Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 892

"You don't have to use the original words. Anyway, that's what it means. Let Ann organize her own language." Zhao Gushen said.

Lu Chenghong nodded.

Is Zhao Gushen the president.

In a short time, I think of this method, let them take the lead in standing at the commanding height of morality.

Take advantage of Zhuang Mingyan to have not thought of this layer, buckle down for her first.

When Zhuang Mingyan reacts, it's too late to say anything.

What can be said and what should be said has long been said by Changping.

So Lu Chenghong rushed to inform an Haiyin.

After receiving the notice, Ann was relieved.

At least we know what direction to control the field.

"Sorry, audience friends, today's final is developing in a direction that the organizer, the five judges and I, as the host of this competition, did not expect." Said Anne.

"Today's competition should have been wonderful, but there was an unexpected accident in the judges' scoring." "I also heard the audience protest," anheyin said

"For such a result, I only represent myself, and I am very sorry." An Haiyin said, "however, from the beginning to the end, the organizers of Changping cooking competition have adhered to the principle of not interfering in the judges' scores."

"Moreover, the organizers also believe that the judges invited to the competition can give a fair score." Said Anne.

"This is a situation that the organizers did not expect." "But even so, in the current situation, the organizers still decided to stick to the original principles," said an

"Don't interfere in the judges' scoring." Said Anne.

"So you don't interfere?" The audience said.

"It's obvious that Zhuang Mingyan is making a blind comment!"

"But did you find that, in addition to giving Ye Fei ultra-low scores, Zhuang Mingyan gave other players low scores, but at least she could achieve a balance. It's about two points lower than other judges. If you add those two points up, it will be similar to the scores given by other judges to the contestants. "

"In this way, although the players add less points to her, there is no big gap between them. Only Ye Fei, who scored very low. I thought, she must have more face. Otherwise, it's possible to give ye Fei a score or a fraction of a point. "

"Because the gap is too big, ye Fei, let alone with Tian Peng, even with the gap between the ninth also gradually widened

"If the organizers of Changping competition continue to keep Zhuang Mingyan's score, other players will not be affected. Ye Fei is the only one who has an impact

"In this way, ye Fei has already lost the qualification to compete for the championship." The man analyzed, "but don't forget, ye Fei is Zhao Gushen's wife."

"But now she is obviously bullied by Zhuang Mingyan, but the competition still chooses to respect the principle at the beginning and not interfere with the judges' scoring." The man said, "it means that ye Fei will lose the game."

"Do you remember what ye Fei and Zhao Gushen said when they made it public? They have made it clear that they will not use their power to give ye Fei any convenience. It's all up to the judges and their ability to score. "

"Even though Zhuang Mingyan has obviously targeted Ye Fei, Zhao Gushen doesn't do anything to Zhuang Mingyan and adheres to the principle of the competition." There's already some admiration on this face.

"It shows that what ye Fei and Zhao Gushen said to us at that time was serious." The man said, "even now, Zhao Gushen has no intention to use his right to fight for ye Fei."

"Treat Ye Fei as an ordinary player." The man said, "you can think about it. If ordinary people take part in the competition, what will Changping do to Zhuang Mingyan?"

The audience around him thought for a moment and shook their heads hesitantly.

Because I know the relationship between Ye Fei and Zhao Gushen.

That's why they are confident that Zhao Gushen will do something for ye Fei.

It's strange for ordinary people to choose Changping now.

"So, I think ye Fei is Zhao Gushen's wife outside the competition. But on the field, she is the same as other players, which is what Zhao Gushen and ye Fei want to express. Even if they are wronged, as long as they are on the field, they will not do anything and will not let Ye Fei do anything special. "

"At the beginning, when Zhao Gushen and ye Fei said these words, there were still many people who didn't believe them. They just thought they said it well. Whether there was any water in the score or not, only the judges themselves knew the score given by the judges."

"The judges gave a high score, but they insisted that ye Fei's food was worth the score, even if it was not delicious, we didn't know." The man said, "just now, someone else had this idea, didn't they?"

"But now, at least Ye Fei and Zhao Gushen have proved to us that they did what they said and did not do favoritism." The man said, "and the real favoritism is just Zhuang Mingyan."On the stage, an Haiyin said: "the organizers of Changping competition will not operate the scores of players. So the score continues. "

"But we need to end this farce as soon as possible. So, after that, I won't publish the scores one by one. We will directly put the original score forms filled in by the judges one by one onto the big screen to calculate and update them in real time. "

"The audience is also welcome to supervise." Ann said in a deep voice.

By this time, there was no smile on her face.

Even the professional smile of the host has disappeared, with a serious face.

Obviously, I'm very disappointed that the competition has been carried out to such a great extent.

This stage is no longer the stage where she can laugh.

"Before the scores are made public, I still have to say something. However, the following words only represent my personal views. "

"On this stage, I still stand here, as my professional ethics as a host. But, more than that, I can't do it. Even if it's just a professional smile, I'm sorry, I can't show it. "

"This stage has lost its significance because it is obvious that people are complaining about dissatisfaction. It has made people unable to laugh, but it has become very ridiculous. "

"Of course, it has nothing to do with the Changping competition and the organizers. Just now, I received from the organizer, Mr. Lu Chenghong and Mr. Zhao Gushen, President of Changping group. The game continues according to the rules

"Changping is the party that makes the rules, but also the party that respects and abides by them."