Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 889

"Although both Zhao Gushen and ye Fei, as well as the five judges, have always stressed that they will definitely score fairly, what they really want is to be at ease. They are the only ones who know what is fair or unfair. "

"You are also very strange. Ye Fei has been acting strangely since the beginning." Some people couldn't see it. "OK, as you said, we haven't tasted Ye Fei's food. It's hard to say. But ye Fei's cooking process is in everyone's eyes

"People with such skills, you say her food tastes bad?" The man sneered, "basic skills are so solid, cooking taste may be mediocre, but not bad."

"If you think Zhuang Mingyan's evaluation is true and reliable, you can believe it. So just after each round, in Zhuang Mingyan's evaluation, apart from the general idea that the food is not suitable and lacks what she expected, did she say that ye Fei's food is not delicious? "

"As for what she didn't expect, who knows what she expected? Ye Fei asked, and she couldn't tell The man sneered coldly, "I'm afraid you forgot that Zhuang Mingyan was dumb and speechless when asked in the first round."

"If ye Fei's food has no problem in taste, and it has all kinds of color and fragrance. Even if you don't get a high score, it's not so different from other players, right? That's not the same 6:00 as other players, but 4 points! If there's a curve for you to compare, it's a pit to Ye Fei! "

"Doesn't that mean that Zhuang Mingyan is deliberately targeting Ye Fei and using her identity as a judge to seek personal gain? No matter whether ye Fei's food is good or bad, she just wants to use her power to suppress Ye Fei! No matter how excellent Ye Fei is, as long as Zhuang Mingyan is here, she won't be the first! "

"That I also want to say that many of us have eaten Ye Fei's food. " Someone said.

This man hasn't spoken just now.

Now I can't hold back: "did you forget? In the first game, the title of the game was street food. What ye Fei was doing at that time was string burning. "

"Anyone who got the coupon at that time could eat it." The man said, "I went to eat anyway."

With that, he thumbed up: "thieves are delicious."

"It's not easy to make an ordinary kebab with such an unusual taste by the ingenious thought of seasoning." The man said, "although I haven't eaten such a high-end restaurant as Michelin, I don't want to go to restaurants with an average consumption of seven or eight hundred per capita and one thousand per capita. Because of my work and the celebrations of my relatives and friends in private, I don't want to go to them less."

"To tell you the truth, the per capita consumption of 1000 yuan, a meal, is not low." The man said, "but in that restaurant, I haven't had Ye Fei's kebab."

"Don't say kebabs are too elegant. Kebabs are just a form. If you take the meat off the signature and change it into a new kind of plate, it will give you a sense of high-end. Do you believe it Said the man.

"But I've never tasted that again." The man said regretfully, "to tell you the truth, I've been thinking about it ever since that game."

"I'm looking forward to it. If only Ye Fei could open a restaurant. Even if the price is very expensive, I'll go there." Said the man.

"But ye Fei is Mrs. Zhao. Even if she opens a restaurant, she may not cook herself." Someone said.

"Even if she doesn't cook, she just directs and gives the recipe to someone else to do it." The man said, "I'm not demanding."

With that, the man turned to the one who had been saying bad things about ye Fei, "but if you say ye Fei doesn't taste good, it's a lie."

"At least I've tasted Ye Fei's food. Have you ever tasted this one who said Ye Fei's food is not delicious?" Said the man.

The man who had been saying bad things about ye Fei froze and said, "of course I have."

"OK, then show me the food coupon you got." The man said, "all the food coupons bought on Changping app have order records."

"I Unload me The man stammered again.

"Hey The man sneered, "how so coincidentally, ask you for evidence, you said unload?"

"I can take out the order record, can you?" The man sneered.

Next to him, someone began to coax: "app can be installed after it is unloaded. Why don't you just reload it? "

"I don't think you've eaten at all!"

"No, it's here. It's not delicious."

"No hammer, Diao!"

The man was so angry that he couldn't say anything.

"Now it can be proved that Zhuang Mingyan is aiming at Ye Fei on purpose!"

"No matter how delicious Ye Fei's food is, it's useless. Zhuang Mingyan will definitely give her a low score. Don't believe it, watch it!"

"I remember that Zhuang Mingyan didn't find anything wrong with the food in the back. At that time, if Zhuang Mingyan still gives a low score, will it prove that Zhuang Mingyan is deliberately picking fault? ""If so, some people say that it's because ye Fei's cooking is not delicious, and they think that Zhuang Mingyan is the just one, it's really speechless."

Zhao Gushen's eyes were fixed on the big screen on the stage.

Because of the four points Zhuang Mingyan scored.

Let Ye Fei from the original first, directly fell to the ninth.

Second to last!

If it wasn't for ye Fei's good foundation, this round would have been the last one!

Originally also thought, ye Fei every round lead a little bit, even if a little ups and downs, but slowly accumulated, also can lead a lot.

But now it seems impossible.

If Zhuang Mingyan scores like this every round.

Ye Fei has no suspense and will be the last one.

If ye Fei really lost because of his strength, even if he won the last place, ye Fei would be upright and would not have any influence.

But now, just because of Zhuang Mingyan's deliberately low score, let Ye Fei become the last, so dishonourable lost the game.

How frustrating it is!

Zhao Gu's heart is pulled up and looks at Ye Fei on the stage.

Ye Fei looks calm and stands behind her cooking table.

But Zhao Gushen knows that ye Fei's heart is far from as calm as the performance.

"Or stop the game first." The old lady couldn't bear to look at Ye Fei.

"No way." Zhao Gu said in a deep voice, "Ye Fei won't want us to be like this."

"It's Zhuang Mingyan's fault and her dishonor to deliberately score low." Zhao Gushen said, "but we interrupt the game because we abuse our power."