Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 873

What's going on?

He just wanted to help her pick up the snacks. Why didn't she give up?

Don't say, this woman has a lot of strength!

"You let go." Zhao's face is still surrounded by snack bags. He can only gnash his teeth.

Li Xiaoyun was stunned for a moment. This person's voice is very nice.

Zhao's face was blocked by the snack bag, and she didn't see it.

"No, you can't let go!" Li Xiaoyun shakes his head without thinking.

When Li Xiaoyun came, he noticed that Zhao Gushen was sitting several places apart.

There are three more seats next to him.

I don't know what to do if I don't see the figure of the two elders and the little guy of the Zhao family.

Next to them are Zhao Dinghuan and Chi Jingsi.

She didn't know Zhao Dinghuan and Chi Jingsi.

Now the situation is a bit awkward, and Li Xiaoyun has no time to look at it carefully.

Of course, I didn't see the similarities on their faces.

She saw Zhao Gushen, but she had no friendship with him.

Now I don't care to say hello.

Besides, the competition on stage has already started, and she is sorry to disturb.

Zhao's theorem

"I want to take your bags down first!" Zhao clenched his teeth and said, "would you like to hang it on my face all the time?"

“……” Li Xiaoyun was silent for a moment and said, "don't you want to throw my snacks?"

Zhao's theorem

Is this woman with a brain hole?

"What am I throwing your snacks for?" I said, "do I have a grudge against you? You keep hanging this bag on my face? "

"Will you let me watch the game or not?" Zhao Yidao.

Li Xiaoyun

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Li Xiaoyun says quickly, also followed loose hand.

So I put the snacks at my feet first.

At this moment, Li Xiaoyun finally saw Zhao's face clearly.

I didn't expect that Zhao's voice is good and people look good!

It's just looking older than Zhao Gushen.

However, there is a certain charm of mature men.

Li Xiaoyun thinks that generally speaking, people with good voice and good appearance are disappointed.

Many of them are not ugly.

It's just inferior to the sound.

In particular, the sound is too pleasant, giving people too high expectations.

With the sound, the brain will unconsciously make up a very handsome face.

When the owner of the voice shows his true face on the road, if it does not conform to his expectations, it will inevitably disappoint people.

When Li Xiaoyun just listened to the voice of Zhao theorem, he had no time to make up for Zhao theorem.

However, in spite of this, the appearance of Zhao's theorem still amazes Li Xiaoyun.

"It's really I'm so sorry. " Li Xiaoyun has a higher tolerance for good-looking people.

What's more, I'm really sorry for Zhao theorem.

Zhao heart tired of waving, just hope that this woman away from him, can not sit next to him.

Who knows, think so, the next second, see Li Xiaoyun sat next to Zhao theorem.

Zhao's theorem

He must not go out today.

"Well?" Li Xiaoyun sits down and sees Ye Fei's expression. His mind is not on Zhao theorem.

Although Li Xiaoyun likes to appreciate beauty.

Zhao theorem is the best among beauties.

But she's not crazy.

It's just appreciation. It's not like a young girl's fantasy about beauty.

Or because the other party looks good, some at a loss, blush, mind can not control.

Li Xiaoyun for good-looking people, enjoy the end is over.

Stars look more beautiful, just look at them.

I don't want to be silly just for a handsome guy.

Moreover, Li Xiaoyun thinks that as a professional woman in a new era, she still has some independence and immunity to men.

It is with age, the more knowledge, the less attention to these romantic.

Men can't rely on themselves.

It's good to be single for a while. It's good to be single all the time.

In love and marriage, there is still a lot of depression to be born in the future.

There is no single happiness.

You can do whatever you want. You don't have to accommodate anyone.

You can go to play whenever you like.

Don't look at each other's time and scruples.

I work hard to earn money and bear what I want.

If you can afford a part, you have to bear a part first.If you want anything else, just wait in the list.

In a few more years, I will be able to satisfy myself.

This kind of self satisfaction can not be given by others.

What's more, now that ye Fei's expression is wrong, Li Xiaoyun doesn't have any idea to focus on others.

"Godmother!" Suddenly, a crisp voice sounded.