the president. As a vice president, what prestige do you want? Strength is enough. What's more, he is now a member of the Council and has a great reputation in the association. " Zhao Gushen said, "and even if I vote, I have a lot of votes. If Mo klesford can cooperate, then Gu Xian is sure to win. "

Mo klesford, of course, has their own nominees.

Zhao Gushen said: "I know you want to nominate hawklian."

"It's just that according to the number of votes in our hands, it's really not certain that hawkland will be elected." Zhao Gushen said.

Moclesford was surprised.

When, Zhao Gushen has been ready to this degree!